Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3004: The 3600th Fairy War 6

The two stood in the woods and looked up to the top of the mountain.

On the side of the Ghost Federation, the number of people changed from superiority to inferiority. Thanks to the hundreds of evils under the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Linglong Tower, they barely supported the scene. Later, the disciples of Longhushan also joined the battle.

Their strength is low, and they are far from the strong ones of Xuanyuan Mountain, but even then, they are rushing forward without hesitation. Here is the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, their site, and Ye Shaoyang is here to protect them, no matter How much they didn't like Ye Shaoyang before, and they didn't like Maoshan, but they could survive and die. People could come to rescue.

This great meaning has ignited the blood of every Dragon and Tiger Mountain Taoist.

My generation of monks, why fear a war?


On the outside of the main hall and on a mountain far from the battlefield, hundreds of people stood there. They were the leaders of the various sects. They had surrendered to the Xingyue slaves. After the war began, they did not help each other and retreated to a farther distance from the battlefield. On this mountain, watching the battle process from afar.

I saw that the dragon and tiger mountain disciples rushed up, and some of them couldn’t help but tempted.

The compassionate teacher blinked too much and hesitated for a moment: "I have already formed an alliance with Xuanyuan Mountain. How to do this is a ridiculous thing."

Her voice just fell, and a monk on the side said: "Don't we be afraid of people doing this now?"

The compassionate teacher looked at him too much and said: "Because you have formed an alliance with Xuanyuan Mountain, you can't turn against water any more, otherwise it will become a villain like a wall grass!"

"The villain is a villain!"

A mage yelled. "I can't stand it. I couldn't take it anymore. If you all stand up, you will come over with a ghost. This is the last chance to redeem. How can you make a mistake and go wrong!"

After talking about others, I flew past the battlefield f.

With the first one, there were two or three soon, and then joined the battle.

"Teacher too..."

Another mage called the compassionate teacher too.

The compassionate teacher sighed too much and looked at the battlefield from afar. He said: "One step is wrong, step by step is wrong, but now it is nowhere to stand."

The battle is still going on. The encirclement of the Ghost Federation is getting smaller and smaller. The Fairy Fairy hovering in the air, overlooking the battlefield, the corner of the mouth is also showing a comforting smile.

So they ordered them to be shackled, and when they were sent to her, they would be treated as one thing, and they would find some face.

Suddenly, an aperture appeared in the hall, gradually spreading out, with a swirling flow of black gas in the middle. This is obviously a void crack.

As soon as the void crack formed, it immediately attracted the attention of both sides. One by one, they suddenly became excited. Both sides stopped fighting and their eyes locked in the crack of the void.

Because the void crack appeared in the middle of the main hall, where Ye Shaoyang and Xingyue slaves disappeared together, now the void cracks reappear and the return will naturally be one of them.

Caiyun Fairy and several other Xuanyuan Mountain elders, full of expectations. Everyone in the ghost-caught alliance is nervous. Everyone mentions the eyes of the blind. If it is not Ye Shaoyang, then... I really can’t think.

The compassionate teacher and others waited for a moment and did not mention anything, but they were very complicated. On the one hand, they hoped to come out with Ye Shaoyang, because he represents the strongest and last force in the world of magic, if he also When it is over, the spell world is not saved. Most of them are forced by the situation, they have to yield to Xuanyuan Mountain, and the bones are naturally toward the magical world.

On the one hand, if Ye Shaoyang returns, it means that he won, and when he compares with him, his gang is even more unbearable... However, from a rational point of view, they think that it must be a singular slave, after all, the strength The disparity is too big, Ye Shaoyang basically has no play.

The road wind and the prince Xingjun also flew on a mountain peak and watched from afar. The priestly star was talking and laughing freely. The road was expressionless, but the heart was nervous.

Under the gaze of all the people in the mountains, a figure emerged from the crack of the void, with a look of exhaustion, and the look was very dignified.

"It turned out to be him!"

Caiyun Fairy cried in disappointment. In sharp contrast to it, the cheers of the members of the Ghost Alliance, including the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Mountains, everyone laughed excitedly.

"What fun, small leaves, this is a routine operation!" Pony pretending to scream at everyone, but ignored the tears that inadvertently infiltrated his eyes. After all, everyone knows that this is really not easy.

"This is the case!" Secretary Xing Xingjun was shocked.

The road wind rarely smiles. When he looks at Ye Shaoyang, he seems to have lost his interest. He is too lazy to take another look. He turned to the priest star: "Singer is a count."

"Ye Shaoyang! Where are the stars and moons!"

Caiyun fairy is screaming at the high level, and seeing that only Ye Shaoyang came out alone, his squareness has been chaotic, and the lazy and contemptuous gesture has long since disappeared.

"Xingyue slave?" Ye Shaoyang reached behind his **** and found a bronze brass bell. "Here!"

Donghuangzhong! !

A few people in Xuanyuan Mountain were discolored, and they were on the spot.

He actually used the East Emperor Bell to suppress the Xingyue slave!

This is simply unacceptable.

Xingyue slave is the strong witness, and in the space she created herself, how did she lose to Ye Shaoyang, but also lost so thoroughly, in the fictitious world, what happened in the end?

"If you don't believe, look at this!"

Ye Shaoyang took another thing from behind and lifted it in front of him, a sword with orange-red light.


This is the personal weapon of Xingyuenu, even if it is in the hands of Ye Shaoyang, the truth of the matter can not be doubted.

Caiyun Fairy looks like a soil, biting her lip. After a long time, she looks cold and says: "Even if this is the case, you are still in danger today."

Then he turned around and looked around the Xuanyuanshan disciples, ordered them to kill Ye Shaoyang and **** the East Emperor Bell in his hands.

There are a lot of Taoist priests in Beidouguan, and disciples of Xingyuenu, who are now clamoring for their own masters and rushing up. The rest of the disciples also followed, and under the leadership of Caiyun Fairy launched an offensive.

Ye Shaoyang called all the people on his side to the hall, holding the sides of the gate and several windows, resisting the Xuanyuanshan army. I took Xiao Jiu and Wu Jiawei to the roof, which is more open and the spells are easy to play.

"What to do!" Pony flew a few guys with bricks and asked for Ye Shaoyang.

There are too many enemies and he is not worried.

(Fever, still wrote two chapters, went to rest)

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