Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2875: 2876 another genius 2

The descendants of Zhangjia, who are rare monastic geniuses, are determined to regroup and revenge for the first two generations of Heavenly Masters. What else can you say?

"The disciple sees the teacher!"

A disciple squatted on one knee and gave a big gift to Mu Han.

More and more people are paying homage to him, and the last seven disciples he defeated, including Qingmu, also bowed to him.

Longyang real people, as well as the elders who are high-ranking deacons, also use their own way to salute.

After that, it was a grand ceremony, solemn and lively.

Mu Han relied on his own strength to compete with the door, and stabilized the position of Longhushan in the 36th generation.

At the end of the ceremony, Mu Han took everyone to the back hill to worship the dragon and tiger hills. After returning, let the group disperse and summoned some rumored disciples who had positions to open a meeting, just like the new leader. They each introduced the situation of all aspects of Longhushan, put forward their own opinions, and then announced the meeting, everyone went back to the room to rest.

Longyang real person returned to the wing, washed down, was about to meditate, suddenly someone knocked on the door, is a small Taoist, said that the teacher has asked him to speak in the past.

Longyang real person followed, went to the wing of the partial hall, knocked on the door, and heard the voice of Mu Han: "Please come in."

Longyang real people pushed the door in and saw that Mu Han was sitting on the wicker chair. He was playing with the big head in his hand, and he didn’t lift his head. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He felt that Mu Han was a little on the shelf, so he coughed.

Mu Han got up and smiled. "It’s Longyang Shishu, sit down."

Greeting the little priest who sent him to go to the tea.

Longyang real person sat down with a sullen face and said nothing.

Mu Handao: "Today, Longyang Shishu presided over the ceremony. It was very hard. It was called the uncle to talk, and I first pleaded guilty."

Longyang's real face is only a little gentle, said: "Don't dare, just don't know that the head of the person called me so late, what's the matter?"

On the way, he also speculated that he thought it should be a matter about the martial art. Unexpectedly, he asked him a question that he did not expect at all: "Uncle Shi, I am looking for you tonight, I want to follow You chat, I heard that you are familiar with Ye Shaoyang of Maoshan?"

Longyang real person stunned and said: "It is quite familiar, I don't know what the head person is asking him to do?"

Mu Han took him to sit down on the opposite futon and changed himself to a futon. He said, "Long Yang Shishu, you know, I am so big, I have been watching the fire from the other side, I have never dealt with any magical circles, no People know me, I don't know anyone. I just heard about Ye Shaoyang, I want to know what kind of person he is?"

"This way." Longyang real person slowly nodded, thought about it, said: "Shaoyang, he is a strange person, heavy feelings and righteousness, there is a brave unreasonable, but also very embarrassing, always do not respect the law, Not beinghave."

Mu Han slowly nodded and said: "How is his strength?"

"It's unfathomable." Longyang real people don't think about it. "He has no rivals in the world."

Mu Han slightly sideways, frowning: "So sure?"

"OK. The sentence should not be said, his current strength, even if the Dao Shishi resurrection, is not his opponent, anything else... is not worth mentioning in front of him."

Mu Han sinks up and mutteres: "That is a rival..."

Longyang real people shouted: "enemy?"

Mu Han smiled a little, "Why not?"

Longyang lively: "Maoshan and Longhushan have the same branch, and Daoyuan Shishu and his predecessor teach, and Ye Shaoyang has a very good relationship. Today, everyone is going to unite and fight against Xuanyuan Mountain. I don't know the head. Where does the word 'strong enemy' come from?"

"Joint nature is to be united, but there must always be a person to preside over the situation." Mu Han raised his head and spit out a sentence, but it sounded like a voice: "This person must be Ye Shaoyang?"

Longyang lived and stunned. "I will talk about it. Although many people can't understand him, his strength is recognized. He is the son of the heavenly election. No one except him can serve the public."

Mu Han indulged a bit, said: "How is the strength, this has to be played before I know, as for the son of the election... Who told you he must be?"

Longyang real people stared at him with big eyes. Everyone knows that Ye Shaoyang is the son of the election, but if you want to say anything, there is really no...

Mu Han no longer talked about this topic, said: "Working uncle, uncle, send a few sects to the Fatie, at the end of this month, on the 28th day, Longhushan presided over the water and land road, it is in line with the throne ceremony, please send the head of each party Appreciation, especially this Ye Shaoyang, please help me please."

From his words, Longyang real people vaguely smelled a sense of unsettlement, and the heart was faintly worried.

Huangguoshu Scenic Area, a total of three attractions, Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing went one by one, and finally went to the main scenic spot of Huangguoshu Waterfall. Rao is both strong and strong. This way, it is also feeling a little tired.

Finally reached the waterfall.

The largest waterfall in the country.

Standing just below the waterfall, looking up, the waterfall is flying down, visually giving people a very strong impact, that is, too much shredded, as if the fog is falling on the body.

Xie Yuqing shrunk around Ye Shaoyang, took his self-portrait and took some pictures, and then they went to the water curtain hole under the waterfall. It is said that the Journey to the West was taken here.

It was a hole in the ground. At the beginning, there were street lights on both sides, but walking and walking, the street lights were gone. The two could only turn on the flashlight of the mobile phone to illuminate.

At the foot is a very spacious cave, because inside the mountain, there is a layer of water on the rock, and the air is very humid.

"Is not right." Ye Shaoyang walked and stood still, taking photos of the mobile phone forward, black and stunned, can't see the head at first glance, and now mumbled: "This hole is not so long, it has not been so long. Finished? And how come the trick, before I remember there are three people coming."

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