Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2851: 2852 Last Trip 3

"It’s hard to say."

Ye Shaoyang poured water and returned to the room. As soon as he sat down, Bi Qing followed in and asked him about Shan Haiyin.

"You actually gave up watching TV for this, so amazing!" Ye Shaoyang could not believe it.

"Advertising, I have no members, can't jump, can you give me a member?"

"Think of beauty."

Ye Shaoyang drank water and lay down on the bed.

Guagua also came to inquire about Shan Haiyin.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and looked at the paper on the window. This made him lower his voice and told Xu Fu about his suggestion. Then he looked at the melon with pride and said: "Guess what you mean."

Guagua knows that he is showing off, squatting and thinking hard. "The thing is human...there is...traveling...what is the meaning of this."

"But I guess what he is going to say."

"Well, boss, your IQ is hard to go online, don't show it, tell me what it means."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him and said: "The object is the meaning of human beings, that is, things are still that thing, but people are not that person... with the word 'crossing', this gives me a guess... Guagua, if you are Xu Fu, you have to leave something for me, beware of being found by others, and make sure that I can find out, can't tell me directly, what will you do if you change?"

Guaguai thought for a long time, said: "What hidden place?"

"He is not familiar with me. He can think of places that others can find."

Guaguai thought about it again and shook his head. "With so many restrictions, it is too much brains. I can't think of it."

"The average person can't think of it, but Xu Fu thought of it. He put Shan Haiyin in a place that will never be found... even the Emperor and the Bodhisattva can't find it."

"Come on, don't sell off!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said slowly: "He hid the mountains and seas in the future."

"The future? Where is that?" Guagua did not respond.

"It's the future." Ye Shaoyang didn't understand him. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the date. "For example, today is January 18th, Friday, but this is my time. Xu Fu has Shan Haiyin, we assume Before he was caught, he crossed the 19th of January and put Shan Haiyin in my room... Then, tomorrow, there will be a mountain seal in my room. I say you understand?"

Guagua, a pair of eyes, the boss, slowly nodded, "I heard it understand, but ... you have crossed it once before, and then come back here, many things have not changed, you also said, there is nothing parallel There is no causal relationship between the universe and the different time and space... If Xu Fu changes your future, it is another space of you, what should you be, or what it looks like, like this?"

Ye Shaoyang did not expect him to remember this in detail. Shen Shen said: "I have experienced this, but I only experienced it once. It must be one-sided. This mountain seal has been in his hands for so many years. It must have been thoroughly understood. Maybe we have The secret that you don't know, in case, is he able to find the one that has a causal relationship with us from several parallel universes?"

Guagua is holding it, not making a sound.

"Boss, these... are you thinking about it yourself?"

"It is indeed my thoughts, I think it is the same as what he said before. Xu Fu is very smart. From his perspective, this is the best way to make everyone look for it." It’s not the most important thing to ensure that Shanhai Yin can come to my hands. If he hides at the top of Mount Everest, no one can find it, but it’s not in my hands. What does it mean?"

Guagua looked at him, "so..."

"So I can't think of any way he can send Shanhai to my hands."

Guagua seems to be moved by him, muttering: "But the premise is that he has a way to do what you said."


"Then I still have a question, boss, since he can cross the future, have you seen the end of everything, then... why does he have to do all this, anyway, for the future, it’s all It happened."

Ye Shaoyang slowly shook his head. "The future can be changed. I think that every time someone chooses, they will have different time and space. The ending is completely different. Moreover, Xu Fu told me that he has not been to the future because he does not want to Knowing what will happen in the future, unknown, is the driving force for struggle."

Guagua seems to understand and nodded. Suddenly, he clung to Ye Shaoyang’s arm. "Then I will not care what the future will be. Anyway, it will be good to keep mixing with you."

Ye Shaoyang felt it in his heart and smiled and touched his head.

"To the boss, if Xu Fu really used this method to leave Shan Haiyin to you, what should I do?"

"What to do, wait and see. It will come out one day in the morning and evening."

Guagua made a stay for a while, silently said: "Is Shan Haiyin really so good, even the Tibetan Bodhisattva must come to grab."

In the past, Ye Shaoyang thought so. Later, when others came to grab it, he couldn’t help but ponder it. This really understood the magical point of Shanhaiyin: If you can travel through time and space infinitely, then it is the most magical thing in the world, just like The same bug in the game.

Xie Yuqing helped Ye Shaoyang and Chen Yue book a ticket together. The next day, they flew to Guizhou together, three people, plus a melon without buying a ticket.

Ye Shaoyang was the first time to go to Guizhou. He thought that Guizhou was the south and would be warmer. As a result, it was catching rain here. It was very cold when the plane was off. Fortunately, the three people brought enough clothes.

Xie Yuqing had a cousin to go to school in Guizhou. He had contacted before coming to the airport and specially picked them up at the airport.

The young man called Wu Hongzhi, with a big eyebrow and a big eye. In his early twenties, he was quite handsome. He was very cheerful and deliberately asked a classmate to borrow a car to drive over. Xie Yuqing gave them a brief introduction to each other, saying that Ye Shaoyang and Chen Yue were her friends, and that the melons were not visible, and they were also introduced.

The young man is learning to dance. No wonder Ye Shaoyang looks at his manners and is very enchanting. The body is also good. It is the kind of small meat that the little girl likes now.

Xie Yuqing chats with his cousin, and Ye Shaoyang squats on the window to see the scenery.

The feeling of the urban area is similar everywhere in the country. It is in the cracks of high-rise buildings that you can see the shadow of some green hills.

As a landlord, Wu Hongzhi arranged everything for the accommodation. He sent them to the hotel first, let them rest for one afternoon, went to dinner together at night, found a good old shop with good reputation, and ate the local speciality soup and fish. In the intestines, Ye Shaoyang always pays attention to Chen Yue. When she eats the intestines, Ye Shaoyang sees her for a long time and asks her what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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