Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2986: 2988 Conspiracy 3

“Da Zhoutian’s heart-breaking method?”

Mu Han certainly heard this name as a slap in the ear. Although he had never touched the magical world when he was a child, the books about the magical world have seen a lot. There are many books in this area of ​​Longhushan, and some can only be seen in the past. The core secret file, Zhang Wusheng also showed him.

"This is the first pass of the door, and it is said that it has been lost for thousands of years. How did he get it!"

"You are going to pursue this, in short, I will not lie to you."

No wonder his strength is soaring, so much stronger than himself! It turns out that it is no wonder that there is a big Sunday to voicing the heart of the law.

Shaking the fairy observed his expression and felt that the fire was almost the same. He said, "You should not be discouraged. Since I came to you, I naturally want to help you."

Mu Han smiled bitterly: "What do you do for me, even if you now teach me a big Sunday to vent my heart, I can't deal with him."

"I still have a big Sunday mentality, I can give it to you, not only that, but also a better practice method for you, or I will find you what to do."

Mu Han looked at her with enthusiasm, and suddenly became alert again, saying: "Condition?"


"You will never look at me to help me?"


Shake the fairy to change color, screamed, and then slowed down, saying: "There is only one condition, that is, killing Ye Shaoyang, and eradicating Maoshan!"

Mu Han looked at her quietly, waiting for her to go on.

"And, with my teachings for many years, I will explain what action you have to do, and you will support us in the identity of your magical ally."

Mu Han thought for a moment, the first one is completely okay, and it is his own goal. As for the second article... there is nothing, although it is somewhat subject to people, but there is no affiliation between the airspace and the human world. Moreover, the magical world has always followed After explaining the approach, I nodded and said, "I can promise you, are there other conditions?"

See Shake the Fairy shaking his head, Mu Han asked: "Then I have a question, why are you looking for me, I mean, why not someone else?"

Shake the fairy road: "You are very smart, can't you think of it? You are looking for you because you are the son of the heavenly election, the dragon and the tiger's head, or the second strongest in the magical world... As long as you remove Ye Shaoyang, you are the first First, you can order the spell world."

Mu Han slowly nodded.

"There are many reasons to kill Ye Shaoyang. Both public and private, Yu Gong, he and Lin Sansheng are a heart. You know that the situation of the airspace, Lin Sansheng joint education, and our interpretation, and the core power behind Lin Sansheng is Ye Shaoyang and his ghost-picking alliance, nowadays, Lin Sansheng has become a climate in the airspace. If he wants to bring him down, he must deal with Ye Shaoyang first, otherwise everything will be awkward."

After stopping for a moment, she went on to say:

"In private... I must have heard about it. Their group of people have been fighting with us several times. There are teachings to kill Jin Xian in their hands. This enemy does not report, I can't keep this breath!"

Mu Han thoroughly understood, and his mood was inextricably excited, but he still said quietly: "Fairy, if you have any methods, why not practice yourself, you are teaching Jinxian, the starting point is higher than me."

Shake the fairy to sing a cold voice: "There are fairy tales, people have laws, some methods can only be cultivated by humans, but I can't. Besides, I am already in the bottleneck of cultivation, talent is so, can't break through. How do you be so suspicious, In my capacity, come down to find you, will you lie to you?"

Mu Han looked at her, and the inner fire was burning up. She once again bowed to her and said: "Don’t dare, just a good thing, I am a bit stunned, fairy, if you can really help me kill Ye Shaoyang, I have Confidence is unified in the magical world, and I will repay the fairy in the future before the saddle. I wonder if the fairy has any magical tricks to help me?"

Shake the fairy just to open, suddenly heard a bird song, came from under the cliff, fixed the god, changed his mouth: "I am coming today, I want you to this attitude, as for the way to pass your method, but now not on, Let's go first, I will come back to you tomorrow!"

Mu Han was unwilling to ask her when she saw her again, shaking the fairy to answer the recent, and then encouraged him.

Mu Han was helpless, so he had to thank him and then left.

Shaking the fairy saw him go far, turned to the edge of the cliff, flew into the valley and walked into a dense forest.

A woman, sitting on the tree raft of a big tree, looked at her with a smile.

It is the corpse of the corpse. She is dressed in a black tights, temperament and evil, completely different from the fairy princess-shaking fairy.

"What suddenly called me back." Shake the fairy and look at the son-in-law, and asked.

The female niece jumped down, extended a hand, hooked her chin, and shook the fairy to turn her face in disgust, but there was no further resistance.

The niece smiled and said, "How do you think that kid, huh?"

"It's a personal talent." Shake the fairy's heart and abandon the disgust of Mu Han, think about it, and added: "It is a talent in the magical world once in a hundred years."

"This nature, after all, is one of the four sons of salvation." The son-in-law sinks a little and said: "How about Ye Shaoyang?"

Shaking the fairy smiled disdainfully, saying: "I have a deep hatred with Ye Shaoyang, I hate this person, but I have to admit that this cold is far worse than him. If I changed to Mu Han and I explained it to me. Ten of them are dead."

Nvwa asked: "Where is the gap?"

"Strength, but not only strength, many places are far away."

The woman said: "This is not wrong, I only saw his performance, so I suddenly called you."

Shake the fairy is puzzled: "Don't you want to cooperate with him?"

"It is to accept him as a dog, not a cooperation, you come with me."

Whether she is happy or not, the son-in-law pulls her hand, flies very fast in the woods, climbs a mountain, hides herself, moves forward from the rock wall, then stands, then points to the front In the valley.

Shaking the fairy at first glance saw two figures, hiding in the mouth of the valley, motionless. The sun shines, there is no shadow, and it is not human at first glance.

Both are women, dressed in costumes, ring-shaped hairpins, maids dressed, watched in the valley with vigilance, eyes as an eagle.

"Who are they?"

Shake the fairy and ask with the air.

"If I didn't guess wrong, these two are the maids of Baihuaxian. They are coming to step on the layout. Caiyunxian must be in the valley."

Caiyun Fairy?

Shaking the fairy is shocked.

There is a fairy in the nickname, and the swaying fairy has heard about this colorful fairy. I know that it is one of the seven elders of Xuanyuan Mountain. Needless to say, the strength must be above itself, but I have never seen it.

(The war that you like begins, take a break today, a chapter)

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