Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2722: 2723 is more than you are 2

"Oh yeah..."

The demon blood in the bat was exhausted, and it was invaded into the heart by the suffocating gas. The soul was broken in a flash, and the body was soft.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly took a hand, because the seven-star Longquan sword was caught in the middle of the zombie's neck and head, and it was not easy to pull it out. Ye Shaoyang quickly took out the wrecked nail from the backpack and smashed it down the zombie's head. At the same time, Xie Yuqing Squeak: "Release!"

Xie Yuqing hurriedly took his hand.

With a bang, the nails passed through the thick flesh of the zombies and plunged into his head, and the blood splattered.

The zombie put his head on his head and tried to break free, but Ye Shaoyang would give him a chance, go forward and turn over to his back, ride on his shoulder, pull out the wreck, and frantically hang on his head. Go on, "grass mud horse, give me to die!!"

The resistance of the zombies became weaker and weaker, and finally fell to the ground and convulsed. Ye Shaoyang looked down, the zombie's head had been smashed into a horse-like honeycomb, and the brain and corpse blood were mixed together, like a bottle of salad dressing shattered on the ground, red and green smashed into the ground...

Ye Shaoyang is also exhausted, but now is not a time to rest, he looked at Xie Yuqing, Xie Yuqing spread his hands in front of him, his eyes staring at his hand, his hands became red and swollen because of splashing blood. .

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took out a bag of glutinous rice from his backpack. He opened it and held it. He grabbed her hands and slammed it hard to remove the corpse of her hands.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, wait a minute."

Ye Shaoyang left her and walked to the side of the strong man.

The brawny man was in the sky, the gods were seriously injured, and his eyes were lying on the ground, with an idiot.

Ye Shaoyang stepped on his face with one foot and slammed it hard. He screamed and tried to sit up.

Ye Shaoyang held the nails in his hand and inserted them into his heavenly cover...

The cockroaches fell softly, waiting for Ye Shaoyang to pull out the smashing nails, and the fineness of one grain flew out of the hole in the cover of the heavenly spirit... hung up.

Ye Shaoyang also carried out the martial arts nails and went to the werewolf. The werewolf restored his knowledge. What is rare is that he was seriously injured. He did not blindly join the battle, but sat in the corner of the room and sat in a weird posture. Move, there is a lingering evil entanglement.

He is recovering from the interest rate adjustment.

When Ye Shaoyang walked over, he had to forcefully end the adjustment, trying to get up, and Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "I am killing you now."

The Werewolf charm hesitated a moment, sat down again, turned to look at the body of the zombie on the ground, and the brawny, but the bat was not even the body, only a touch of pus and blood, and gradually disappeared.

The wolf charm is sad inside. Before the three brothers died, he did not do it. It was not that he was not sad enough. On the contrary, he resisted sorrow and speeded up the adjustment of interest. He wanted to recover and avenge several brothers.

The only thing he can do for his brother is this.

Just... still can't get it.

"Want to live, or want to die?" Ye Shaoyang slammed in front of him, and put the seven-star Longquan sword on his neck and said.

"If you want to kill me, you can do it." The werewolf's charm is calm, but there is no timidity.

Ye Shaoyang sneered: "If you don't want to live, why should you answer my words?"

The Werewolf charm also followed with a sneer: "My brothers are all dead. I am not interested in living alone. If you don't kill me, I will definitely seek revenge for you!"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head gently and said: "Answer me a few questions, I will let you go."

"You are not afraid of me looking for revenge?"

Ye Shaoyang chuckles, "You four are not my opponents together, just yourself, what am I afraid of?"

The Werewolf charm bowed slightly and said: "I only answer your three questions."

"Okay, the first one, is the Tibetan Bodhisattva for you?"

"Yes." The Werewolf charm hesitated for a moment, said, the gas is full of trepidation, this person killed his three brothers, he has to answer his questions. However, the only way to survive is to live...

Ye Shaoyang immediately asked: "Why?"

"do not know."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to ask him why he didn't know, but he thought that if he was regarded as the third question, he would not have to play, so he held back and looked at him questioningly.

Fortunately, the Werewolf Charm will not play this kind of temperament, and then said: "How does Bodhisattva think, how can we know that it is nothing more than to be ordered to arrest you, but you don't know anything else."

Ye Shaoyang also believes that he said that no matter how big the fierce names of these four brothers are in hell, in front of the Bodhisattva, it is just a few dogs, and the core secrets will certainly not let them know.

After thinking about it, Ye Shaoyang asked the last question: "What did Bodhis say, let you kill me or catch me?"

"Catch you, but there is no demand to keep your body, and my brothers come to earth and do not hurt their lives. This is also true of Bodhisattva."

"So, Bodhisattva is not worried that you killed me? Oh, three questions have passed. You can't answer this question."

"I think so." After answering this question, the Werewolf charm looked up at Ye Shaoyang and said, "How are you going to take me?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and smiled very evil. He said, "Did you not think that you will be killed by me?"

The werewolf charmed a bit, secretly gritted his teeth, said: "You are really powerful, you are more ferocious than the evil spirits in hell, Ye Shaoyang, you are not a mage, you entered the magic road!"

"Magic, what is the magic road?"

Ye Shaoyang's eyes are red, sparkling with fierce light.

"I can kill you because I am more embarrassed than you, than the evil spirits you have dealt with!"

The werewolf looked at him with fascination. The evil and ferocious atmosphere in his eyes really far surpassed the evil spirits in hell. Such a powerful suffocation should not appear on human beings.

Although the wolf charm is puzzled, some people understand why he has such a big name. It is indeed not an ordinary human...

"You go back and tell the Tibetan Bodhisattva, want to kill me. Even if he sends someone, even if he comes in person, I am not afraid. Even if he is the master of hell, I am not afraid of him."

After that, Ye Shaoyang stared at him for a while, the suffocation in his eyes disappeared, and he said coldly: "You can get out."

"I will find you revenge!"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, meaning it doesn't matter.

The Werewolf charm stood up, looked at the bodies of several brothers, squeaked the teeth, turned and walked toward the window, went to the window, and turned back and said: "Even though we are a dog of Bodhisattva, you If he kills his dog, he will not be willing to give up. You should be a snack, I will take revenge, I don’t want you to die in the hands of others!"

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