Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2952: 2954th place 1

"Yuzhou Ding is my human entrance, and the sea eye is an export. Although it is not as smooth as the Yinsi, it can only be used."

"What do you want to go back to the sin?"

"There is no way, only to break out."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. "You mean...they are all out of the house? How come back?"

"The siege of the city is puzzled, they will definitely not go back."

Everyone is speechless.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the busy figures around him and said, "Then you are busy, we are gone."

Xu Wenchang sent them to Gaotai, Ye Shaoyang found the Jingang Sanzang who was talking to Cui Wei, and said hello to them separately. Cui Wei also said one or two words of encouragement. Ye Shaoyang nodded mercifully, and Jingang Sanzang also ended his enthusiasm with Cui Wei. He said that he had to mobilize his men and arrange for them to defend the island. They called Shang Chonghezi and left after leaving with Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to leave, Xu Wenchang suddenly came up, mysteriously said: "Little Tianshi, I said, after the event, give you a surprise."

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly, and there were surprises that could rival the death of Qiu Ying. However, I was still curious in my heart. What kind of "surprise" he had prepared for himself.

"I am in a bad mood now, what do you always say, don't sell off."

Xu Wenchang smiled and pointed to him behind him and said: "Little Heaven, you see who is behind you."

Ye Shaoyang turned and saw the steps on the platform of Gaotai, standing with a man wearing a black gown, wearing a shawl and looking at himself quietly.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was beaten by lightning, even though he had not seen it for many years, but Ye Shaoyang recognized him at a glance.


This is his father Ye Bing!

The appearance of Ye Bing with obvious restraint, rushed Xu Wenchang into a squat, "Thank you for Xu Gongcheng."

"Ye paper, a lot of things are waiting for you, hurry up." Xu Wenchang finished, back to the runners around the busy.

Ye Bing looked at his son, his face smiled and went down to Ye Shaoyang. He looked at him for a long time, opened his mouth, and yelled at Ye Shaoyang with full expectation: "dog egg."

Dog... eggs?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stunned.

Oranges and others grinned next to them.

"Dad, you..."

"Your nickname is called a dog egg. Your grandfather gave it to you. It was only when you were five years old that you went to Maoshan. I have never heard of this name since then."

"Let's go, you can do anything."

Ye Shaoyang is still very excited, although the last time the two secretly saw one side, it was secretly, and almost the father was accountable. This time in public, she was very excited and jumped to Ye Bing. Looking at his many brothers, one of them took his father’s shoulder and said loudly: "This is me!"

This scorpion, the grievances that have not been able to recognize the father for so many years, have been smashed out. Not only the brothers of the ghost league, but many people on the high platform are busy, and they are attracted by his shouts. Look over here.

"Grandpa is good!"

Guagua and buns squat down the steps. The rest of the people are also kneeling on one knee and following the ceremony. They are the brothers and sisters of Ye Shaoyang. Of course, the elders are polite. Only Xiao Jiu and Yang Gong are not squatting, and they are also polite.

"Don't, everyone is welcome." Ye Bing was a little cramped. He wanted to lift them up. Ye Shaoyang grabbed his shoulder and said excitedly: "Dad, don't be embarrassed, they are all my life." brothers and sisters!"

Sibao squatted on one knee and handed it to the ground: "Good father, I will give you an early age."

The rest of the people also followed the call to the father.

Ye Shaoyang laughed.

Many people in the vicinity stopped the action at hand, staring at this side, and some people did not know Ye Shaoyang, and asked each other: "Who is so mad, Fujun adults and runners are here, so fanfare... ”

I learned that this is Ye Shaoyang. One by one is a surprise, and then it is relieved. It can be so arrogant in front of the Yin Shi Da, and only this legendary Ye Shaoyang is wild.

"Dad, don't worry, you see these people are very busy, I tell you, without me, this place has long been occupied by Taiyin Mountain!" Ye Shaoyang tried to show his father in front of him, the more excited he said.

As a result, Ye Bing glanced at him and lowered his voice: "Low-key!" But it is also difficult to hide in the eyes. After all, everyone wants their children to get ahead.

Ye Shaoyang took Ye Bing and introduced his brother to him one by one. "This is the four treasures, a wine and meat monk, false positives, this is a pony..."

"In the next Baiyun City Lord." The pony licked his hair and put on a very chic posture.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "The four treasures are false, he is not serious."

Introduced to everyone, the orange is helping Cui Wei to make a book. Seeing that Ye Shaoyang has finished introducing himself, he hurriedly said: "Uncle, and me, we saw me last time, I brought you to see you."

Seeing Ye Shaoyang blinking, suddenly thinking of something, quickly close his mouth, nervously looking at the wheel king.

Ye Shaoyang asked them to wait for a while, and they took Ye Bing and went to a place where there were few people to talk for a while.

"Because of your sake, they gave me an official. Now it is the fast newspaper Secretary Zong Zheng, from the seven products. I am not in the reincarnation department, it will be convenient for us to meet later."

Ye Bing directed Ye Shaoyang to look at himself. He wore a black gown and cuffs with white edges. Ye Shaoyang has a little understanding of the establishment of the Yin Division. The Yin Division uses the system of the Song and Ming Dynasties. Officials dress and dress have strict rules. The civil servants are long gowns. Generally, the small officials below the six products do not wear official uniforms, only wear long gowns, according to the costumes. The colors are different to distinguish the levels.

The black dress is inlaid with white edges, which is the seven-pronged official. The six products are gray-clothed Phnom Penh, and the five products are the black gauze robes.

Ye Shaoyang heard that his father had been transferred from the reincarnation department. He was very excited. He looked at him up and down and wondered: "Dad, I remember that you seem to be a primary school graduate. How can you export it now? The attitude is different."

Ye Bing smiled and said: "Your boy has grown up from a small child to become a master of Maoshan. You are not allowed to study. I have been dead for 20 years. When the sinister is doing nothing, I read and write. Naturally and before life. same."

He has been looking at Ye Shaoyang, smiling from time to time, patted his shoulders, seems to want to make up for the 20-year deficit, Ye Shaoyang also enjoyed this feeling, suddenly, Ye Bing sighed, pulling Ye Shaoyang on the roadside Kneeling down and looking at the ground said:

"I saw that you have today, I am mixed. You can have it today. Of course, I am happy when I am a beggar. Our old Ye family is a farmer. I have calculated personal belongings to your generation, or a big man... Dog eggs, Dad is proud of you. But these things you are doing now are too dangerous, and may be even more dangerous in the future. I am really afraid that one day, white hair people will send black hair..."

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