Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2849: 2850 last trip 1

Ye Shaoyang looked around and sneered: "It's amazing, even the reincarnation is doing this kind of activity. I want to let me know what it is, what is the reason, and I will follow you when I say it."

The three kings listened to this, and their expressions were a bit embarrassed. On the side of a gold armored warrior with both hands holding a long sword, he said proudly: "This is the reincarnation division. The natural order is to catch the Holy Emperor. As for why... People, why bother?"

The moment has made a look at the right and left, everyone will start.


Ye Shaoyang shouted and touched the Tianshi card from his pocket and shook it in front of them. "I am the Heavenly Master of the Emperor's pro-enclosure, the Lingxian tablet, and Maoshan teach, even if it is the runner, I want to take me for no reason, it is also against the law of the Yin!"

Taking advantage of the Golden Ghost Warrior, said: "I am standing here now, do you dare to move me?"

Everyone listened to him saying that he suddenly stopped and looked at each other. The golden armored ghost warrior looked sullen and suddenly sneered at Ye Shaoyang. "Ye Tianshi, are you afraid?"

"Fear? I am afraid to accidentally kill you!" Ye Shaoyang laughed. "I am a godsman, I want to tell you that Laozi is the human judge of the Great Emperor. You don't have the will of the great emperor. It is illegal to want to take me. I don't know. You, but the two kings are very familiar, I am also a ritual after the ritual, the truth, I am not responsible for killing!"

After that, I will release the soul and release it in my hands, and I am ready to do it.

The two kings looked more hesitant and looked at Xu Wenchang for help.

"Little Tianshi, let's go. Don't come back when you leave." Xu Wenchang finished, and pushed Ye Shaoyang hard.

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment and flew to the middle of the two kings.

The two kings let the left and right, let out a gap, Ye Shaoyang passed through the middle, turned to look at Xu Wenchang, and dropped a sentence: "Xu Gong, today I look at your face, this is gone, hope in the future Don't see each other."

Ye Shaoyang flew outside the courtyard of the priest, and when he passed through the middle court, he swept away and saw the individual standing in the corner of the yard. He fixed his eyes and looked at him, actually his father Ye Bing!

Ye Shaoyang is about to fly.

Ye Bing shook his head and smiled, his face with a soft affection.

Ye Shaoyang trembled inside and stopped the impulse: he couldn't have any connection with his father. Now he is a deserter, and he can't bring him trouble.

As soon as I bit my teeth, I left and my heart was sour.

"Xu Gong, this..." The three kings looked at Xu Wenchang with difficulty.

"I have this thing, you are scattered, I will go to see the Holy Emperor." Xu Wenchang arched them and flew to the reincarnation hall.

The runner Wang is sitting in the hall and is reviewing the documents. He wore a very loose linen robes, a pair of reading glasses hanging on the bridge of the nose, which looked like a retired cadre between the individual, but a slightly squatting corner, revealing a sense of power and majesty.

Xu Wenchang went to his side and sat on the chair next to him, and he stayed up.

"How?" The runner looked at the documents in his hand and asked without lifting his head.

"I know why." Xu Wenchang shook his head. "Just this kid is not very cooperative. I let him go out directly. As a result, he almost got to fight. There is no way, but he has to let him go. Chen is very dissatisfied. It is estimated that after going back, you should take a book in front of Bodhisattva."

The runner Wang smiled twice in disdain and said: "I could have ignored it. I promised to do this. I also gave you a few faces..."

Xu Wen said: "Of course, after this incident, the kid also knows that Bodhisattva will deal with him, and will be more careful in the future."

"If he can think of this layer, it will be fine."

"He is a smart person, he will think of it."

The runner took down the file and stared at the front in a daze. He shook his head and sighed, saying: "This is too much brain."

Xu Wen said: "The mystery of the four sons?"

The runner did not answer, saying: "You look back and find a few more people, go to the world and try to find the truth..."

Xu Wenchang sighed: "This is hard enough. Except the Great, no one knows who the real life is. I try my best."

"Right, what happened to Shan Haiyin, what did Xu Fu say to the kid?"

Xu Wenchang thought for a moment: "I said a dumb mystery, I naturally can't understand, and the kid is understandable."

"So, is Shanhai Yinguo really on him?"


"Then you still stare at him more, lest he do extreme things, a Xu Fu let us find for thousands of years, this kind of thing can never happen again."

Xu Wenchang nodded.

Ye Shaoyang speed returned to the Yin and Yang Division.

Everyone was waiting in the priest, and when he came back, they came together and asked him to meet with Xu Fu.

Ye Shaoyang spoke out about his involvement in the reincarnation division, and everyone was shocked.

"Mom, when we are no one here, everyone goes together, find them to settle accounts!" Guagua greeted him, and immediately got the response of everyone, to fight guys to go with him to the reincarnation.

"Don't bother." Ye Shaoyang asked them to stop. "Now, when I go to the reincarnation, things are going to be big. I am not afraid, you will cause troubles, and I am not good."

"There is a second time, there is a second time!" Guagua picked it up. "This time I think it will be bullied by them next time!"

Meihua Dao: "You are shutting up the second child. The boss is going to analyze this matter with us. It is not too late to discuss it before you go to fight!"

Turned to Ye Shaoyang: "Boss, the master of this matter, is the runner?"

"80%, except for him, no one can make a difference to those people, and the place is in their reincarnation."

"But... If it is the runner who wants to deal with you, why Xu Gong is going to call you." Meihua analyzed, "If he is an accomplice, then he will not let you go..."

This point, Ye Shaoyang thought about it on the way back, it is indeed very contradictory. From the calm performance of his later opening, Xu Wenchang must have known that they will intercept themselves, even this is his own arrangement, the bright surface is Going to the dungeon to find Xu Fu, but secretly arranged people to gather outside the dungeon and ambush themselves.

However, why did he let himself escape in his knowledge, and later even publicly stopped them for himself?

Was it later that the conscience found that I didn't want to deal with myself?

If he is so indecisive and indecisive, then he is not worthy of being the master of the reincarnation division.

At this time, the orange said: "Boss, Xu Gong is likely to be dealing with errands. The runner wants to catch you, he can't do it, he can only do it, but because of personal relationships, I really don't want to fight with you. I was going to pass the gods. Remind you, put a water, and you have to be hard, he can't really start, just let you go."

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