Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2877: 2878 Doll Fox 1

What a ghost thing?

Ye Shaoyang thinks that this thing is a strange thing, certainly not an ordinary evil. The most strange thing is that this thing is in the position of the left and right elbows. It seems that the branches are split, and each has an arm and legs. The legs are raised from the left and right knees.

This is a total of eight legs, like a spider on the ground, this strange image, far more than any monster in the horror film director's imagination, Xie Yuqing glanced, almost scared on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang also feels a little scalp and numb. It is not afraid, but he has never seen this evil thing. He can't figure out what this is.

The evil spirits went to a place ten meters away from them, suddenly did not move, four hind limbs support the ground, four upper limbs stood up and stood up, and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang lost three more charms in the past and burned above the evils, but did not attack them directly, just to illuminate them.

After the humanoid evil spirits looked up, the hair was separated from left to right, revealing a red face, densely covered with cockroaches, and looking at the skin like a suede, opened his mouth at Ye Shaoyang, and the cockroaches on his face were wrinkled. Together, they are so dense that they can't tell how disgusting they are.


Ye Shaoyang bites his teeth and presses the acid water in the stomach.

The evil thing squatted on the ground, suddenly swaying his head, making a scream, the voice is like a cat called spring, and like a child crying, causing a layered echo in the empty cave, listening to people's frightened battle.

Then, the monster began to vomit out, and soon spit out a large beach, all yellow mucus, and then evaporated into a mist, filled in the cave, and after the contact with the fire, they consumed each other, the fire is very It will be extinguished soon.

This strange scene made Xie Yuqing's heart more stunned. She did not touch Ye Shaoyang and grabbed her hand and said: "Head lamp!"

Looking down, Ye Shaoyang held a white simple lantern in his hand, and the three red candles in the middle were already lit.

"Follow me!"

Ye Shaoyang left this sentence and rushed over in the lightning, and slammed the soul to the head of the humanoid monster. The monster reacted very quickly, jumped up, shunned the blow, and jumped onto the rock wall. The eight legs grabbed the rock wall and crawled like a spider.

Ye Shaoyang chased the past, but lost the light source, this monster hid in the shadows.

"Follow me!!" Ye Shaoyang shouted again, Xie Yuqing, this time he came back and took the light and quickly followed.

Ye Shaoyang pulled her behind her, stood still, and looked around with the light.

"That... what?" Xie Yuqing shrinks behind her. As a result, she just exited. Suddenly she felt a shadow passing over her head and suddenly looked up. It was the humanoid monster. I didn’t know when I climbed over myself. I used four legs. Sucking the rock, the upper body bent down, grabbed her with four hands on the upper body, and I was about to be caught. I suddenly hit a red light across the head of the monster and knocked it down the wall.

It is the soul of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang shook his whip, and the soul stalked it from the past. Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and put the humanoid evil on the ground. Both hands grasped the end of the hook and pulled it hard.

The humanoid monster screamed, and the four hands danced and caught him, but Ye Shaoyang stepped on his chest with one foot and could not catch it.

Ye Shaoyang wants to find out what it is, and is not eager to kill it, so Xie Yuqing is in charge.

Xie Yuqing put the lights over, and Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes. The monster looked at him with a sigh of relief. He couldn’t help but take a look. Then... even if no one lived, wow spit it out, eating the snacks on the road before. Something spit on the monster's face, and half of the undigested tofu was directly spit in the monster's mouth.

The monster actually swallowed his tongue, swallowed it, and then licked his face into his mouth...

Ye Shaoyang had a better point. When I saw this scene, I couldn’t help but vomit. I really didn’t want to look at it. I pulled out a jujube sword and nailed it on the monster’s head.

A yellow mucus sprayed out, Ye Shaoyang took the jujube wood sword as the medium, spit out the suffocating gas, the monster struggled for a few seconds, the body softened, and did not move.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the jujube sword and breathed in a big mouth. He murmured: "I really licked the dog. I haven’t seen it more than this since I have been debuting for so many years." Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to look at the monster, just thought about it before. In the scene, I was covered in goose bumps.

"No, it's disgusting than the water corpse?" Xie Yuqing listened to him saying this, but instead came to interest.

"Don't believe you go see it, don't look at it!"

Ye Shaoyang wants to stop it. It’s late. Xie Yuqing took the lantern and put it in front of the monster. He glanced at it and frowned. “Nothing, it’s just a little bit of pock on the face... ah, wow... ”

Xie Yuqing spit out, and it was spitting, and it was out of control. Ye Shaoyang walked over to help her, pat her shoulder, but shook her head: "You see, I don't want you to watch, you are so curious, now know It’s amazing.”

Xie Yuqing is still spitting, and the stomach is empty, but as soon as I think of the monster's face, I can't help but spit out the acid water:

The dense black spots on the face of this monster are not pockmarks at all, but a black bug, like a caterpillar, one by one rooted in the flesh of its face, the density... almost like a horse's nest . The monster is dead, but the worms are still alive, and their faces are creeping on their faces, coming in and out, like meat.

This honor is not necessarily more disgusting than the water corpse, but it is more able to evoke the intensive phobia of the human being, and it is really unstoppable under the defense...

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to look at this thing too much. He burned a character and threw it on the monster. On the monster, it immediately ignited the fire of hell. After a while, it burned clean. There was no ashes, just a yellowish oil. The same liquid.

Ye Shaoyang smoked his nose and said with a dignified look: "It is a demon corpse, very rare."

"What is that?" Xie Yuqing blinked.

"Demon, after the demon died, it became a zombie, and its own cultivation is still there. It is more powerful than the average zombie." Zombies are generally dead, and the goblins have almost no natural death. After the death, the soul will not Stay in the body, so the demon corpse is more rare than ordinary zombies and ghosts.

"The black worms on his face should be awkward, because they swallowed the corpse and followed the corpse."

Xie Yuqing listened to the explanation and looked at the liquid on the ground. He thought of the respect of the demon corpse and could not help but frown. "But this thing doesn't seem very powerful."

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