Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2724: 2725 departure 2

The only difference is that humans use physical strength, and they use the soul force.

Of course, they can also use various sorcerers to drive stones and trees, but their strength of strength makes them unable to continue doing this, because for them, life can never be done.

They are the lowest level of the Valley of the Wind, the equivalent of human slave labor. After being arrested, they are banned on the body, so that they can't escape. They work hard for a few hours every day before they are allowed to rest. It takes a few hours to come. Restore your soul and continue working.

"Master, we don't want to go from here, I can't see these people." Sun Yingyue slammed his mouth and shook his arm and said. Yue Heng also caught up from behind.

The road wind stopped and turned to look at Yue Heng, saying: "What do you think?"

Yue Heng shrugged and said: "It is very inhuman."

"They are not people, what kind of humanity?"

Yue Heng sighed, said: "You are a strong word!"

Daofengdao: "You have always practiced in the chaotic world. I don't know the situation of this Baiyun city. You see that they are pitiful. You can know that these lonely ghosts are not escaped from hell, or they have made a big fight when they are alive. After death, I dare not go to the sinister, wandering in the ghost field, joining the forces of all sides, and being a wicked party. These are murderers who don’t blink. You see them poor, those who are swallowed up and killed by them, do you feel pitiful?"

Sun Yingyue bit his lip and looked at the "labor" who had a hard face. He said, "Even if this is the case, what qualifications do we have to punish and judge them? Master, I said, don't yell at me, you mean In my heart."

"You can tell the truth, naturally. I am calling you today, that is, you must understand a truth, to treat the wicked, you must kill evil with evil, to kill and kill!"

Yue Hengdao: "But you are not a sinister after all, you are not qualified to punish them."

"Qualification?" The road ridiculed, slowly said, "Strength is qualification. Yin Shi, Taiyin Mountain, who is not doing this, do you think that the Emperor is in control of the Three Realms, relying on virtue to serve people?"

Yue Heng lived, "Dao Feng, you..."

The Taoist wind understood what he wanted to say, and then said: "The truth of this, I can only talk about this, you go back and understand it..."

Sun Yingyue shrugged. "You will be fine with Master. Anyway, what do you say, we will do it."

"I can't always stay with you."

The road wind was silent for a while, asked Yue Heng: "How are you practicing?"

"I used the method of human intelligence to break through the realm of refining the spirit, and there is still some distance from the refining of the gods."


"That old turtle!" When he mentioned him, Yue Heng jumped up. "This old guy is really not lazy. He knows that he sleeps in the shell, sleeps more, wakes up less, wakes up and knows." Drinking, he has already scrapped me and told you, don't count on him!"

The road smiled and said: "Three thousand avenues, each with magical powers, he naturally has his way."

"This is also a monastic? Then we simply drink and sleep, and practice for 10,000 years." Sun Yingyue snorted.

"You are different from his family, and his talents are different. Naturally, he can't understand his way." The wind waved, "Well, I don't have time to tell you more, I will go to a place, it may not come back for a long time." The war in the Valley of the Wind, the self-owned Jianwen Emperor, do not have to take care of you, you have to practice cultivation, prepare for the decisive battle, in case of major events, listen to the palace and decide."

Sun Yingyue listened to him saying that he was in a hurry and asked the wind sleeves: "Master, where are you going, how long?"

"You don't care, I still have things, go."

Sun Yingyue and Yue Heng glanced at each other. They all knew the temper of the wind. Once he had ordered the order, he would not say anything more. Sun Yingyue flatned his mouth and said: "Master, take care."

"Reassure, I will come back, I will help you preside over the wedding."

Sun Yingyue smiled red-faced and took Yue Heng away.

The road winded down the wall and went all the way to the city, but did not enter the magnificent palace, but went around the city and entered a forest.

This is a forest composed of maple and birch trees. It is a kind of wilderness. It is brought from the chaotic world by Yang Gongtang. It also leads to a chaotic infuriating gas. These trees absorb chaos and grow in strength, and grow into large in a few months. tree.

This woodland is a rare landscape of the Valley of the Winds and even the entire ghostland.

The road winded on a fallen leaf, and all the way to the depths of the jungle, Yang Gong Temple stood under a maple tree, white clothes like snow, under the backdrop of a tree red leaves, slim, like a fairy.

Hearing the footsteps, Yang Gongyi immediately turned to look at him and said: "This forest has grown and looks very good. How do you feel?"


"But I still have some anger, birds and beasts, fireflies, I have to find a way to get some." Yang Gongyi said cheerfully, "I have to get some, come here to better, when we can Walking here, oh, so, there are still some bridges and water..."

The road smiled and listened quietly to her.

Yang Gong rushed at him and smiled. "Well, I am finished with fantasy. Let me talk, what do you want to do with me, why should you meet here?"

"Shaoyang is missing."

Yang Gongxiao’s smile suddenly became stiff.

The road wind basically talked about the matter, and at the end said: "I want to save him, by the way, looking for the corpse of the corpse, the palace, I have a hunch, and I am ready, this time I will succeed in the corpse."

Yang Gongyi nodded silently, did not ask too much, and did not express concern. Daofeng, the unique man in the three realms, what he has to do, can't be stopped by anyone. As a woman, he should silently give him support instead of worrying him.

Yang Gongyi knows this very well.

The wind came to her, holding her hand and said: "I just want to come to tell you more, because I don't know when I can come back, but I promise you, I will definitely come back."

"I know, I believe in you." Yang Gongyi tried to keep smiling, and she had a hunch in her heart. The wind must have been going for a long time. Although he has recently gone to the world, he always says goodbye to her every time.

But this time it is really different.

She remembered the very early time, she was sealed, and then he left, and it was ten years to go... Her heart floated the same feeling as the year, and how long would it have to wait?

She would like to ask the wind, but did not dare to ask him, do not want to give him a burden.

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