Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2945: 2946 relapsed into 1


Snow Magic took the lead and rushed to the four treasures in his hand.

This blow, he used all his strength, the four treasures almost fainted, no resistance. Of course, Lin Sansheng could not leave him, and he was eager to welcome the heavens and the earth.

With a long knife strike, the heaven and earth ruler directly flew away, and the strong breath fluctuations shook the arm numb, and a blood almost spit it out.

Snow Magic reversed the blade and wiped it across the neck of Sibao. Lin Sansheng's right hand was numb, and his left hand was extended in a hurry, and he grabbed it toward the blade.

This knife is so powerful that it pushes out across his palm. Lin Sansheng almost cuts off one hand, and the scarlet ghost blood rushes out of the wound, spraying on the blade and spurting a white steam.

Long knife with his hand, smeared to the neck of Sibao, in this second, Lin Sansheng, who has always been in the chest, felt deep despair, watching the long knife fall, suddenly slamming, a few centimeters away from the neck of Sibao The far place was suddenly blocked.

A judge's pen is blocked under the long knife.

Lin Sansheng suddenly turned his head, Xu Wenchang, holding a judgement pen, looking at the snow magic lightly.

"Looking at the excitement of playing you, I can’t stand it anymore. It seems that practice is not enough."

Xuemo and Lin Sansheng were as sluggish for a moment, looking at the high platform behind him.

For a time, I saw the runes on the four Lingshi together with blue-green light, gathered into four beams, shining together, diagonally refracting, four elephants and gossip, becoming eight eight sixty-four, like weaving It became a large net, covering the top of the wellhead. In the whole plane, the only part that was not covered by the net was the middle part, which was occupied by the bronze tripod.

The blue-green light falls on it, and the runes on the big tripod are also prominent, like relief.

"I almost forgot, it’s still worse."

Xu Wenchang took out a thing from his sleeve and threw it over the high platform. It was a piece of paper, which was filled with words, flew over the giant tripod, fell, burned, and the words flew around. The giant tripods converge and form a black hole. For a moment, the island swayed violently.

As if the magma erupted in general, a water column was ejected from the sea eye under the giant ding, hitting the bottom of the giant tripod, and the fire in the tripod was boiling. It was always a fire in the baking container below, the hot water was boiling, but the front was reversed. .

"The end of the horse is upside down, the water and fire are in harmony, the Qiankun translocation, the sky is overturned, the yin and yang are metamorphosed..." Xu Wenchang read the spell and manipulated the crepe paper burning in the giant ding, the more the fire, the more water sprayed in the sea eye. At the end of the yin and yang reconciliation, the blue light emitted by the four pieces of Lingshi instantly dispersed, and the brilliance of the circle and the circle spread toward the surrounding islands.

The sea eye is activated.


Xuemo saw this scene, knowing that the action failed, and he waved at the crowd and quickly retreated.

He knew in his heart that once the sea eye was activated, it was connected to the power of yin and yang between heaven and earth. With their strength, there was no way to destroy or even want to be close to the sea eye. Then Xu Wenchang had already freed up his hand. The snow devil couldn’t help him, and he simply left.

Leaving the island, Snow Devil saw the huge encirclement of the sea, and his eyes lit up and flew past.

Even if the mission fails, if you can get rid of the Ghost Alliance, it is also a great achievement. At the moment, their army has been layering the Ghost Alliance and one can't run.

The ghost soldiers surrounded the ghost-caught alliance, but the ghost-caught alliance was surrounded by sorrows and madness.

If they swarm up, it will inevitably cause terrible killing, but the blood pool Raksha calmly observes the situation and feels that the encirclement is not strict enough. If the storm is strong, it can kill a few, but the rest is likely to break through.

Her appetite is big, she wants to kill all the ghost-caught alliances, or capture them, or... maybe it is possible to persuade them?

So she ordered not to attack, but to retreat, leaving a large enough space in the middle, so as not to be broken out by them, while passing on orders, let the more men enter the formation, and wait and see, as long as there are enough people, the ghost-caught alliance will escape. Can't fall.

"Ye Shaoyang, you look back and look at it. You have already escaped from the wings. Now you have two paths, or you will all die, or you will follow me. I promise you safety. I know that you don't want to bow, but I I also know that you attach the most importance to your life, and you are desperate to stop you, but you have the heart to let so many people go to die with you?"

Xuemo also came to her and looked at Ye Shaoyang silently.

For the warning of the blood pool Raksha, Ye Shaoyang did not seem to hear, riding on the back of Xiaojiu, holding the seven-star Longquan sword, constantly launching a storm on the poor.

It is one of the four great beasts of the ancient times. The strength is strong enough to compete with the strong witness of the martial arts King Kong Sanzang. Ye Shaoyang is not his opponent. Within the Three Realms, there are very few super-superpowers, such as the Emperor Yaodu. I got it.

However, in the face of the savvy siege of the Ghost Alliance, they can only barely defend, and the situation is about the same.

"How is this good!"

Xu Wenchang returned to the high platform and looked far away from the distant battlefield. He couldn't help but be scared. Now the ghost-caught alliance is almost in a desperate situation. Yugong, they are now the strongest force outside the sergeant. They are looking for themselves. To help, can activate the sea eye, relying on them to contain the Taiyin Mountain army, and now they are done, they are all over the army ... Xu Wenchang can not pass this.

"How is it?"

He saw that Lin Sansheng also came to the side with his four treasures and grabbed him. "You are very scheming. How is this situation now?"

Lin Sansheng looked at the battlefield with gaze, as if he didn't hear Xu Wenchang's words. For a moment, he turned to look at Xu Wenchang and quickly asked: "Is the island safe?"

"The sea eye has lived, the yin and yang of the birth, can be seen as a long-lasting legal array, even if the army can not attack, only I have a spell to open the law. That would be good."

Lin Sansheng threw the four treasures on the edge of Ju Ding, let him stay in the core circle, and flew himself down the platform to the shore.

Mu Han, a kind-hearted teacher with a master, stood on the shore with a confused look. In the previous battle, they also died a lot of people. Even the Qingcheng school leader Wang Daogan also died. Chong Hezi was standing on the side, with some of his remaining disciples, and looked at the battlefield with anxious eyes.

Seeing Lin Sansheng coming over, he took the initiative to ask what to do now.

"People are here, right?" Lin Sansheng asked.

"The rest are dead, and they are left. My brother went to the bottom of the sea and disappeared for a long time. I want to be entangled by a strong man of the same magnitude. Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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