Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2942: 2943 Ancient Vicious Beast 3

No one knows why she was able to find her, and she caught her off with a slap in the face, and she was struggling with the real body, but she could not move.

"Autumn Ying!"

Ye Shaoyang screamed and rushed out immediately. He rushed to the next step and stopped him. "Ye Tianshi, the eyes will be formed. If you go out, the formation will be broken, and the former will be abandoned!"

"What to say, go!" The pony also shouted and greeted everyone.


Ye Shaoyang calmed down and snorted. For a time, everyone looked at him.

Qiu Ying was stunned in the mouth, but has not swallowed, apparently wants to use her as a hostage.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and looked at the Red Moon Raksha and others.

Red Moon Roaring Eyebrows Dance, Chong Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "How, Ye Shaoyang, are you afraid? You have so many people under the door, and it’s a matter of death."

"How can I let people go?" Ye Shaoyang didn't want to talk to her, and asked at the door.

Think of the Red Moon Rakshasa, said: "Open the enchantment, not defensive."

This is a condition that they can't accept. Once the enchantment is opened, everything is finished, and everything that has been worked hard has been done.

"Jade-faced Rakshasa is in my hands, we exchange hostages!" The pony took the **** of the jade-faced Rakshasa and shouted.

The Red Moon Rakshasa looked at the jade-faced Rakshasa in the pony of the pony, biting his teeth and said: "Our people in the Taiyin Mountain are worthless. Once they fall into the hands of the enemy, they will die."

The pony screamed loudly.

Everyone looked at each other, and each one looked complicated. In the end, they all looked at Ye Shaoyang.

"Yezhang teaches, when things are big, it is not confined, and the festival is sorrowful..." Mu Han whispered in the distance, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"Grass mud horse, which green onion you are!"

The pony pointed at him, but in the mouth, no one had the time to grind with him.

"Shaoyang, how do you do it, we all listen to you!"

Xiaojiu held Ye Shaoyang’s arm and looked at him eagerly.

"Ye Tianshi, the overall situation is heavy..." Chong and the son persuaded.

"Ye Tianshi, I advise you to hurry up, Xu Wenchang points to Lingshi, and it will be completed in an instant. If then, your person will die!" Red Moon Rakshah smiles and seems to have guessed How to choose Ye Shaoyang.

In the mouth of the mouth, Qiu Ying is in front of the enchantment. It is obviously IQ, and he is not in a hurry to kill Qiu Ying.


Ye Shaoyang looked at the strange and shouted. "You are one of the four great beasts of the ancient times. Do you do this kind of work? If you are a man, leave her. I will fight with you and say it!"

Looking at him with sorrow, there was a hint of hesitation in the murky eyes.

"You can keep it here anyway, this is the order!" Ye Shaoyang said, biting his teeth.

Of course everyone does not agree, go out with him.

Ye Shaoyang pushed them back and walked out of the Buddha light enchantment.

Looking at him with amazement, his mouth opened to a huge, and he snorted.

"Come on, Laozi is out now. If you have a kind, let me let her go."

Suddenly, he suddenly flew up, hovered in midair, and then... made a very cruel thing, his mouth was a bit, and he joined forces.


When Ye Shaoyang realized that it was going to do something and rushed up, the strange mouth was closed, and the two rows of canine teeth instantly penetrated the body of Qiuying. The blue-green liquid like a plant juice was countless. The wounds suddenly came out, and Qiu Ying slightly opened his mouth, trying to turn his head and look at Ye Shaoyang, and then looked at it.

Her eyes, full of nostalgia and unwillingness, but no despair, she finally looked at Ye Shaoyang, the expression, seems to want to smile, but the mouth just touched, the eyes closed.

A slap in the tongue, swallowing her into the belly, and when the mouth opened again, only a bunch of fine cockroaches flew out of his mouth.

Qiu Ying is dead.

After a few seconds, I heard the cry of Xiaobai and others, and Ye Shaoyang realized this fact. So... suddenly died.

"The beast is always a beast..." Red Moon Raksha secretly groaned and complained.

Obviously, there are personal qualities in the hands. As long as they are well controlled, they will not compromise Ye Shaoyang. As a result, they must kill people and anger Ye Shaoyang. The new round of fighting will inevitably begin.


Ye Shaoyang broke out with an angry roar, pulled out the seven-star Longquan sword, and rushed over to the poor. Xiaojiu appeared in the real body, flew up and leaped high.

Ye Shaoyang jumped on her, and Xiaojiu carried him and rushed to the strangeness hanging in the air.

The poor Qi just swallowed a good autumn Qiu Ying, the heart of the killing was hooked up, flapping the wings, flew toward Ye Shaoyang.

"Kill them, revenge for Qiuying!!"

The members of the Ghost Federation joined their tears on their faces, rushing out of the enchantment and heading for the Taiyin Mountain army.

They are very few people. They are not worth mentioning in front of the black-pressed army. But their footsteps are not hesitating. At the moment of Qiuying’s death, for them, this is a battle that does not require results. There is only one meaning of fighting: revenge for companions.

To the dead party.

Because the poor is caught by Ye Shaoyang, the rest went straight to the Red Moon and other people. Anyway, they are masterminds or accomplices, none of them are innocent.

A dozen people, like a dozen heavy bombs, exploded in the army.


A **** light exploded in the air.

Ye Shaoyang clung to the head of Xiaojiu and was shocked by a distance. He stopped the momentum and watched it. He was also shocked and flew out. He then fanned a few wings before standing in the air and watching them. Come over, my eyes are strange.

He really did not expect that this round of confrontation, he did not take up any cheap, this person is a demon, the strength is strong, far beyond his expectations.

However, this result did not make him feel scared, but it aroused his aggressive and killing heart. After adjusting it in the air, he swooped down again.

Xiao Ji gently landed, but also jumped again, carrying Ye Shaoyang, and the strange battle in the air.

Although the singularity is great, but Ye Shaoyang is the Shangxian tablet, plus the small nine this demon king, the two sides will not win or lose.

The two sides went to the sea more and more, and once again, they attacked and attacked hard. Xiaoji vented a sigh of relief and fell down. When he looked down, he found himself at sea, and he was still playing too hard. The attention was completely on this, and others turned out to be. Ignored it.

When it was about to fall into the water, a huge wave suddenly turned up in the water, and a huge thing rushed out of the water. It was the real body of the scorpion blood pool Rakshasa.

(The story of Shaoyang is nearing completion, many places need to be conceived, and the recent writing is super slow. Everyone understands it. If you don’t understand it, I can’t help it. I’ve tried to restore 2 more recently. Writing a book doesn’t mean you want to write as much. I can't write without a day of inspiration. Anyway, I will write the end.)

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