Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2905: 2906 brothers return 2

"I was taken to Xuanyuan Mountain by the sacred monk. At Pangu Temple, I woke up and said that I was in a relationship with him. I said what was my past life... I can’t remember, anyway, I want to save me. Once, I stayed in the temple for a while, and he pointed me a lot. The karma of some previous practice was also accessible."

Four treasures bent their arms and showed off their biceps. "I am much better now than before."

"He taught you fitness?"


"Then your muscles are dry, do you rely on this to catch ghosts?"

Wang Xuwen grinned.

"Idiom, metaphor, do you understand!" Four treasures rolled their eyes and sighed again. "The original sacred is to leave me, I really don't want to go, but I am still back. I can't bear you." !"

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "He just let you go?"

"Why don't let me go, the holy shrine is very open, not strong. And he is not a group with Xuanyuan God, and they don't like them very much." Sibao continued, "I came back yesterday, hit your phone to shut down, Guo Lao can't find it. I went to Wenwen first. I contacted Guo Lao this morning and said that you were injured. I immediately came. When Guo was old, he told me that we came here. ""

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Why didn't he tell me that you are back?"

"I let him keep it secret, I want to give you a surprise!" Four treasures took a picture on his shoulder. "I heard Guo Lao said what happened to you yesterday. It was quite arrogant, but I didn't catch up late." Otherwise, how have you been to have fun!"

Ye Shaoyang took his hand, converged his smile, and said seriously: "When you come back, you are not there. When you do things, you always feel something less."

"That is still used to say, I am a super meat shield, no one is there, who will give you an anecdote, relying on his military division's small body?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed and glanced at Wang Xuwen and rushed to the four treasures. "But I am afraid that you will not be desperate again."

Wang Xuwen smiled and said: "In the beginning, it was scared by what he said, but now I am used to it. Brothers are brothers. I don't want to kill him and set fire. I don't object to him doing anything with you."

"Good and considerate." Ye Shaoyang looked at the four treasures and raised his eyebrows. "Are you afraid to return to the customs?"

The four treasures were a little embarrassed. They touched their own brains and smiled sternly. "I am going to be with you. When will you close the mountain? I will consider the customary things when I arrive."

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly, thinking that he still didn't know if there was that day.

When the two chat, Wang Xuwen goes to pour tea for them, smiles and sits and listens.

In order to fear that she was sitting alone, Ye Shaoyang also tried to talk to her. Wang Xuwen responded generously and performed very well. Ye Shaoyang can't help but wonder, Wang Xuwen will look at the four treasures for him?

The sister has to look and have a look, to have a figure, four treasures... well, although it is also thick and big, it looks just a little worse than itself, but how is it a monk.

If you want to come and think, you can only say that it is a fate.

After chatting for a while, Wang Xuwen got up and left, and Ye Shaoyang thought that the four treasures would follow along. As a result, Sibao sent her downstairs and returned.

"Why didn't you go with her?"

"Why go with her." Sibao smiled. "I was in normal contact with her. I didn't get to the point you thought, and she was busy with exams recently, and didn't have much time to accompany me."

Four treasures went to Ye Shaoyang's side, squeezed him to the bed, tilted his legs, and ordered a cigarette to smoke, where it looked like a monk.

"Right, I saw your uncle last night." Ye Shaoyang said the situation at the time.

Sibao sighed: "He, it is a legitimate honest man, but it is too orthodox. I can't accept these behaviors. But I personally serve him, but people don't take care of me now. The whole Wutai Mountain is Excluding me, too, in the future, if I do something that the three worlds cannot tolerate, I will not be able to get into Wutai Mountain."

The two were chatting, the buns came back. Ye Shaoyang sent him to Biqing last night. As a result, Biqing came back, but he disappeared.

The buns greeted the four treasures and told Ye Shaoyang to go to see a friend. Ye Shaoyang didn't know what friends he had, and didn't ask much. He said, "Buns, you go to the air world, they all go, you are in me. This doesn't mean anything, just be happy with everyone."

The bun scratched his head and was a little embarrassed. Ye Shaoyang also knew that he wanted a group of people together, and did not mention Biqing’s departure (he and Biqing are both plants and demon, and they live together for a long time and have the best relationship). Open the void of China Unicom's Qingqiu Mountain and let the buns go in.

Sibao suddenly asked: "Why don't you see melons, he also went to the airspace?"

"Guagua..." Ye Shaoyang's brain was dull for a few seconds, and he patted his head. "By, I almost forgot!"

Now take out the yin and yang mirror and erase the rune above, called the name of the melon.

The melons flew out immediately.

"That, I forgot that you are still inside..." Ye Shaoyang was embarrassed to explain with Guagua.

"Never mind the boss, I'm bored inside, I put that old beat more than a few tons metamorphosis, hey." Guagua smirking, rubbing his fist, one can see four treasures, and immediately jumps to his leg, greeted with enthusiasm .

Ye Shaoyang put his face in front of the yin and yang mirror and smiled: "How, didn't you kill him?"

Tong Xuan Dao’s face is also reflected in the mirror, and his face is helpless.

"Can you come out?"

The Tongxuan people hesitated, flew out of the mirror and landed on the ground. The figure was a bit illusory, but it was not as transparent as before.

Four treasures saw the Tongxuan people, shocked, and widened their eyes.

"Well, I can keep the soul from dying." Tongxuandao looked at Ye Shaoyang, "Ye Tianshi, what are you going to do with me?"

"Just by the ones you have done to me before, I can't overdo you."

Tongxuandao people opened their hands and put on a very aggrieved posture. "Heaven and earth conscience, Ye Shaoyang, I haven’t really done anything. The young melon is beaten by me. I’m tossing this night... Come back, I always say that I want to occupy your body, but I have never gotten you..."

Sibao and melon can't help but laugh out loud.

"Stop and stop, don't say this!" Ye Shaoyang feels hot on his face. "Wood, what about the things of Muzi?"

"Muzi, he is also blessed by misfortune, he is an evil spirit, relying on spiritual practice, in what kind of life can give birth to the soul, into the reincarnation?"

Ye Shaoyang snorted: "As such, I have to thank you?"

"That's not necessary, I am not your opponent now, and will not be your opponent in the future. Killing me is not good for you, not killing me, maybe helping you..."

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