Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2718: The 2719 魑 charm 魍魉 2

In order to avoid the chasing and killing of the Xuanyuan Emperor, these four guys fled together, hid in the Hell River, accompanied together, and committed evil, became a tyrant of the river, because they were accompanied by four people, doing bad things together for a long time. The tactical cooperation with the tacit understanding, the strengths of each person to the extreme, far from the only rivers that only know the single and the savage evils comparable.

At that time, the ancestors of the Styx River were practicing the ninth meeting of the Yuanshen, lurking in the bottom of the river, and the king of Ashura and the emperor of the emperor rushed to endlessly, and did not have time to marry them. These four guys are ferocious, but also very smart. Never touch the mold of these three giants, so I have always been safe,

Later, the Tibetan Bodhisattva led a group of Buddhist disciples to conquer the Styx River at the time of the Styx River. It was also the same as the Taiyin Mountain. It was just that the three giants had always been discord, and they called every day, too ununited, and finally let the Tibetan Buddha Conquest, King Ashura and Emperor Shih Tian became the guardian of the Buddha, and the ancestors of the Styx have been sleeping until now (whether he is still in the river, or whether he is alive, there is no conclusion yet).

At that time, the Tibetan Bodhisattva also included the four singers, because the Buddha was kind and looked at them with some skill, so they did not destroy them, only branded them in their knowledge, cut some of their anger, and then sent Go to hell, let them do evil, and look forward to being in hell.

Ye Shaoyang has never seen them, but I heard about their deeds and legends.

They used to be exotic animals, and they were extremely strong. They were later cut, but they were not as powerful as before, but they should not be underestimated. In particular, the four people fit in the battle, far exceeding the sum of their respective strengths.

"Hey, hey, four brothers, I haven’t caught people together for a long time. I don’t want to come here to deal with a human mage... Hey, Ye Shaoyang, you have to come up with strength, don’t let my brothers down.” Bat The charm of the form is smiling, the attitude is arrogant, and the feeling of Ye Shaoyang is not seen in the eyes.

Ye Shaoyang looked at them and asked: "Is the Chujiang King sent you?"

"Chu Jiang Wang named me and my boss, but I also did not move my four brothers together, but I am not afraid to tell you, I am waiting for the life of the Tibetan Bodhisattva, especially to you."

"Tibetan Bodhisattva, take me?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Take you, want your mountain seal."

Shan Haiyin... Ye Shaoyang’s heart is sinking. Although Shan Haiyin is a three-bounded treasure, it’s not very useful for the bu-buddy of the Tibetan Bodhisattva. He wants Shan Haiyin, and most of them don’t want to leave this thing in the world. .

It’s just... why did he shoot himself, and sent these four vicious combination of evil spirits... This thing is extraordinary, then, he is the son of the heavenly election, and the Tibetan Bodhisattva rushes to his own, is not afraid of the Emperor accurate?

All this must be for a reason. However, the current enemy, he did not have time to think about this, holding the handle of the Seven Star Longquan sword in one hand, and rushing to the four people, said coldly: "Do you think I will give you a mountain seal?"

"Of course not, therefore, I have also said that the brothers must take you first, send them to Zhao Prison, and then torture them, not afraid of not saying."

Ye Shaoyang chuckles. "You are very confident."

"Ye Shaoyang, people often say that people have a sigh of relief, ghosts have nine lives, you are just a Master, how can we fight over us?"

"As far as I know, ghosts only have one life." With a bang, Ye Shaoyang pulled Longquan sword in his hands. "Don't talk nonsense, come on!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The four brothers of the enchanting screaming laughed and rushed over Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang’s sword is quite up.

Chengde, Ningliu County, on the water mirror mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a spring, the spring water flowing into the middle of the mountain, forming a lake, the lake is clear, far away, like a huge mirror, hence the name.

Because of the better feng shui, in the early years, there was a traveling monk who built a sect called "Shuishengmen" here. He practiced spells and formed a martial art. He repaired the Buddha's magic, but did not practice Buddhism, so it was considered a folk practice. The sect, in the magical world, is insignificant.

The boss of this sect was also brought by Laoqiu and was seen by Ye Shaoyang. It is called Liang Bingcheng. His strength is average, but there are many disciples.

Shuijing Mountain is located in Ningliu County, relatively close to the ancient tomb. Not long ago, Ye Shaoyang was inhaled into the tomb. After seeing no one, the matter spread to several local magic martial art. Everyone shook, in the old autumn. Under the call, several elite disciples of the martial art came to the nearest water mirror mountain from the ancient tomb, assembled and prepared for the war. Although they do not even know where the enemy is.

"This place has good feng shui, but it is a pity." Outside the mountain gate, the road wind stood and looked up at the mountain.

Lao Guo nodded: "It's good, but the aquatic door doesn't know much about feng shui. If you don't use it well, it's definitely a good place to cultivate."

"You can help them."

"This is no problem, but I don't have this thought now. I will save them from Shaoyang first." Lao Guo shook his head. "Well, you are coming, I will not worry. Let's go up the mountain, everyone will discuss What to do next."

The road followed him, along the way to the top of the mountain, in front of it is a building that looks like a temple. The land is very wide. It is built according to the mountain and piled up on the top of the mountain.

It can be seen that this martial art is still very rich.

At the gate, there were several people who stood in the shape of a mage, and they saw them coming up. Their eyes fell on the face of the road, and their eyes did not turn.

The wind brows slightly, and Lao Guo looks in his eyes and says to him: "These are the bosses of the local sects. I heard that you are coming, very excited and want to meet you."

"I am not coming to see people."

"I know, but these are my friends. You have to give me a face. You can't let them have a happy day. Also, if you want to save Shaoyang, they must help them. They can't do it, but there are many people. It’s a local, it’s awkward...”

The road winded him and walked toward the temple.

"You are...the wind!!" The old autumn took the lead and greeted the wind. The look was very exciting. It was more exciting than seeing Ye Shaoyang. After all, Ye Shaoyang was no longer a fork. After all, he was also a human master. The wind has always been a legendary figure. Although several major sects must draw a line with him, he is a legend to the majority of the grassroots mage in these spell circles.

"I, I am..."

"He is called Laoqiu, this is Lao Zhang..." Lao Guofei quickly introduced that the wind did not look at them and walked directly into the gate.

(I came to Malaysia at night and quickly wrote two chapters. Today I didn’t make a red envelope. Fortunately, I can make up tomorrow, and I will send more!)

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