Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2884: 2885 selection 3

"Amount, go back tomorrow and divide."

Xie Yuqing did not say anything, put things down, found Ye Shaoyang's backpack, a strap was broken, Ye Shaoyang simply knotted, barely able to use.

"I just asked the boss for a needle thread and sew it for you." Speaking and sewing on the sofa.

Ye Shaoyang looked at her clumsy look and smiled: "Give me yourself, you are not good at this."

"Spell it for you once, and there will be no chance in the future."

"what does it mean."

Seeing her ignore, Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and wondered: "How do I feel that you are weird today."

Xie Yuqing did not speak, sewed him, sat for a while, said to go to the bath, and got into the bathroom.

When I came out, I wrapped my towel and was a little shy to let Ye Shaoyang turn off the light.

"You... dry?"

"Sleep." Xie Yuqing turned off the lights.

"Have a sleep here?"

Xie Yuqing climbed onto the bed, pushed Ye Shaoyang and climbed onto him. Ye Shaoyang struggled a few times and was blocked by his mouth... Ye Shaoyang’s heart was so stunned that it was a few days, although the two were a little small, but There is no crime in autumn. Today, Xie Yuqing did not drink alcohol. How can I be so active?

The shirt was smashed, and Xie Yuqing took off her bathrobe and put it all over her body.


Ye Shaoyang is not calm, and the resistance is getting smaller and smaller, but the key moment is still pushing her.

Outside the window, there was a street lamp and a moonlight obliquely coming in. Ye Shaoyang saw Xie Yuqing sitting on the bed, a white flower, so she took the bathrobe and put it on her, and suddenly she was thrown down, and exhaled in his ear:

"Shaoyang, I only ask you once, do you want me?"


"I know that you are the first time, and I am worthy of it." She buried her head on his chest. "Even if only tonight, you are me alone..."

She didn't have any movements, and Ye Shaoyang was unprepared. Her hands pressed her shoulders and she didn't know what to say and what to do.

Xie Yuqing suddenly cried, kneeling on his chest and crying loudly, his hands clenching his neck, Ye Shaoyang did not know what happened to her, had to comfort her.

Xie Yuqing cried for a while, slowly calmed down, his hand gently stroked on his chest, quietly said: "Tomorrow you take good things, go back, I left very early, you do not have to send me."

Ye Shaoyang stunned, "You don't go with me?"

"I am going to Yunnan."

"Go dry?"


"What!" Ye Shaoyang faintly realized what.

"Well, do you remember the last time you went to the police station, my dad went to my office to remind me of it, because I applied to transfer to Yunnan, he was here to confirm, because the quota is limited."

"Why, why go so far?"

"I want to go to the poison, this is my dream, but it is with a vicious police, fighting in the front line, and I like Yunnan very much." Xie Yuqing touched his face with one hand, smiled, "I Not coming back."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart tightened and paused. “Is it because of me?”

Xie Yuqing did not say anything, it is the default.

Ye Shaoyang was nervous inside and whispered: "Jingru is gone, now you have to go, why do you have to do this, ah, Jingru goes abroad, do you know?"

"I know that after she left, I have been in contact with me. I advised her to come back, but she said a lot later. I was thinking, maybe I should be like this. There is just another chance to adjust. I hesitated. Day, I promised... I didn't want to tell you, I sent you a WeChat after I wanted to leave, but I am afraid that you are too sad, or I will tell you in person."

"So I am not upset?" Ye Shaoyang shed tears in his eyes.

Xie Yuqing smiled and said: "Stupid, I will be good, I am still young, some are time to adjust, just, I may not fall in love with anyone again..."

Ye Shaoyang still wants to say something. Xie Yuqing put it together and grabbed his neck. He said, "I want to sleep with you for a night. If I can have a child, I will be born and raise myself. I will not let He will see you, and will not bother your life, Shaoyang..."

She came up and kissed his mouth, tears all flowing on Ye Shaoyang's face.

The next day, Ye Shaoyang woke up and had been on the road three times. Xie Yuqing was gone. Thinking of the last night, Ye Shaoyang jumped up, put on clothes and rushed out of the door, knocked on the door of Xie Yuqing, knocked for a long time, no one reasoned, just want to go back and take the phone to see the time, the door opened, Xie Yuqing already Dressed neatly, carrying her suitcase, Xiao Yang Yang grinned, "Dry, you want to send me?"

"I... I want to ask you not to go."

Xie Yuqing's face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, and smiled, Ye Shaoyang looked at her like this, tears suddenly came down.

"How silly you are." Xie Yuqing resisted, took out a paper towel and wiped his tears, rubbed his face with his hands, took a deep breath, grinned and said: "Well, I am going to the airport, Go back to sleep."

"I, I will send you."

Ye Shaoyang flew into the house to get dressed. The luggage was almost finished last night, and then he cleaned up and went out immediately. Xie Yuqing is still there, a man squatting on the railing and looking into the distance.

The two went downstairs together and called the car to the airport.

“Can you not leave?” Ye Shaoyang asked him pitifully.

"You can't give me what I want, but you have already given a lot. These experiences, I will remember all my life. You have to be good, I will contact you occasionally, I believe you, Shaoyang, you must Can defeat the Promise Ghost King... and I, after all, is not a world person, I am like Jingru, we are ordinary people, thank you, give me such a wonderful experience."

Ye Shaoyang listened to the nose and became sour.

He wants to say something, but the car is coming, Xie Yuqing got on the bus. Ye Shaoyang also followed.

Along the way, Xie Yuqing was continually talking about her plans to go to Yunnan after nothing. Ye Shaoyang knew that she was strong, and she wanted to open her back several times, but she held back.

Yeah, I can't give her anything, she should have a new life. At this point, Ye Shaoyang only understood why she had to travel alone with herself, just to leave more good memories.

"Right, your dying nail is still here for me..." Xie Yuqing reached for the bag, and Ye Shaoyang held her and said: "You have to defend yourself."

"Okay. Maybe one day, you will see it again."

When they arrived at the airport, they picked up the tickets together, but they were one south and one north, two opposite directions.

After the security check, Ye Shaoyang first accompanied Xie Yuqing to her boarding gate. Xie Yuqing stopped talking. Ye Shaoyang was full of heart and did not know what to say. She went to pour a glass of water to her.

(Don't ask me if they have slept, what happened after turning off the lights, I don't know, in the future sequel, I will introduce in detail. Yu Qing and Jing Ru will all appear, I promise)

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