Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2978: 2980 Styx Truth 1

Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Why... everyone is Maoshan, but you know I don't know?"

The wind is too lazy to answer this naive question, spread out his right hand, stick it on the top of the stone, and have a word in his mouth. This hard stone is soft in his hands, like a sponge, pressed by his fingers, and the nearby part begins to flood out. The same luster, gradually expanding, and then there is really liquid flowing out, spreading around, black and dark debris flying with the liquid, the top slowly open, forming a deep blue pool in the middle.

The road wind took Ye Shaoyang and plunged in.

The water is cold and biting, as if walking through the ice water.

Ye Shaoyang tightened the hand of the wind.

This feeling lasted for half a minute, and then the wind pulled him hard and jumped out of the pool and landed on the ground.

"Frozen me!"

Ye Shaoyang held his arms and squatted on the floor, but strangely, the feeling of this coldness disappeared in a few seconds, and the body was still dry, with no water stains.

Ye Shaoyang was curious in his heart, stood up and looked at it. The whole person immediately stopped, and he snorted "I rely on".

This is a fantasy world that has never been seen before.

I am on an island. There are tall trees on the island. It is a bit like a palm. The canopy is huge. It covers this small island completely. The feet are covered with all kinds of weeds and deep ankles. In addition to trees and weeds, there are only a few hills on the island, and the rocks are everywhere.

What shocked Ye Shaoyang most was that at first glance, there were countless small islands, stacked in layers, about a few hundred meters apart, high and low, all floating in midair.

Castle in the Sky.

Ye Shaoyang immediately thought of this famous cartoon. The shape of the island is similar to the city of the sky, but the number of small islands is too much. There is only one big rattan connected to each other - the rattan is a dish. On the big tree, the long vines with purple flowers are on.

"This...will not be the legendary fairyland?"

Ye Shaoyang’s trembling voice balances the inner shock.

The Shura community is the most mysterious of the six-story space. It is more mysterious than the boundless world. The magical world has only heard of it. Very few people have actually been there because there are no places in the world to directly reach the Shura community. The conventional way of passage is only Two, one is waiting to pick up the Taoist to come to pick up.

The Shura world is different from the Qing Dynasty. The empty world of the Qing Dynasty is accessed by external forces. Once the strength reaches a certain level, it can break the void and fly to the air.

What Shura Road is looking at is the chance. This is similar to the dimensionless world, but the boundless world is exclusive to Buddhism, and it must be the practice of Mahayana Buddhism, which is actually a private place of the Bodhisattva.

The Shura world is connected to the Hell River, where King Ashura guards, in case there are creatures mistakenly entered. The other side is connected to the reincarnation. If you want to enter the Shura Road, you will not see the strength. According to the Yinshi, you must cut off the cause and effect in the six reincarnations, clear the karma, and have the opportunity to go to Shura Road.

Therefore, the Shura community is strictly a Shura Road, a plane of the six reincarnations, which is different from the Qing Dynasty and the Chaos.

However, the six reincarnations have been opened for so long, and there are very few that can enter the Shura Road. In ancient times, there was only one or two in the past. The selection criteria were only known to the Tibetan Bodhisattvas and the runners themselves.

There is also an unconventional way to enter Shura Road, which is to pick up the Taoist. It is said that he often sways within the Three Realms, and when he meets the right person, he pulls into Shura Road.

He is the guardian of Shurao. As for strength, no one knows how strong he is. He only does not count him when he ranks the top three, although the Emperor and the Tibetan Bodhisattva never fight with people. However, after all, in charge of the yin and sacred land, they are all characters on the cusp of the cusp. Xuanyuan God is also invisible, but it has been unstoppable to control the spell guild through Xingyue.

Dongyue Emperor and Donghuang Taiyi, the doormen also do things in the Three Realms, only this Shura community, from top to bottom, has been obscured, almost do not intervene in the Three Realms.

I am now immersed in the scene, seeing this dreamy scene in front of me, Ye Shaoyang feels in his heart, here is a mysterious world.

"It is a fairyland, but it is almost the same." A loud voice came from afar. The two turned their heads together and saw an old monk with a tall figure (a ratio of height to the wind), from behind the tree. Coming over, the old monk is strong and strong, with a face and a beard, giving a sense of majesty and fierceness.

"It's you! Zhishen Zen Master!" Ye Shaoyang recognized him at a glance. He once saw him once in the air. Later, he listened to Lin Sansheng and said that he extradited Qingyunzi and Li Haoran to the Shura community to know his true identity. It is to lead the Taoist.

On the road, I went forward for a ceremony, and the Zhishen Zen Master returned to the ceremony, and I rushed to Yang Shaoyang and smiled. "Ye Tianshi, I met again."

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly greeted him and asked: "Zen Master, are you picking up the Taoist?"

Zhi Shen Zen said: "All kinds of law, all for the skin, how to seal."

The monk's speech is such a half-baked, half-text is not white, Ye Shaoyang has long been used to it, is pondering his words, heard the wisdom of the Zen master rushing the road said: "The last time I asked your question, you can understand?"

The road calmed down and said: "I am a Buddha."

"Okay. You can see this layer, but it is also rare, but there is a deeper level. The Buddha is himself. It is also the life under the heavens. The suffering of all beings is affected by me. The evils of all beings are my inheritance. All the causes and effects are made by me and my own. This is the Buddha."

The road wind smiled lightly. "If someone is evil, then you will not be punished?"

"Let the knife cut down and become a Buddha."

"If it is a family?"

"He will one day let go."

The road wind smiled and said: "I can't do such a Buddha. If you owe money to pay back the money, killing people and paying for it, the mistake of one person must be borne by himself. That's right."

Zhi Shen Zen said: "I used to think like you, killing people all the way, robbing the rich and helping the poor, specializing in the world's troubles..."

"Later?" The road asked, and he wanted to elicit the transformation that came out of him.

As a result, the Zen Master Zen had a word that made him stunned: "Now, I still think so."


Seeing the surprised expression of the two people, Zhishen Zen smiled and touched his bare head with one hand and read: "I don't cultivate good fruits in my life, I only love to kill people, set fire, what is good, what is evil, what is retribution, causality, water mill A Zen stick, sweeping the world! Dear! Hahaha!"

I laughed when I finished reading.

This neurotic performance is also to make Ye Shaoyang stunned, but carefully thinking about what he said, but also reveals a free and easy.

(Go home today, write a chapter, there is a chapter to finish writing, update after ten minutes, sorry to keep everyone waiting.)

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