Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2806: The 2807th Master Division 2

After drinking the wine, stretched out, opened his mouth, and a bunch of goblin flew out, and automatically fell into his wine gourd. The bell smashed the plug and patted it on the stomach. The person quickly shrank and became normal. The size is still twice as high as that of the average person. It is higher than Yao Ming. He shook his head and came to Ye Shaoyang. He grinned and said: "Little Heaven, how do you need someone to save where you go?"

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

Zhong Rong patted him on the shoulder and said: "Jokes only, the swords and swords are extraordinary, even if I am locked in, I can't get out of my own strength."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and his heart was somewhat comforting. However, this encounter was still different from the past: although it used to save the road in the past, he was always able to fight back in a dangerous moment, at least not losing, this time. It is indeed a big loss. I laughed at the moment: "It is an honor to be rescued by you. In the past, my brothers saved me."

When Zhong Rong heard it, he said: "He can't come here this time."

"What do you mean?" Ye Shaoyang heard the wrong words. "Do you know where he is?"

"I just don't know, I came here."

"I don't even know, if he is here, where will it be!" Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, remembering the battle just now, said: "Your taste is really heavy, everything is eaten, but you don't catch the shadow have eaten?"

Zhong Rong took a picture on his head. "The shadow is a good deal."

"You can't beat him too?"

Zhong Yan’s eyes turned around and thought about it: “Little Heaven Master, you have always been swaying in the world, and the evil things you see are always limited. You remember that among the three realms, there are always some evil things that have special skills. Compared with the hard power, such as this shadow, come and go, I can't catch him."

When I scratched my head, I said: "This means is really annoying. The Yin Shi is afraid that no one can catch him."

Ye Shaoyang thought of something, but did not say it straight, just want to speak, suddenly there is a ray of light in the jungle in the west, like fighting, remembering the words of Zhong Rong before, knowing that 80% of it is playing, just want to look at it, just look A large bird flies from the west, and below the ground, there is also a figure flying.

It is Yu Peng and Yu Zizi.

"The world is endless! Only I am alone!"

Zhong Rong lost the handsome flag, and the handsome flag fluttered in the wind, constantly releasing the spiritual power, forming a powerful enchantment, blocking the way of Peng Peng.

Kuang Peng slammed into the enchantment and couldn't break it. He knew that he couldn't run away, landed down, turned into a human figure, and looked at Zhong Rong's body and bowed his face.

"Zhong Tianshi, pity that I am not easy to practice, spare me a life!"

"Give your life, you have been killed by the innocent creatures before, how do you spare them." Ye Shaoyang clenched his fists and pointed to the creatures who climbed up from the ditch, cold and cold: "Rain you, ask They did not agree!"

These dead creatures hated the beginning of the invaders, and looked at him with indignation.

Yuxizi stood behind Kuang Peng, and his face was scared and stood there at a loss.

Behind him, the black crushed a group of people chased up, led by the pony and Wu Jiawei, the pony smashed the bricks and shouted: "Small leaves, don't kill them, let me come!"

Behind the two... is a large group of warriors in armor.

Ghost warrior?

When they approached, Ye Shaoyang saw the group that was walking in the front, and the smile suddenly opened on his face.

Lin Sansheng, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Meihua... even Xueqi is here!

The brothers of the Ghost Federation are almost all coming.

When I came to this open space, everyone fanned out and surrounded the two people.

The two looked like a dull, stupid standing.

When Peng Peng gritted his teeth, he walked two steps forward and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Ye Shaoyang, to kill and kill, I want to tell me what secrets, that is not a word."

"I didn't even think about asking you anything at all." Ye Shaoyang's tone was with a calming calm.

Kuang Peng stunned and said: "You have a lot of people. It is easy to kill me."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "What do you mean, don't you just want me to single-handedly with you?"

"You dare?"

"I am coming, I am a brick and a brick to kill you a bastard!" Xiaoma shouted.

"You are dealing with jade!"

If the words are not finished, Ye Shaoyang has already rushed to the past. Yan Peng leaped high and turned into a real body, a colorful Dapeng bird.

He can't beat Li Haoran, but he can't beat the wind. Both people have abused it, but he is confident that he will at least not lose to Ye Shaoyang... this human.

He is in Xuanyuanshan. If he is not favored by Xingyue slaves, he will be responsible for it. He is not ranked better than hard power, but he is at least a "sacred god" and a descendant of ancient animals. For mortals, he is the same. Can't look up.

Ye Shaoyang played five magical symbols, fluttering to fly to Peng Peng, and Wu Peng was completely fearless. The wings flapped and rolled up a hurricane, blowing the spirits down. People also swooped down from the air and he would fly. Ye Shaoyang would not fly, but he Not stupid enough to stay in the air, one can not escape anyway, flying for a long time is only a waste of spiritual power, and easy to be used as a target.

He was accumulating in the air, swooping toward Ye Shaoyang, his body shaking, and he flew out three red, yellow and blue feathers, like three swords, carrying three different elements, and circling around Ye Shaoyang. .

Ye Shaoyang put three dark gold gods on the seven-star Longquan sword, constantly chanting the spells, connecting various spells together, and fighting back and forth.

Those evil things that are difficult to die are standing on the edge of the ditch and watching the battle, silently cheering Ye Shaoyang. At their level, what they saw was just a dazzling fight, not to mention the change and the righteousness.

Zhong Rong is a frequent nod. He can understand it, of course, and he is quite satisfied not only in the realm of Ye Shaoyang, but also in the same position, but the two people in the same realm are the comprehensive strength of the battle.

Speaking taller is an understanding of the battle, and the combination and collocation of spells, and then more complicated, is the choice of the spell, when to use what kind of spell.

These are easy to say, but they will never be taught. They can only be improved by continuous fighting and summing up, but even then, the land that can be improved is very limited. The most important thing is actually talent.

Zhong Rong watched it for a while, and he felt deeply in his heart: Ye Shaoyang, in these few aspects, almost all have been done to the extreme. He doesn't have a short board, especially in reading combat. He is a super genius...

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