Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2955: 2957 to the treasure 2

That night, Ye Shaoyang went home to sleep, and when he woke up, someone knocked at the door, and the sky was already bright. Ye Shaoyang squatted in the temple and opened the door. Seeing Lao Guo, the impression seems to have just been separated. In fact, it has already passed one night.

"The phone is not connected, knocking on the door is ignored, I am planning to leave!"

Lao Guo complained, coming in with two big bags in his hand.

"what is this?"

Lao Guo opened the bag, which was full of sausages, bacon, and a few salted chicken and duck. Lao Guo was all attached to the clothes hanging on the balcony.

"This is what your nephew asked me to send. I know that some of your big men can't go to the streets to buy them. Let me send some new year's goods. This is not a happy New Year. It must be a little new year. Hey, this bundle of red paper. It is for you to write a couplet, knowing that your words are good, and you have not bought them."

Lao Guo went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. When he finished drinking, he left. "I have to send some to my family. You remember to go to my house in the 30th year. I will call you when I am."

Lao Guo waved his hand and left. Suddenly, the sound of the four treasures sounded in another room. "Hey Shaoyang, how do you put your implements in a hurry, and take it back quickly!"

Ye Shaoyang listened to curiosity, walked over, pushed the door in, and the four treasures shrank in the bed, one hand was exposed outside the bed, holding something, stumbled and said: "This thing smashed me for half a night, you Take it quickly, don’t let the instrument go, don’t let it go, let’s see you cry!”

Ye Shaoyang frowned and took the thing from his hand. It was a square print, blue-green, translucent jade, engraved with some runes that could not be understood. It looked like an antiquities, but it was very smooth. There is not even a crack.

"What is this, not my thing, your own."

"I don't need to print, it's not yours, that's white-browed." Four treasures stretched out their heads from the quilt and shouted Wu Jiawei's name.

Ye Shaoyang threw the jade seal back on the bed and turned to go out. He was still thinking about the jade seal in his mind. He seemed to have seen it there... He suddenly froze like an electric shock. After a few seconds, he rushed to the bed and put a jade seal. Picking up again, holding both hands, up and down, the rune above does not know, but to look at it, like a vast ocean, there are mountains looming.

"Fuck, this is..." Ye Shaoyang took a mouthful of Zhangzhou's own mouth and rushed to the living room. Lao Guo was wearing shoes to go, and Ye Shaoyang rushed him to wave.

"Oh, hey." He attracted Lao Guo in a mysterious look and hurryed over.

Ye Shaoyang closed the windows, fearing that the bell was not insured, and painted a few blood characters, posted on the doors and windows, and then went to Wu Jiawei's room to wake him up and went to the room of Sibao.

"You are surprised to see what you are doing." Four treasures squinted and leaned on the pillow.

Ye Shaoyang touched the jade seal with one hand and lifted it up. "Guess guess, what is this!"

"What?" Lao Guo frowned.

Ye Shaoyang looked at them and lowered his voice. He said one word at a time: "Shan Haiyin!"

Ten seconds of suffocation.

Sibao took a seat from the bed and said, "No mistake!"

"It’s Shan Haiyin. I’ve seen Xu Fu used it. It’s not wrong.” Ye Shaoyang is hard to conceal, “again, if it’s not Shan Haiyin, why would it appear on my bed!”

Guagua also proves that Shan Haiyin, which I have seen before, is like this.

Four treasures frowned: "But if it is Shanhaiyin, why is it in your bed? You are not saying that Xu Fu didn't give you a mountain seal?"

Ye Shaoyang told his previous guess.

Wu Jiawei and the four treasures are a bit embarrassing.

"That is, Xu Fu came to today with Shan Haiyin and put Shan Haiyin here?"

After getting Ye Shaoyang's confirmation, Sibao thought for a while and said: "So, the future time he went to can be related to our time, that is, he can change the future? This is not what we guessed at the time. the same."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said: "I feel that both situations coexist. There are parallel worlds and timeliness where chain reactions can occur. Before Xu Fu was arrested, he went to the future... that is today, Shanhaiyin stayed here, then we came over every day..."

Wu Jiawei interrupted his words and said: "That is to say, last night, he came and put down the mountain seal."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and suddenly thought of something, Lao Guo has already called: "If you get up in the middle of the night last night, can't you just see him, but the real Xu Fu, still in the prison, there are two in this world. Xu Fu?"

Ye Shaoyang took a breath of air and said: "Last night, it was Xu Fu in the past!"

But after all, there are two Xufu appearing in the same world, and both are true Xu Fu. Xu Fu, who is on this timeline, is now in Zhaozong, and the one who sent Shanhaiyin last night has now returned. In the past, I will be arrested soon...

This feeling is still a weird feeling that they can't tell.

Four treasures thought silly for a while and said: "That, goat, you think about it, before Xu Fu was arrested, at that time we didn't have Shanhaiyin, Xu Fu printed the mountains and seas to us in the future... From what we saw at the time , Shanhai Yinhao is not getting us in the future?"

"This..." Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment. At that time... In the future, another "self" would get Shan Haiyin, and then what would his performance be? It must be as frightening as he is now. I will also think a lot, he... and the four treasures at the time, Lao Guobaimei and Guagua, will there be such a discussion? Even... exactly the same.

A cold fear, climbed into everyone's heart. They all thought of the same thing: If they were in the "future" world, when they saw Shan Haiyin, they were exactly the same as their present performance, then you are equal to everything in the world? Are they just going along an established track?

What they are doing now, what they said, even a look has already happened... Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought that even when Qiuying of this world is still alive, she will be dead in the future, this is only two It’s less than a month since the world was different (from Xu Fu’s time and space to the time they got the mountain seal), and then traced back, there is infinite time, there is an infinite world.

For example, I am now going to destroy the Taiyin Mountain, but in a future world, I have already done it, and the results have already happened. Then, no matter whether I am going to do this or not, the ending is already doomed, then I What is the point of doing all this?

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