Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2916: 2917 Seal God 1

This sound brother, let Ye Shaoyang feel his rudeness: the relationship between Maoshan and Longhushan has been very close, the generation is counted together, the Longhushan people are two generations later than Maoshan, Zhang Wusheng is actually the teacher of Ye Shaoyang, but because The age gap is large, the two factions have always had a hidden rule, that is, try not to be according to the real generation, only to call according to age.

Therefore, Ye Shaoyang called Zhang Wusheng as a teacher. On a formal occasion, both sides generally refer to each other's positions. If they must be proportionate to the seniors, they must be based on actual age.

Then, Mu Han will call his own ancestor, but now he is openly calling his brother, of course, Ye Shaoyang does not care about this person, but through this little thing he perceives his inner feelings.

It is unwilling. Don't be left behind to yourself.

"I am not the son of the election." Ye Shaoyang said sincerely.

Mu Han listened and nodded and said: "Ye Shi brother is an honest man. But... who are you?"

Ye Shaoyang sat up straight and stared at him and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"The world has said that you are the son of a heavenly election. Your fiancée is a reincarnated ghost child. The only thing that Ye Shixiong said is that we are surprised. They may think that you are modest, but I know that you are telling the truth."

"Mu Han, don't bend around, what do you want to say, you are a young man, how to say so badly!" The compassionate teacher said with a slap in the face.

Mu Han looked at her and looked at Ye Shaoyang again. "I."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and asked him: "You?"

"I, I am the son of the day."

When this statement came out, some people were shocked at the place. No one spoke. If you use a sentence from a primary school textbook to describe it, the sound of the needle falling on the ground can be heard clearly.

"Ha ha..."

The compassionate teacher laughed too madly.

Ye Shaoyang looked after Mu Han, and even a few Longhushan disciples, including Longyang Real People, heard this, and his face was also shocked. They don't know...

"Big words, Zhang Zhang teach, you are really a big word!" Wang Daogan seems to have forgotten how he was shameful before, slap his legs and laugh. "In the past, I only used Ye Shaoyang as the most arrogant person in the magic world. Now it seems that he is more modest than you. At least he will not be born out of nothing..."

Mu Han Jianmei was vertical, and the originally restrained eyes suddenly became sharp: "Do you say that I have nothing?"

Wang Daoqian was trembled by his eyes, and he snorted, just about to open his mouth. Mu Han said: "You have already suffered a loss. I advise you not to talk, lest you be more humiliated!"

"Hey, you're in a big breath, you are just a late-born younger generation, so rude, poor Nie today should teach you how to be a man!" The compassionate teacher couldn't help it anymore, slap on the table and rush into it. The dojo.

Mu Han smiled, his hand trembled, and revealed the Jiu Tian Yuan ruler of the Longhushan town, and pointed to the compassionate teacher.

The kindhearted teacher is too much to say, holding the jade bottle to welcome...

Ye Shaoyang followed everyone and stared at the battle. It was the first time Mu Han shot, although the compassionate teacher took the initiative to play, but Ye Shaoyang looked at the score, this battle was actually provoked by Mu Han.

In the face of the strength of the Wang Dao, who is slightly higher than the Wang Dao, he does not seem to be in chaos. This makes Ye Shaoyang also have a strong curiosity. How strong is he?


The two forces collided together and burst into a strong counter-attack force, such as a blast. Everyone looked at it. In the battlefield, the compassionate teacher stood face to face with Mu Han, and the nine-day Yuan Chen ruler in the hands of Mu Han was on the forehead of the compassionate teacher.

After three seconds, the compassionate teacher was too soft on both legs, and he would fall down when he saw it. He took a step forward and asked for a smile on her shoulder. The face was a confident smile: "Teacher, the inheritance." ""

It’s over... everyone in the room is just ready to watch a wonderful fight, and the battle is over.

Ten seconds, about three rounds, the compassionate teacher was too defeated, and the defeat was so thorough.

Her strength is in the front line of the spell, even if it was the old Zhang Wusheng, it could not be too easy to beat her, but this young man took more than ten seconds to do it.

The generation of the strong, it was born out of the way, in a way that no one thought of. Just yesterday, in addition to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, few people have heard of his name. Today, in the face of everyone, he used his most straightforward way to make himself quickly become famous.

"It's so amazing..." Guagua posted it in Ye Shaoyang's ear and expressed his feelings.

Is it a fateful opponent?

The compassionate teacher struggled from the face of Mu Han, and returned to the seat with the help of several of his disciples.

The look of Mu Han is no longer as graceful as before. His eyes are full of fierceness and temperament. He holds the nine-day Yuan Chen, facing the crowd, pointing a little bit to the past, cold and cold: "Who else is not convinced!"

When I pointed to Ye Shaoyang, the nine-day Yuan Chen stayed for a moment. All the time was gathered on his face. Everyone understood that no one in the audience except him could fight with Mu Han. - Four treasures may be, but he is Ye Shaoyang's hands and feet, naturally will not grab this limelight.

Ye Shaoyang is very disgusted with the practice of admiration. Just want to speak, the quiet teacher sitting next to him is too dissatisfied to say: "Zhang Zhang teaches, your strength, we are knowledgeable, but my magical world has always been to serve people. ......"

"A good one to serve people, I thought that this is an excuse for strength." Mu Han smiled lightly. He said this very rudely, and the other side is his own self-respecting. Jinghui is too angry to hear too much. He wants theory. Ye Shaoyang pressed on her arm and looked at Mu Han. He said: "You think you are very good. right?"

"Don't dare, I have been concealed since childhood. Even the disciples of Longhushan don't know my existence. It's naturally far worse than the wind that has been famous since childhood. I just want to tell you that this world is strong. Not only your Maoshan family!"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I never thought about it."

On the side, Jinghui is too afraid that they will fight again after they say it. After taking the words, they will say: "Even if we admit that you are strong, what does this have to do with the son of the day?"

Later, some people were unhappy with the cold and so arrogant, they took Ye Shaoyang to suppress him, and added: "Yes, we always know that the son of the election is Ye Shaoyang, when is you!"

"If you don't believe it, then you will follow me after the mountain." Mu Han called a group of disciples, and followed the crowd, lest some people escape halfway, lead the way in front, bypass the main hall, and walk toward the back valley.

(End of this chapter)

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