Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2907: 2908 wind and rain come 2

This way, the wind regained his gaze and glanced at him. He said, "I will practice for seven more days, and I will be successful. I will go to the ghost field."

Lin Sansheng nodded, and the two talked for a while. Lin Sansheng gave a speech and coughed at Xiaobai. "You..."

"I have said that I have to take care of the wind brother, you still ask me what to do."

"Well, listen to you." Lin Sansheng lost his smile, he was about to go out, and the wind suddenly stopped him.

"Three students, you sent someone to look for the palace, tell her that if the Taiyin Mountain is invaded, everyone will withdraw, no one should fight, she knows where to go."

Lin Sansheng stunned and nodded.

"Wind brother, do you need me to do anything?" Xiaobai gathered up and stared at him with his big eyes flashing.

"You..." The wind is a bit awkward. "You go to the side to clean up the room and live by yourself. There are a lot of empty rooms."

Xiaobai went happily.

The road wind ate all the medicinal herbs in the steamer, went to the futon and sat, luck and refinement, and a white gas appeared all over the body, and it could not be surrounded by the whole body. Finally, the white gas precipitated. It formed a hoarfrost and stuck to his hair and eyebrows. It looked white and white, but his face was young and looked like a rejuvenating person.

The wind opened his mouth and spit out a white gas, opened his eyes, and immediately saw the cold jade, folded his arms and hugged his chest, overlooking himself.

"You look pretty handsome." Yan Lengyu smiled, as if he had found something, and looked up for a while. Some were surprised. "There is a lot of wrinkles on your face. It looks so young, only Feeling less than thirty years old."

The wind stood up and suddenly raised his hand and hit her face.

The cold jade was shocked, behind her was the wall, nowhere to hide, a pair of eyes suddenly became blood red, raised a hand, blood light poured out from the fingers, forming a barrier in front of the body, the palm of the wind It was shot above, as if the calm lake had turned up the waves.

The waves spread around and remained for ten seconds. The barrier shattered and the wind turned to the palm of your hand.

The cold jade backed against the wall, suddenly a mouth, spit out a golden flame of glass ball size, rotating in front, releasing a terrible and invisible force, blocking the fingers of the wind.

The corner of the corner of the road was pulled out with a smile, and the fingers pressed hard and pokeed forward.

The fireball is squeezed, spit out the flame more madly, burning the mana released from the fingers of the wind.

However, Leng Lengyu could not support it. The back was tightly attached to the wall, and all the body was shaking. From the closed teeth, he always spit out a few words: "Daofeng, you..."

The road wind suddenly pulled back his hand, and the cold jade suddenly relaxed, swallowing the fireball back into the mouth, leaning against the wall, looking at the wind weakly.

"Dongyue Huojing?" asked the road faint.

I was so cold, I was silent, and after a while I said, "Are you going to kill me?"

The expression of the road is a bit complicated, saying: "Know why I choose you to stay with me?"

"You said it that day."

"No, because I suspected in the morning that you have not been rescued, but I don't know what happened to you. I don't worry about letting you go with Shaoyang. I want to find out what you are, you. Serving me for so many days, although killing, but your conscience is not annihilated, so..."

The tone of the road is slow, it seems that saying so much is a very tiring thing for him. "So I told you this, otherwise you are already dead, do you believe it or not?"

"Of course I believe." Yan Lengyu smiled faintly. "You have recovered almost, even more powerful than before. Even if I have ancient corpse and Dongyue Huojing, it is not your opponent."

Listening to the wind, waiting for her to continue to say.

Yan Lengyu paused for a while and said: "My body is still on the hill of Tianyuan, and I am nourished by the blood of the vassal. My soul is also there. Today, I am a half soul. Ghost, I need to constantly kill and **** blood, and use my blood to strengthen my soul."

Suddenly she confessed, but it made the wind a bit shocked. He thought of many possibilities, but he did not exaggerate the truth, but he did not speak, just looking at the cold jade, let her continue.

"Huiqing has trapped my body and a soul. He is not afraid that I will go farther, because he believes that I will definitely go back. Even, she wants me to maintain my current state, because the more I kill, the more I can’t go back. Head to do the previous me..."

Speaking of this, her tears flowed silently.

"Also, the more I kill, the **** spirit will also filthy my soul, constantly awakening the suffocating blood in the blood of the corpse, I will lose myself and become a murderous evil, when the world of magic There is no place where I can tolerate me. Shaoyang will also die for me... By that time, I will only be able to return to him. For this person, for Shaoyang, no more will be reported. Hope. This is exactly what Chen Qing hopes to see."

After listening to her, she said that she was silent and said: "But you don't want to be like this."

"Of course I don't want to!"

When Leng Lengyu suddenly picked up and wanted to be ignited by firecrackers, the emotions suddenly broke out. Looking at the wind with his **** eyes, he said: "I am an ordinary mage, what is it now, people are not People, ghosts are not ghosts, zombies are not zombies! I don't want to be a zombie king. Why do you let me bear it? Why?"

"This is fate, but it does not mean that there is no choice."

Yan Lengyu shook his head and took off a string of tears. The man quickly calmed down and took a deep breath. He said, "Yes, so I will kill, I want to be stronger, more than Houqing." Strong, so that he can not control me, I want to **** Dongyue Huojing, I am stronger than everyone, the wind, I chatter every night, I must have heard you, you know why?"

The wind gently shook his head.

"I want to wake up! Every night, I can't move all over the body. There is a strong thought that wakes up in my mind. I see the black lacquered mountains and the beach with the dead water, countless evils. Ghostly demon, in the sea, in the mountains, screaming, I know that there is Taiyin Mountain, I am a reincarnation ghost child, now, the ghost king tries to control my mind... I am like a passage, once opened, he can pass me To the world...

I can only control my mind and prevent him from succeeding. This kind of pain lasts for a quarter of an hour, not only pain, but also a powerful and powerful voice to me, just like the monks hear the sound of the Sanskrit. With an irresistible temptation, it is stronger than once. "I found out later that I used force to block the meridians, which could block the invasion of the mysterious power. Although I could not completely resist it, it could slow down its invasion of me. Unfortunately, my mana is limited, so I have to become stronger and stronger. To kill people and take blood, to win the Dongyue fire... The wind, now you understand all this?"

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