Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2844: 2845 Mingdao 1

What Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of, muttered: "The human beings thousands of years ago, this is the case."

"Humans were originally only a kind of animals. At that time, there was no moral constraint. Human beings, like all living beings, were weak and strong food. This is the nature of life."

Weak meat and strong food...

What Ye Shaoyang thought of, said: "So, this is the real world of avenues, the most primitive world road."

Yan Lengyu didn't understand what he meant. He nodded his head and said, "So, there are a lot of humans and evil things, all of which are killing and blaming. In the end, many of them are ruined."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "If this is the real world, then the morality, the law, and the three-law law are all wrong?"

I took a cold look and thought about it. "You have a good philosophy. You should ask a professor of philosophy."

Ye Shaoyang was silent, and he felt that something was suffocating in his heart, and he was so uncomfortable that his breathing was not smooth.

He immediately realized that this is his own opportunity and a crisis!

The opportunity came so unpredictable. However, this opportunity is full of danger: if it can break through this layer of doubt, his strength will be promoted immediately, otherwise, this problem will always plague himself, affect his own heart, do not solve it, himself It is hard to make progress.

The suffocating suffocating in the body began to be active and active.

This is a super-experience experience with the arrival of an opportunity. It is time-limited. If you can't understand this at the stage of your own super-sense experience, then the future will become a knot, even if one day is solved, Just relieved, the chance is missed.

Ye Shaoyang did not say anything, sitting cross-legged on the ground and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Yan Lengyu saw that there was a clear light on his head. He immediately understood what was going on. He was excited and nervous. He sat down beside him and watched with vigilance. Beware of something and interrupted him. .

The opportunity of the mage is inexplicable. There is a saying in the world of magic: the so-called opportunity is actually some of the gods' knowledge of the cross-section, or those who have gained the way, after the ascension, after the disintegration of the gods, left behind The remnant of the mind, wandering around in an invisible way, if it falls in the head of the mage, it will produce this psychic general feeling of super feeling.

If you can comprehend the remnants of the gods or the predecessors, the cultivation of nature will be greatly improved.

In principle, as long as it is a mage, everyone has the opportunity to encounter an opportunity (or ordinary people, it will cause a super-sensitivity reaction, but it is generally ignored, it will be regarded by ordinary people as a soul or thought to be an absurd Dream), but in fact, the stronger the talent, the easier it is to encounter an opportunity.

In this regard, those theoretical researchers in the field of magical circles said that this is because of the talented people, especially the congenital spirits, which have a magnetic-like effect and can actively attract various kinds of remnants.

Spells can be learned the day after tomorrow, but what is the chance to see is talent. This is true in all walks of life. This is really unreasonable.

After Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes, he immediately had a picture of it flying from his own eyes.

The picture is very abstract, fleeting, and even he doesn't know whether the picture is what he sees, or the feeling of transcendentality.

A group of men with red fruit and a grass skirt around their waists danced around the fire, and several people’s heads were grilled on the fire.

The picture turns.

A group of warriors wearing horns, wearing leather skirts and holding spears are chasing the deer, and then the picture turns again. They are a group of archers who wear armor and ride on horseback. They are chasing shots and people are falling... ...

The following pictures are also the theme of war, but people's dresses and weapons are also more and more advanced, and finally they are hot weapons... These pictures are finally mixed together and tumbling in front of them.

The body's suffocation is almost boiling, but Ye Shaoyang's mood gradually calms down from excitement and discomfort. The end of the war picture is another picture of life: the primitive society of ruthlessness and blood, the slave society of slash and burn The feudal society of the monarch and ministers...

At first, Ye Shaoyang felt like a participant, but gradually became a bystander. I don't know why, in his mind, he remembered a dialogue between good and evil with the Tongxuan Taoist:

"Ethics, law, and even good and evil are always changing. In ancient times, women should be wrapped up, widows should not marry again, servants must obey the master, one person sins, and both wives and children must sit together... If this is right, then we Is it true that today’s law is wrong? If today is right, ancient times are wrong, then if you are an ancient person, are you obeying or not complying?"

Ye Shaoyang had a voice in his heart, turned into a Tongxuan Taoist, and tortured himself:

"Ye Shaoyang, if one thing, you think it is right, but others think it is wrong, then whether it is right or wrong, how dare you say that you insist on it."

"Ye Shaoyang, if the world is evil for good, or good for evil, then what is good and what is evil?"

At the beginning, in the face of this question, Ye Shaoyang was also really confused. After that, he found the way he insisted: the place where the Tao is. As long as I insist on being right, even if there are thousands of people blocking, I will still insist on doing it!

This enlightenment made Ye Shaoyang's Taoist heart further stabilized, and then he practiced smoothly and only broke through the realm.

But now I want to come, I only understand one aspect of it. The so-called good and evil, righteousness, right and wrong, there is no absolute, people's actions depend on the age and environment in which they live.

In the primitive society, people eat people for survival, and there is right. In modern society, if you eat people, it is naturally wrong.

In the age of war, it is right to kill the enemy. It should be rewarded. In peacetime, killing others is wrong. It is to eat peanuts.

For the sacrifice, the weasel sacrificed with life. Although the outsiders looked cruel, in their own case, this was something that had to be done. If humans do this, it is naturally evil.

As for the killing and plundering, it cannot be generalized.

All of this is relative.

If the rule is the Heaven and Earth Avenue, then the avenue is also changing. It is not an ancient person, so you don't have to obey the ancient road. I am not a weasel, so I don't have to use human paths to constrain them...

Everything is going on, the road here is what it means.

The so-called good and evil way is like this.

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