Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2720: The 2721 魑 魍魉 4

Lingmao suddenly silenced, and sneered a moment: "Daofeng, you don't care if I say who you are, do you dare to fight with me?"

"I will go to you and go soon."

"Ha ha ha, I am waiting for you!"

The smoke gradually dissipated and the face disappeared.

The road wind smirked and turned and looked. Laoqiu and others were all look of disappointment. Although, it was just a glimpse of the goddess, it still made them feel a great shock.

After all, it is the biggest bss.

The road wind re-entered the house and said to Lao Guo: "I am going to find her."

"Look for her? Go to the tomb."

"No, go to Xuanyuan Mountain."


Lao Guo stunned for a few seconds and said: "You are crazy, what are you going to Xuanyuanshan!"

"Nature is to kill the stars and slaves."

The road faintly said this sentence, drifting into the ears of Lao Guo, but it was full of shock.

Killed the stars and slaves...

"No, wind, this is impossible!" Lao Guo put his hands on his shoulders. "You can't be impulsive! I won't let you go!"

The Taoist wind fixedly looked at him. "Don't you want to save Shaoyang?"

"Of course!" Lao Guo did not think about it. He had nothing to say about Ye Shaoyang's feelings.

The wind laughed and said: "What else to say."

"Say, of course I have to say!" Lao Guo grabbed his collar and said angrily, "The younger brother is very important to me. If he has an accident, I don't know how to live in the future, but you are also my younger brother." The weight of your heart is the same in my heart. I don't think he has an accident, nor can you see that you have an accident!"

The wind is slightly wrong.

Aside, Longyang real people also stepped forward and persuaded: "Yes, the younger brother of the wind, don't be impulsive, then say, you have no evidence that the moon and the slave are the mother-in-law, so rushed to the past, the truth can't stand..."

The wind smirked, "Evidence? I am doing things, what evidence is needed, and she is her, she is."

After saying that he reached out and patted the shoulders of Lao Guo, he put it in his ear and said softly: "Brother, take care."

People walked out quickly.

When Guo Guo chased out, he had already volleyed, opened the space crack in the air and drilled directly into it.

"Hey, this one!"

Lao Guo fell and sighed.

Longyang real people came up and advised: "Don't worry too much, the Tao Fengzi is not such an impulsive person. He does this and he wants to come to have his reasons. We just want to be our own."

Lao Guo gently shook his head, did not speak, his ears kept circling the wind and finally said something to him, take care... The wind never said this, he always felt that there was a trace of the words in the words. taste……

I hope that I think about it myself.

A moist liquid, a drop of water falling on your face.

Xie Yuqing woke up, instinctively reached out and wiped it, slimy, and a faint smell was sucked into the nose.


Xie Yuqing sat up, blinked open, only saw a blurred black shadow, on his own obliquely above, the body stuck to the wall, was held by a black shadow, arms, chest position, was sharp Things got in, blood ran out and flowed down the wall. In the middle of the room, there are several auras of light, forming a pattern of French imprints, controlling a guy with a pointed monkey.

Xie Yuqing sat up and saw a figure on the floor next to the bed. He was carrying green blood, his hands holding Ye Shaoyang's legs, his mouth wide open, and two rows of fangs squatting on his lap.

Xie Yuqing's mouth is wide, and when he is about to make a sound, he suddenly remembers a voice in his ear: "Don't make a noise..."


"I posted a hidden charm on you. You just can't feel your presence as long as you don't say anything... You can talk to me in the gods, just go and think."

Xie Yuqing stunned for a long time, and trembled violently. He asked in the knowledge: "Do you... fight them?"

Ye Shaoyang was silent and said in the knowledge: "No problem."

"Giggle, I see what other life road you have!"

He shouted and raised his sickle in his right hand and cut it off with Ye Shaoyang's head.

This knife is to kill him.

Although it was explained above, he was to be taken back to the sinister, but he did not say that he was brought back. The four of their brothers also said that they would kill him and bring his soul back.

Ye Shaoyang sullenly sighed, and the backhand hit the opposite side of the cockroach, and the sturdy monster of this strong man was shaken back half a step, and a little space was moved out. The hands were printed and the curse was recited: "Seven stars long sound, Longquan kills the enemy, 诛evil!"

A purple light flashed, the seven-star Longquan sword popped out of the hand, and a sword smashed under the zombie neck. The black blood of the corpse will be sprayed out, the zombie neck will shrink, and the Qionglong Longquan sword will be clamped. The mouth will be filled with suffocation and loosen the leaves of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang lifted a foot and squatted on the belly of the donkey. The man borrowed a little to the side and moved a little, and the sick knife crossed the face with danger and danger, and cut off a piece of skin.

Ye Shaoyang refused to take care of the wound on his face, and his hands were printed and he was constantly hitting his chest.

"Ha ha."

魑 I completely disregarded his offensive, and even felt a little funny. He was thicker and thicker than the bronze corpse. Any attack would not cause any fatal injury to him, but would stimulate his killing. .

He continued to raise the sickle and slashed it against Ye Shaoyang's head. At the same time, he blew a whistle in his mouth. The bat that had been hovering over the sky above him looked for an opportunity. He flew down and squirted a venom at Ye Shaoyang. The venom was in The air spread out, with Ye Shaoyang standing in the position, behind the wall and on the right side of the wall, on the left is a bed, he has no place to hide.

This is their tactics, the use of Ye Shaoyang is almost the only and biggest weakness: he is human, compared to ghosts and evil spirits, human beings' greatest advantage, but also the biggest weakness, is the flesh.

You can't wear a wall, you can't squat, and in extreme cases, you will be greatly limited.

Although their four brothers looked ugly, they were by no means unscrupulous cowards. On the contrary, they stayed in **** for many years. What kind of ferocious evil spirits had seen them, and all kinds of ghosts and tricks could not blind their eyes.

They are the most ferocious and embarrassing evils in hell.

After besieging Ye Shaoyang, they intentionally pushed him to the corner, controlled him and let him fall into desperation.

The bat spit out, not the general venom, but the essence of the blood of the river, swallowed in the abdomen, refined into the most toxic solution, any flesh and blood of the living can melt.

Just as he spit out the venom, the beggar behind him, the gray wolf-like demon, also broke through the blockade of the enchantment and rushed over.

He is already ready, waiting for this moment.

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