Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2891: 2892 Qingyun Golden Light 1

Ye Shaoyang listened, and there was a pain in his heart.

Waiting for some boring, Ye Shaoyang let them stay in the room, and they brought a small nine to the rooftop private chat. In fact, there is nothing to talk about, just want to stay alone for a while.

"You are not in a good mood?" Xiaojiu looked at him and said.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and didn't elaborate. He just pulled the hand of Xiaojiu and put it on his knee. He said quietly: "I never thought about hurting people in the past, but I still lived up to a lot of people. This feeling... very bad. ”

"I don't know how to persuade you, but I think that as long as people don't hate you for blaming you, then it's always good, and you don't want to be too self-blaming."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her and the two smiled.

The two moved to the edge of the roof and sat shoulder to shoulder. Xiaojiu put his head on his shoulder. As long as she was in front of Ye Shaoyang, she always tried to be as soft and gentle as a virtuous girlfriend.

Ye Shaoyang likes her the most, but when she thinks about the future, she will feel uncomfortable after she chooses one between her and Lengyu, so she has no idea.

"Tell me something, I like to hear you." Xiaojiu said with a smile.

"What are you talking about..."

"Then sing, I really like to listen to the songs of the world, that is, there are not many opportunities, you can sing one for me."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, and he thought about it and sang a song that "rolling the Yangtze River to the East". Although he usually listens to songs, he can sing a few words, but the words can’t remember. This song also has a clear theme song of the Journey to the West, because I watched it every day on Maoshan.

After singing, Ye Shaoyang himself was a bit embarrassed.

"Are you singing in front of the girl for the first time?" asked Xiao Jiu.


Xiao Jiu smiled with satisfaction. "It’s the first time, although this song... I heard you sing anyway."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and smirked.

The two men talked intermittently for a while. Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang felt that the palm of his hand was hot. It was like a ribbing jump, and he hurriedly opened his hand to see it. The autumn seal of Qiuying really brightened.

"They are up the mountain!"

Ye Shaoyang jumped up and took Xiaojiu down. He told everyone that the group immediately set off.

"In case they left people on the mountain road to send a whistle?" Meihua asked.

"No, I have a secret with Yingying, and the soulprint is activated once, which means that everything is normal. She is now going up the mountain behind them. We are here."

When a group of people walked up the mountain and climbed to the top of the mountain all the way, Qiu Ying activated the two soul prints again. This is also a good agreement, indicating the place.

Ye Shaoyang perceives the position, and his heart is happy: Judging from the position, it is the Emperor Temple.

So I took everyone into the bushes and let everyone wait, and I sat down first, and the gods went out to see the top of the mountain.

Unless it is a targeted spell of Kaitian, the Yuanshen is invisible in front of any creature. Ye Shaoyang does not worry about being discovered. He wants to see how many people there are, so I have a preparation.

Ye Shaoyang’s Yuanshen flew out of the inn and flew to the top of the mountain.

Yuanshen is indifferent, can easily pass through the jungle and thorns, come to the front of the Emperor Temple, and look at the past in the form of the Yuanshen. Although the entire emperor temple is still splendid, but the main hall is surrounded by a layer of cold light, Ye Shaoyangfei Go to the branch and look at it with a leaf.

In front of the main hall of the Emperor Temple, a row of red lanterns was placed, almost every two meters, and dozens of rows. On the huge dojo in front of the main hall, the station was full of people.

Ye Shaoyang only stunned at a glance.

There are too many people!

Lishan's old mother, Shake the Fairy stood in the front, and there was an old Taoist priest in her row. Ye Shaoyang met in the airspace and recognized that this was the cabinet of the Qing dynasty. I didn't expect this father to come. I secretly thought, and I have more enemies.

Behind these three people, each followed by several disciples who were dressed up, Ye Shaoyang swept away, and actually saw the teachings of several major sects in the world, and even two of them were Buddhism, the flying of Wutai Mountain, the compassion of Putuo Mountain. Teacher too.

What are they doing?

Looking at so many people, Ye Shaoyang estimated it in his heart and felt very troublesome. Before he or Lin Sansheng, he did not expect that there would be so many people.

I glanced around and found that around the emperor temple, about a few meters away, there was a ray of light from the grass in the front and rear. Although it was very weak, he is currently in the state of the gods, the most sensitive to the breath. Seeing clearly, I know that someone is lying in the air, 80% is to beware of someone destroying the ceremony.

Not far behind Laoshan's old mother, Ye Shaoyang found Su Mo, a pair of Tao Gu dressed up, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but look at her eyes. She didn't know Biqing before. She didn't feel anything. She saw her again. It was really like it. The twins are still like, and they are all the same as Biqing.

"Ji Shi will arrive, first arrange it!"

Lishan's old mother shouted loudly, and her sleeves waved. The dozens of lanterns flew up and lined up in a team. They flew around the emperor temple. Immediately, many disciples stepped forward and practiced the lanterns. The last dozens of lanterns were settled. Forming a circle, just in the middle of the Emperor Temple, all the lanterns are bright together, the aura is tilted, forming a similar enchantment.

Lishan's mother and Shakespeare each found the position of Gan and Kun. They each extended a hand and put it together. There was a word in the mouth. One red and one black rose and rose together. They merged together and gathered together to form a spin. The shape of a dragon, combined with the enchantment, the breath is faint, and immediately a disciple holds a huge judgment pen. The two sisters work together, and the air immediately gathers on the pen, as the pen turns.

A rune was quickly written, and a "敕" word condensed by the air was used to hold the enchantment and make the enchantment look stronger.

Qiu Mingzi explored his hands and felt the aura of heaven and earth. He said: "In the case of a strong attack, this enchantment can support half an hour."

"This is enough." Lishan's old mother looked around and greeted several disciples to arrange the altar.

A fragrant case, in front of the emperor's statue in the main hall, there is no fruit pig head used in human worship, but some people took a sip of the jar on the incense case, and the Lishan old mother and his party respectfully scented. Ask a disciple: "What about sacrifices?"

The disciple touched the mirror and shook it on the ground. A figure fell from the inside. It was a person who fell to the ground.

"Ye Shaoyang!" The compassionate teacher glanced at it too.

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