Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2867: The 2868th day is like chess 2

Xiaoji followed in and nodded at them.

Lin Sansheng and Guagua are relieved.

"Boss..." Guagua rushed to Ye Shaoyang's side, his head buried in his waist. Ye Shaoyang licked his head.

"You go on and say it, you haven't finished it before."


Gua Gua scratched his head and thought about where he had said before. After thinking for a while, he thought, saying, "That, boss, the military division, they are right. The secret that I didn't want to say before is... In fact, you It is not necessarily the son of the election. The ones that Feng Dabo said, I don't know, my task is similar to the wind uncle: first assist you, let you wake up... this, I still said from the beginning.

Boss, you are indeed a descendant of Ye Fashan Tianshi. This is true, but the truth is that Ye Fashan gave his gods and golden bodies a sacred mind. In the help of the Emperor of the capital, they joined the reincarnation, they each Reincarnation, giving birth to a complete three souls and seven souls, each being a person, yes, there are two people.

In the process of the golden body, you are the boss. In the process of the two gods from the generation to the reincarnation, you are relatively in the clear, and the other **** is in the dark, and Ye Fashan does this. With a double insurance, even if this matter is noticed by the Promise Ghost King, it will only notice you, so that the real son of the natural election will escape the pursuit... and my task is to rush before the chaos Come to you, protect you, and guide you to awaken...

Although you are a false son of the election, but it is also the body of Ye Fashan Jin, if you do not die, Ye Fashan expects you to become stronger, assisting the true emperor, smashing the three realms, and spending the chaos. ”

As soon as this statement came out, the wind was a little shocked. After all, he only knew the plan of the Emperor of the capital, and what Ye Fashan did when he had done it, he could only rely on guessing. He did not think that Ye Fashan actually came in double insurance.

"Golden body? What is the golden body?"

"After his corpse was sacred, the body was left in Maoshan. After the cremation, he was refining himself into a golden body. I am not a Taoist. I don't understand it very well. He told me that."

Ye Shaoyang asked the wind: "Do you have a golden body?"

"Da Luo Zhenxian, he is Da Luozhenxian!"

In the inquiry of Ye Shaoyang, the road wind explained what is Da Luozhenxian: the Taoist corpse of Taoism, there are many patriarchs, but there are two major categories, Daluzhenxian and Taiyi Sanxian, because all the sermons Far from the Three Realms, there is no longer any relationship with human beings, so the world's magical circles are not very clear about these two terms, and even misinterpreted the meaning.

Da Luo Zhenxian and Taiyi Sanxian are the two realms after the three corpses of Daomen. Most of the three corpses are Taiyixian. After a long period of cultivation (may have hundreds of thousands of years), the organic edge Can be promoted to Da Luoxian, but the difficulty is no less than the ordinary Master's three corpse.

"But because there are thousands of spiritual methods, there are also a very small number of Taoist priests. After the testimony, the initial is Da Luoxian. There are not many such ancient and modern times. Lu Dongbin, Zhang Guo, Chen Yu, these are all. Da Luoxian, Being able to practice as a golden body is actually an incarnation of the body, but the attributes are far stronger than the general body.

"then you……"

"I am not following the road to the magic of the road, not the same as these, but as long as the reinvention of the body, it should be no worse than the big Luo Xian." For a time everyone looked at him with a horrified look.

"Right, Li Haoran is Da Luoxian."

Ye Shaoyang indulged for a moment and said to Guagua: "That is, I am still a descendant of Ye Fashan, but not a true child of the election?"

Guagua nodded.

"Who is the reincarnation ghost boy?"

"This... I heard that when you first entered the reincarnation, you were stared at by the Promise Ghost King. You used all the power to search for you in the world. There was no result, so he cut a soul. According to your trajectory, I entered the world through the reincarnation, searched for you for a long time, and later found it, but he could not kill you."

"Why?" More than Ye Shaoyang asked.

"At that time, it was still early in the chaos of the robbery, killing you, your fine spirits will still gather souls and reborn, and eventually you can come back to the world through the wheel... Since the killing is not dead, the Promise Ghost King has thought of a way, using some kind of secret method. I will pour the spirit into the body of the heavenly election, and then split the soul into two, and send it to the reincarnation. Although the Emperor of the capital knows all this, even after this relocation of the soul and the soul, even if he is, he can not tell which is reincarnation. Ghost boy, which is the son of the day."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned and silently counted his mind. He said: "This is three people, two of them, one is a reincarnated ghost boy, and the other is the son of a heavenly election?"

"No, it's four." Guagua has bitten his lips. "The Promise Ghost King imitated the method of Ye Fashan's fish-eye mixing, letting Zuojun reborn and reincarnate, and came to the world, one is to hide the eyes and ears, wait for the chaos of the day, Zuo Jun I will wake up first, then find the reincarnation ghost boy, help him to wake up, and then protect him until the soul bridge is built, and the Promise Ghost King will be brought to the world..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at each other.

Xiao Jiu Shen said: "No wonder I have ever heard that Ghost King has left and right hands, but I have only seen You Jun, I have never seen Zuo Jun, it was in the world..."

Lin Sansheng said: "I listened to the right, the right king, is the ghost king who took down his own spiritual bone and cultivated it. Zuo Jun is more mysterious. He has never heard of his origins and background."

Ye Shaoyang didn't care about these things. He thought about it quickly and muttered: "So, there are four people, namely: the son of the heavenly election, the reincarnation ghost boy, the sleeping Zuojun, and the descendants of Ye Fashan Jinjin? Why? Even the great emperor can't distinguish these four people?"

"Because the ghost king used the spirit-shifting technique, he changed your four souls and changed the life of the four of you. It makes you look no different. The special atmosphere in your own body is hidden in the gods. Among them, even if you are the great emperor, you want to know who you are with, you have to refine the gods to know, but he does not dare to do this, because once the gods are destroyed, they can no longer condense, if the right choice It is good to find a reincarnation ghost child, but if you accidentally kill the son of the election, then Ye Fashan’s plan for the millennium is busy."

Ye Shaoyang is amazed.

Lin Sansheng thought about it: "The same, the ghost king does not dare to have any action, or if the mistake is made, his plan will be lost."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What is there, killing four people together, everyone is the same, no one is losing money, isn't it good?"

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