Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2920: Return of the 2921 wind 1

Outside the Ziwei Cave, the road wind and Zhao Gongming, who was riding the black tiger under the arm, looked at each other across the distance of twenty or thirty meters.

Zhao Gongming licked his beard with one hand and smiled at the wind. "Tsing Yi, don't come innocent."

The Taoist style ignored his words and asked: "Is this the great emperor to officially intervene in the world?"

Zhao Gongming listened to him and said, sighed and said: "The life of the emperor has to come. The ghost domain has been messed up, and the world can no longer be messed up anyway... Tsing Yi, everything went well, why bother against the Great The fate?"

The wind blew for a moment, staring at the black tiger that he had left, saying: "If the emperor wants to kill the general, can you be alive?"

The general of the cow is the identity of the black tiger when he was born into a human being. It is the great sergeant of the Yue Yuanshuai. This section of the allusion, Ye Shaoyang still heard.

Zhao Gongming also looked at the black tiger and looked at Ye Shaoyang again. He said silently: "I am not in the position. I dare not answer this question. Just, Tsing Yi... Have you thought about the consequences? Even if you swear, How do you jump out of the sky?"

The road sneaked a smile and did not speak.

"Whether, the wind, the real person does not tell lies, Mu Han is one of the four sons of salvation, can not kill, weakly kill him, fear of chaos in the world, I am here for this matter, but fortunately catch up."

"If I kill him?" said the wind.

Zhao Gongming glanced at Ye Shaoyang and said to the Taoist wind: "If you kill him, the whole plate will collapse. The life of Xiaotianshi is only difficult to protect." Silenced, he arched the road and said, " This is the case today. You are good, you and I are brothers and brothers, and come to see each other. I don’t want to be opposed to each other..."

After talking about the black tiger's head, the black tiger turned to the body and ran out in the distance, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

The road wind did not reload, and turned to Ye Shaoyang said: "People can't kill, let's go."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and turned back to Su Qinzhang: "I can't stay, I will go first, and you will deal with the rest."

Su Qinzhang nodded and said: "The brothers are relieved, I know how to do it, and Mu Han does not dare to treat me." After talking about the road, before the situation is special, he has not come and greeted the road.

Daofeng said to him: "I am a Maoshan abandonment. Today, I killed a few people in Longhushan. They are all on my head. They will not embarrass you." After that, they flew far away.

Ye Shaoyang took a shot of Su Qinzhang's shoulder and gave a look to the four treasures. He hurriedly chased the direction of the road.

All the way to leave the scope of Longhushan, came to the foot of the scenic spot, found a way in the valley, the two met, Ye Shaoyang could not think of anything for a moment, thought about what happened before, there is a dreamlike feeling Look at the wind, look at the four treasures, and sigh: "Before I came, I felt that this cold is to do things, but I did not expect his ambition to be so big, but I did not expect that he is the true son of the election... ..."

The wind suddenly stared at him with a sharp gaze and asked, "Why don't you kill him?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "Why don't you ask, I am not his opponent."

"If you are not even an opponent, you should die."

Four treasures received one sentence: "The wind is right, the goat is not you stopped, I will teach him to be a man."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head: "I have carefully observed his means, you may not be his opponent."

"I don't believe it." Four treasures licked.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and said to the wind: "He is a descendant of Zhang Wusheng, and it is also a descendant of Daoyuan real people. How do you let me start, and if I kill him, Maoshan and Longhushan will form a dead revenge, I don't want this. ""

Sibao touched his head and said: "You are right, but people are now trying to replace you and become the boss of the magic world. You must at least teach him a meal, let him cool where to stay."

"Today, I counted Daoyuan and Zhang Wusheng as a face. The next time I met him, this must not be the case." Thinking of the madness of the unpredictable performance before Mu Han, Ye Shaoyang's heart is also uncomfortable.

The wind of the road softened and sighed gently: "You have grown up."

"How come you come here?"

"I came back from Xuanyuan Mountain and followed you."

“Xuanyuan Mountain!” Ye Shaoyang cried. “Are you going to Xuanyuan Mountain?”

The wind rushed him to shake the whip in his hand. "Where is this coming from?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned, and this time I remembered that when the wind was "dead", the implements were cleared. Since the wind has taken these back, it must have been played with Qing, and he asked him to clear it.

"He is not here, these things are hidden in his Taoist temple."

"And then?" Guagua looked up and asked.

"I was washed by my blood." The wind said that it was understated.

Daofeng and Sibao looked at each other and they were shocking.

The wind... is nothing but the wind, and only he can do this kind of thing.

"The Qing must be looking for you now."

"Maybe I will look for you, you should be careful." The wind waved his hand, did not want to say this again, pondered for a moment, said: "I have to kill the cold before, but also temptation, the yin really wants to protect him, Zhao Gongming said Yes, he can't die. If he dies, you will be even more dangerous, but if you really get to that step, you can't be soft."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"If you want to do anything, let him go toss. He wants to choose the son of the day and let him be."

Ye Shaoyang still nodded. "Are you still going back to the Shanhe community? How is the cold jade?"

"Back, she is still waiting for me."

"She is waiting for you... what?" Ye Shaoyang touched his nose.

The wind smiled. "Little bastard, are you jealous?"

"Where!" Ye Shaoyang retorted in a high-profile manner. "I am so handsome, I will eat your vinegar!"

"Cough." Guagua dry cough.

"What do you cough, isn't I handsome than him?" Ye Shaoyang bounced a finger on his head.

"Shuai Shuai, you are handsome." Guagua smirked, and felt a shyness in his heart for lying.


When the road was finished, he did not say hello. One hand broke open the void and the man drilled in.

Ye Shaoyang guessed that he should have gone to the empty world. After all, the Shanhe Society was in the hands of Lin Sansheng.

"What do we do?" Sibao asked Ye Shaoyang.

"Go down the mountain, I am too lazy to see Mu Han again. He wants to be the lord. Let him be, let's play with us." Ye Shaoyang was a bit worried about Su Qinzhang, but thought of Su Qinzhang as the agent of Maoshan, Mu Han is definitely not How will he be.

The three men walked through the scenic spot together, and each thought on the road.

What happened recently is really more unexpected than one. First, Chen Yue, now there is another cold, who is the reincarnation ghost, who is the son of heaven?

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