Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2861: 2862 killing 2

Ye Shaoyang was silent for a long while and said: "I think it is very likely that the people of the spell guild, except for them, no one in the world knows who you are?"

Chen Yue frowned: "Who am I?"

"I mean, the secret hidden in you, I am afraid that only they know."

Chen Yue silently sounded.

Ye Shaoyang asked her about her next plan. Chen Yue’s idea was to figure out the truth of all this and not let Master die.

"Although Master is suicidal, she is actually forced to die. I must understand the truth of the matter!"

"That... are you going down with me?"

"If you are not very busy, you can wait for me for a day. I have to clean up. After all these years, there are always things that I want to take away."

On the same day, Chen Yue still did not open the mountain gate, packed things in it, filled two boxes, cooked his own tea in the afternoon, and asked Ye Shaoyang to drink together.

"I really want to go, I really want to stay here, I really want to stay here, even if I am alone." At dusk, the two came together on the top of the Taoist temple, standing in the small pavilion, Chen Yu far away Looking at the Taoist temple, I said with compassion.

"But your master made such a big sacrifice, that is, wants to protect you, you stay here, you will be found."

"I know, I just don't want to... maybe in the future, if one day I can be as powerful as you, I will definitely come back, live alone here." Chen Yue turned to him and smiled. "At the time, you can be sure Come to me, I invite you to drink tea."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Boss, you see, there are people in the Taoist temple!"

Guagua jumped from the top of the pavilion and pointed to the direction of the Taoist temple.

Ye Shaoyang looked at it with a fixed eye. It was indeed a white man who walked in the Taoist temple. The distance was too far, and even men and women could not see clearly.

"The door is locked, the pilgrim can't come in!" Chen Yuedao.

"Look at it!"

Ye Shaoyang flew down the mountain, went in from the back door of the Taoist Temple, and once he entered the yard, he immediately saw the white man and snorted: "How come you!"

Actually Lin Sansheng!

Lin Sansheng was dressed up with a folding fan in his hand and smiled at him: "Nature is coming to you."

Ye Shaoyang keeps his soul with each other. When he needs to find the other person, he can sense the position of the other person through it, but the soul letter is only useful in real space, and will be invalid in all illusory space.

Lin Sansheng saw Chen Yue behind him and arched his hand: "I have seen a girl."

"Hello." Before in the illusory world, Chen Yue also saw him many times, but did not say anything, not familiar.

Ye Shaoyang was busy asking him: "What is it?"

Lin Sansheng said: "Don't ask me to sit down and talk slowly?"

"You are a ghost, sit and sit."

Ye Shaoyang said so, still took him into the room, let the melons give him a scent to **** him.

"This place can, even if it is not a famous mountain, but the aura is full, one or two people are enough to clean up." Lin Sansheng stood in front of the window and looked around and said.

"Are you busy?" Ye Shaoyang muttered. "If you have something, just say it."

Chen Yue got up and said: "Let's talk, I will go to Master's grave and burn a knife, then come back to cook."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to keep her, and Lin Sansheng heard a cough, and Chen Yue had already left. Guagua took a look at Lin Sansheng, just to do, Lin Sansheng said: "Guagua, you are back!"

Guagua has to stand.

Ye Shaoyang complained: "She is her own person. If you have anything, say, what are you afraid of?"

Lin Sansheng said: "The heart of defending people is indispensable. You don't want to see individuals as yourself."

"Let's go, don't bother to explain to you, you say, what."

Lin Sansheng said: "Two things, first, Lishan's mother, they have recently come to the world, you know."


Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Lishan's mother, shaking the fairy, and a few teaching Jinxian, secretly came to the world, went to Mount Tai, it is said that it is necessary to seal the Zen Mountain, looking for the Dongyue Emperor's token..."

"Dongyue...Great Emperor?" Ye Shaoyang does not believe in his own ears.

"Yes, they want to invite Dongyue Emperor to come, so that they can lead them to clear the world and expel the corpse."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him slyly. "Dongyue the Great... in Taishan?"

"Nature is not here. It is rumored that he is in the heavens, but we all know that there is no real god. He must be in a space of a different plane. It is similar to the boundless world. He wants to invite him to come and needs his token. ... and Taishan is the dojo of Dongyue the Great, and he has to be a place of immortality. It is rumored that his token is in Mount Tai."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and just finished speaking. Lin Sansheng waved his hand and said: "You don't ask me to be more detailed, because I don't know, I am not an educator. I just got the line report. This time I searched for the Dongyue Emperor's token. The action was proposed by Shakespeare Fairy. Their sisters have quietly come to the world, and perhaps there are still a few others. I will continue to investigate and provide you with the most accurate information."

Ye Shaoyang reacted and stood up and said, "What intelligence has anything to do with me!"

Lin Sansheng looked at him seriously and said: "I want you to **** the tokens!"

"Insane you! Why do you want to do this!"

Lin Sansheng said: "You think that they are doing this to deal with the corpse. They are trying to deal with me. I am recruiting and recruiting horses now. The forces are getting bigger and bigger, and I have united the Yaozu. The balance of the previous three-school confrontation has been broken. And Buddhism is very worried that I will be suppressed, but I am a teacher of justice, they can not clearly war with me...

Buddhism is better. They have always been in contact with the Faji Temple. They are headed by the Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva. They are really desperate. The Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva does not care, but the teachings have no backing. They are afraid, so they thought of asking Dongyue the Great to go out... ...If you let them do it, Dongyue the Great will come to the air, can I have good fruit to eat? ”

Ye Shaoyang just understood what it was all about. He frowned and said: "The few big sisters are not appointments, regardless of the airspace, and they have not seen them for thousands of years. Is this coming? ”

"The two sisters, after all, are the rumors of the Dongyue Emperor. They didn't ask Dongyue the Great before because they wanted to control themselves. I don't know if they can Chen Gong, but they can't take risks."

"So, must I come forward?"

"Exactly. They secretly went to the world and worried that they would be discovered. Naturally, it is impossible to bring too many people. This is one of them. Second, since I monitor their whereabouts, they will also supervise me if I am not in the air for a long time. They naturally doubt, things are not easy to do, this time I came to see you, I also deliberately found a loophole. Shaoyang, I am not polite to you, you must help this."

(I saw it today, the 2860 chapter written yesterday was blocked... I really didn't send a chapter. It was directly blocked by the system. It is really haha, it has already been released. Please look back at that chapter. )

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