Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2948: 2950 Yingying Fire 1

Blood pool Raksha stood on the water, looking at Ye Shaoyang with hatred, his eyes were so unwilling and angry, but in the end he could only order the gang to withdraw.

As for the strangeness, it seems to suddenly wake up like it, and looked around and made a frantic attack on the island. However, the South China Sea has been completed, even if the Qin army Wanma can not be destroyed, not to mention the bad and still seriously injured, and finally can only leave in the blood pool Raksha and Snow Magic's persuasion.

He didn't know what happened to him.

"It's okay?" The pony looked at Ye Shaoyang, recalling the scene that happened before, and I can't believe it.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

"Autumn Ying is dead!" The orange wowed and cried, and plunged into the arms of Ye Shaoyang, bursting into tears.

Meihua and Xiaobai also cried on the side.

Guagua and others, all of them have a sorrowful look on their faces, standing quietly, although Qiu Ying has not been involved in the Ghost Federation for a long time, most of them do not have much time to deal with Qiu Ying, but just enter The Ghost Alliance, that is the brothers and sisters, can save each other and even die for each other.

This is the reason why the Ghost Federation can make a difference in the three realms.

Ye Shaoyang stared blankly around the sea, because the Taiyin Mountain withdrew, it looked empty, and no one was there. He wanted to find the soul of Qiu Ying, but even the soul was gone, it has become refined and entered the sea. In the eyes, it should be to go back and forth. According to the rules of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, she started from the grass after her reincarnation.

Yeah, she was originally a fairy grass, still still doing herself. If she keeps some aura in the fine, she still has the opportunity to cultivate into a fine, but the autumn Ying, which they are familiar with, can no longer come back.

Ye Shaoyang spread his left palm and looked at the above-mentioned soul print that should have belonged to Qiu Ying. Now it has completely disappeared.

"There is no clothes, and the same robes..."

Lin Sansheng faced the sky and sang such a sentence with the accent of the ancient song. The voice was full of desolate.

The mournful scene that Chonghe and others saw, and the feeling that their own doormen were slaughtered in the battle of Fangcai, was also sad in their hearts.

The scene was in a sad silence.

"Boss, why didn't you kill the poor, just revenge for Qiuying!" The orange suddenly raised his head and asked angrily to smear Ye Shaoyang. "What morality is also said with this evil thing, what kills him with great brightness!"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, and asked everyone: "You know, why do you suddenly turn against water?"

In one sentence, the curiosity of all people was mobilized. Mu Han and others also listened. From the end of the battle to the present, they have been thinking about this problem. They really can't figure out what Ye Shaoyang did to the poor. The door does have a spell that can make the evil thing lose its mind and temporarily obey its own. Command, but the object can only be a general evil that is repaired as shallow.

This strength is so good... I want to control his mind, I am afraid that the Emperor may not do it (it is ten times more difficult than killing it). Therefore, everyone feels that there must be other reasons, but I can’t think of it. .

Ye Shaoyang opened the backpack and took out the miniature version of the puppet Buddha incarnation. The palm of the hand was wiped on it, and the chubby child appeared again.

The buns fell on the ground, and they were swaying and squinting. They opened their tired eyes and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

"Successful, you have made great contributions." Ye Shaoyang reached out and squeezed his face like a child.

"Bun! Ah, I know, is he confused with illusion?" Meihua suddenly screamed.

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "He has woven a dream for the poor, a dream that reverses the enemy and me, and makes him think that those evil things are our people, but think that we are his companions."

"This...so simple?" everyone screamed.

"It's that simple."

Once the illusion of the buns is successful, they can ingest the other's gods and weave a special dream for him. At the beginning, Ye Shaoyang and others have recruited them. The process of dreaming is only known by the buns themselves.

Everyone looked at the buns and looked very tired, so I checked his situation last time. The answer to the buns is to use the brain too much, and now the brain is blank.

"No, ah, boss, so strong strength, how can you casually recruit?" Xiaoqing asked inexplicably.

The stronger the cultivation, the stronger the protection of the gods, and the more difficult it is to be confused by various illusions. Otherwise, the buns have long been invincible in the Three Realms.

"So, before I asked you to attack the whole world with all your strength, and try to seriously hurt him, that is, to distract him."

Everyone thought about it, and suddenly realized that before Ye Shaoyang ordered everyone to besiege the poor, everyone including the blood pool Raksha and others, thought that he was vengeful, killing red eyes, did not expect... This is the illusion, is Ye Shaoyang self-help plan One step in the process.

"If you can bring people to meet me, have you seen my plan long ago." Ye Shaoyang looked up at Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng did not answer positively and said: "Ye Shaoyang, who has killed his eyes, I have seen it, but even if it is for revenge, you can't gamble all the lives of the people. It is not you. I see you repeatedly leading everyone to attack. It’s awful, I’m confused at first, I understand it when I think about it.”

"Why don't you break through?" Mu Han thought of this, regardless of the relationship between the two, blurted out. "At that time, if you break through, at least a large number of people can go away."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him faintly and said: "I want everyone to come back together. If you want to sacrifice someone, it is not as good as everyone else."

Mu Han was stunned and couldn’t say a word.

Therefore, at the time of extreme distress, Ye Shaoyang calmed down and thought of the buns. At that time, the buns were around him, so he told his own plan with his knowledge, and then mobilized everyone to besiege the bad, especially serious, especially the eyes. When the hedgehog was instinctual, the instinctively distracted for a moment, the buns lived up to expectations, seized the opportunity of this moment, and controlled the strange gods...

Understood all this, Mu Han and others were shocked. Ye Shaoyang's plan is wonderful, but the risk is also great. At that time, if the blood pool Rakshasa was not for security, directly attacked, inside and outside, they may all fight. Death, one can not run, but Ye Shaoyang actually seized the opportunity and created a miracle.

The most important thing is that in the face of the whole army and the inability to see a line of life, change to someone else, or think of breaking out, or fight together, even if they give them buns, at that time It is almost impossible to think of this trick.

And Ye Shaoyang just thought of it, and then he created a miracle, and brought back a lot of his own doorman...

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