Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2880: No. 2881 asks for heart 2

The two then went down the mountain together. On the road, Ye Shaoyang has been paying attention to the surrounding environment. They all look very real. Ye Shaoyang has gradually let go of his heart. He feels that he may think more. Maybe the real danger is in the previous illusion, he is seen by himself, the other side. The means that didn't make it out are useless.

On the edge of the mountain road, there is a stream, which is the water flowing down from the Huangguoshu Waterfall. It is very urgent. These two days are probably because of the rain, the water level is rising, and the mountain is surging and magnificent.

A wooden pontoon bridge ran across the stream. When walking from above, Xie Yuqing took the phone out and took pictures of the stream. As a result, the pontoon swayed, she did not stand still, and the person grabbed the railing and shook it twice. It fell into the water.

Xie Yuqing screamed and instinctively reached for the fishing. I didn’t expect that the chain on Lang’an was not fixed. She leaned over and grabbed. The man did not stand firm and even plunged into the water.

Ye Shaoyang flew over, but Xie Yuqing had been washed away by the water, his head floating on the surface of the water, and he said to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang immediately rushed in to save people. He just climbed over the railing and suddenly thought, how is it so coincidental? The phone fell into the water, and the person fell into the water, and Xie Yuqing reached out very well. Wouldn't it be so easy to fall into the water?

Will it be an illusion? Want to lie to myself by Xie Yuqing?

Ye Shaoyang hesitated.

"Shaoyang..." Xie Yuqing was desperately swimming in the water while calling for help.

In case... is this true?

Looking at Xie Yuqing's struggle in the water, even though he suspects that this is an illusion, he still can't sit still.

Even if only one percent is possible, he does not dare to gamble.

do not care!

Ye Shaoyang flew down the stream, chased Xie Yuqing, and then a fierce plunged into the water, swam quickly toward Xie Yuqing, picked her up from the water, let her grab her shoulder, and then toward the shore tour.

However... the water is too fast. Even though he is very good in water, he will not be able to swim for a while.

He felt more and more felt the weight of Xie Yuqing, and he continued to sink into the water. Ye Shaoyang desperately sprinted, still could not support, and drank a few mouthfuls of water.

At this time, they are getting closer and closer to the shore.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and sank into the water, holding Xie Yuqing's waist with her hands, so that her head could reach the water to breathe.

I quickly exhausted it in one breath, but Ye Shaoyang could find out how to breathe, but it would be a messy rhythm. In such a rushing water flow, it is really not going to retreat. It doesn’t matter if he takes a breath, these efforts are in vain. .

Ye Shaoyang only supported the death.

Because the brain is deprived of oxygen, consciousness is quickly blurred, leaving only a vague idea, that is, at least to send Xie Yuqing ashore.

Xie Yuqing also wandered desperately, kicking his feet in the water, and both hands pressed **** his head and traveled forward with the help of reaction.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart stunned and seemed to understand something, but... he still didn’t dare to gamble. He had no choice but to support Xie Yuqing’s landing.

At the end of the boat, Ye Shaoyang was exhausted. He used the last glimmer of force to push Xie Yuqing forward. Xie Yuqing went ashore. He himself has not waited for stability, and he was washed away by the frenzied water...

The cold stream of water wrapped him in a whirlpool, drifting with the waves, and his consciousness was a little blurry.

Are you going to die? so be it.

At least, Xie Yuqing was saved.

Even if you bet wrong, at least you have a clear conscience.

This is the last thought of Ye Shaoyang.

After that, he fell into a semi-conscious state, subconsciously feeling that he was traveling through the endless void, not knowing how far he went, suddenly a spirit, Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes.

total darkness.

Ye Shaoyang sat up, took a deep breath, looked around, could not see anything, he touched the side, is a wet rock, so to speak, here is a cave?

I touched the body and did it. It was right. It is correct. It means that I guessed it before. It is a fantasy... Everything is fake, and Xie Yuqing is also fake.

But... If the person who controls the illusion is to let himself fall into the water, the gods are burning, then why are they okay now.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and called out the name of Xie Yuqing, but nobody cares.

At this time, he saw two golden lights, lit up from the darkness, and could not help but walked over.

It is the statue of the Tibetan Bodhisattva, just like what I saw before, just opened my eyes.

Jin Guang, who shot from his eyes, should be Buddha light.

Ye Shaoyang was attracted by this Buddha light, staring up at the face of the statue. Suddenly, there was a crack in the middle of the Buddha's head, and the Buddha's light was also seen in the crack.

The cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and more and more, and they spread to the whole body very quickly. After a few seconds, only a loud bang was heard, and the Buddha statue collapsed.

A very dazzling Buddha light, according to Ye Shaoyang, can not open his eyes, instinctively hold his eyes.

After a while, the Buddha's light was gone, Ye Shaoyang blinked, the statue was gone, and a crack like a Buddha statue appeared on the rock wall. The outside was actually a blue night sky. Under the stars, you can see a distant place. The shadow of the mountain, between himself and the shadow of the mountain, is an endless grassland with some very tall trees.

What is this place?

Ye Shaoyang looked awkward and turned back and called a few Xie Yuqing. No one cares, Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and went to see it in front, so he went to the grass.

Feeling soft under the feet, causing Ye Shaoyang to look down, he is actually barefoot, thinking is really strange, no matter it, go and talk.

Out of the cave, there was a warm wind blowing, and all of them were comfortable. Ye Shaoyang couldn’t help but look back and was surprised to find that the cave was gone, behind him was an endless grassland, and then there was a downhill, not far away. It is an endless stream of water, the water is blue, and it is as calm as a mirror.

What is this fairyland?

Ye Shaoyang was at a loss, and suddenly someone called himself: "Little Heaven..."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly turned his head. I don’t know when there was more than one person. It was an old monk wearing a skull cap. The body was smashed and smashed. He was carrying a gourd in his hand. He was open-chested and looked fat. I patted my belly and smiled at myself as if I was ridiculous.


"I am offended, Xiao Tianshi, you don't know me, I can meet you! Hahaha..." The monk waved at him, opened the gourd, and took a sip. From his expression, he seemed to be drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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