Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2924: 2925 Ghost Soldiers Besieged 2

Xiao Yiyun looked around and said: "This is not a jealous thing for you. You all know that Huangquan Avenue is outside the city. All the souls coming from the world have to go from there, crossing the bridge and then entering the city... now the bridge Both sides are all Taiyin Mountain thieves, and they will be occupied on both sides of the Forgotten River. Huangquan Avenue was brought to death by Zhong Tianshi. Now the souls are piled up there, and there is no way to cross the river... You think about it, this What is the consequence."

It seems that there is a thunder, and all of them are open at the top of the head. They are all stunned and look at Xiao Yiyun in a foolish way.

Ye Shaoyang also stunned a cold sweat and muttered: "I mean, these souls can't reincarnate?"

"That's it. Fortunately, the soul comes to the yin, it has to go through the review of the three divisions. Generally, it is only three days after the reincarnation, so we can withstand up to three days, three days later... if we have not Solve, it’s really a mess."

Why is it that the world is in chaos... Ye Shaoyang **** in the air, roughly forgetting that there are thousands of people who die every day, and the people born every day are similar. If one day, no one is born in China... This is hard to imagine. What is it like?

"Is there a way to solve it?" asked Mu Han.

"The Taiyin Mountain thieves also know the role of the reincarnation, so a large number of thieves gathered on the bridge, even Meng Po also hid in the city. The squad is not enough, it is equal to suicide."

Mu Han looked around and rushed to the crowd and said: "The yin and the human being are all integrated. Now the sinister is difficult, and the world can't help. I am urging everyone to go with me to kill the enemy and alienate Huangquan Avenue. You dare not dare go with?"

Everyone stunned, except for Ye Shaoyang, who ignored them and the others nodded.

Xiao Yiyun frowned at him. "What is the lord, who are you?"

Mu Hanzhuan said: "I am the new leader of Longhushan, the son of the heavenly election. I recently met with the Masters in Longhushan. I am the ally. I am going to be a sinister. You are the priest of the emperor, Xiao Langjun. Resurrection is infinite, and the poor is polite." He said that he sang a fat man to Xiao Yiyun.

Xiao Yiyun stared at him, and then looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said to Mu Han: "You are... the son of the day?"

"Yes, I knew my identity when I was young. It was just that my uncle had kept me hiding in the mountains to protect me. I have a seal from the gods of Zhang Tianshi. I think the Emperor also knows."

Xiao Yiyun is still in a daze, look at Ye Shaoyang, "That you..."

Ye Shaoyang didn't look impatiently, not too lazy to say anything.

Mu Han smiled slightly and continued to Xiao Yiyun: "Just meet Xiao Langjun, please also represent me on the table, I am grateful for the late life."

When Xiao Yiyun saw Ye Shaoyang’s attitude, he understood a few points and said coldly and warmly: “Now the ghosts are besieged the city, who has the time to take care of you.”

Mu Handao: "Xiao Langjun said this difference, the robbery of the day, the world can not be avoided, I am the son of the heavens, the heavens are big, the people are not allowed, the world is not chaotic, the ghost domain is also not safe, this situation, is it Xiao Lang Can't you understand?"

This is very rude, Xiao Yiyun first stunned, and immediately said to Ye Shaoyang: "He is more confident than you."

The orange is also uncomfortably slamming: "What do you say faintly, the world's magical world is the boss of my world, you are not a big talk, you are old!"

Mu Han smiled slightly and turned to look at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes. "I don't want to talk to you, it is best to shut up."

Mu Handao: "I really envy you, there is such a powerful brother, every time he is in distress, he will show up and help you get the situation... I see the so-called son of the election, even if it is not me, not you, It should be given to your brother."

Guagua and oranges were to be fried on the spot, and they were stopped by Ye Shaoyang. They also smiled and smiled. They said, "You mean, if it is not a wind, I am now in the Ziwei Cave?"

Mu Han shook his head. "I won't kill you. Maoshan and Longhushan are, after all, a family."

Sibao smiled. "I have seen arrogance. I have never seen you so conceited. Goat, you can't get him. You don't get him. I got it." Now I have to roll my sleeves.

"Four treasures!" Xiaoyao Fei snorted. The four treasures spit out their tongues, and they didn't speak. It was his uncle, and in the presence of so many people, he would not give him face.

Ye Shaoyang was not angry at all. Looking at Mu Han’s eyes, with a kind of contempt, “I was interested in you, and now I have no interest at all.”

Mu Hanwan did not expect that he would say so, for a time did not understand what it meant, looking at him doubtfully.

In fact, the reason is one sentence: this kind of person is not worthy of being his opponent. It’s just that Ye Shaoyang had no intention to explain it. He left Mu Han to the side and continued to discuss the business with Xiao Yiyun. He asked him what plans the **** had for the current situation.

Xiao Yiyun shook his head and said that he did not know that the big brothers were still in a meeting. It is estimated that this is an emergency meeting for this matter. Compared with the besieged city, this matter needs to be solved more urgently. Otherwise, those women in the maternity period must be in the delivery room. I can't give birth to a child.

Just then, a figure passed through the dead city, flew directly to the beacon tower, and went straight to Ye Shaoyang.

It is Xu Wenchang.

Ye Shaoyang stepped back two steps and smiled: "Xu Gong, you are not going to arrest me again."

"The situation is critical, there is something to find you, let me go." Xu Gong was serious, straight up, grabbed his wrist and pulled back hard.

"Hey, hello, have you been hard this time?"

"No time to make fun of you, everyone is waiting for you! My little master, you are going with me!"

Ye Shaoyang saw him look serious and converged. He went down with the beacon tower with him. The rest of the people stood on the beacon tower and stared at their backs. Many people just made a gesture of salvation. Opening, the result was not seen by Xu Wenchang, and Ye Shaoyang left.

Mu Hanfei stepped down and chased him up and shouted: "Xu Gong stayed."

Xu Wenchang turned his head and glanced at him. Mu Hangang wanted to speak. Xu Wenchang nodded and said: "Zhang Tianshi, I know who you are, but today I have something to do, I can't see the ceremony, and I ask Zhang Tianshi to understand."

After saying it, regardless of Mu Han’s reaction, he dragged Ye Shaoyang away. Mu Han looked at their backs and his face was a bit ugly.

Sibao and Orange and others chased Ye Shaoyang and followed them.

A group of people entered the city of Sudden Death. Xu Wenchang did not take them to the reincarnation department. Instead, he pushed the door into a house. Ye Shaoyang looked up and was shocked. At the door of the house, standing in a row of four gold armor ghost warriors, even if it was The priest did not have this treatment, so he asked Xu Wenchang that this is the place.

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