Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3010: The 30th fifth sword 1

If you compare the seven-star Longquan sword, the Longquan sword is smart, gentle, and self-improving. The Xuanyuan sword is calm, overbearing, and powerful. It is a matter of strength.

"There are already four swords." Daofeng looked at the Xuanyuan sword in his hand and said, "I still have a sword."

"What kind of sword is it?"

Ye Shaoyang casually asked this question, and did not think that the wind could answer it. But the wind slowly said three words: "Tai Ajian."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him: "Do you know?"

"Sei Xingjun told me."

"How does he know?"

The wind glared at him. "This is always something to know. He is a younger brother of Zhuangzi. He has lived for thousands of years. He has more knowledge than us. Does he know that this is not the case?"

"Amount." Ye Shaoyang scratched the back of his head. "Tai Ajian, I have also heard that it was said that Ou Yezi and the cadre were together. It was used by the King of Chu. Later, I did not know how to get to the hands of Emperor Qin Shihuang, and became his sabre. Later With him buried together?"

"Ancient rumors, who knows the truth."

"Why can it be too Ajian, do you not make a lot of swords? Do you have a red sword, a sturdy thing, why is it too?"

The road wind stunned him again: "You have a lot of problems. You will still make this Longquan sword. Why is Longquan sword a mountain in Maoshan? Isn't another sword?"

Ye Shaoyang can't speak.

"Shen Xingjun told me that these five swords, when made, used materials of different attributes, too Ajian, forged by the iron of the stars, indestructible, is the most sharp weapon in the world, Longquan sword is the pole North cold ice quenching, so the toughness is excellent, the fish intestine sword takes Dapeng's ossification porcelain, and it is agile for nine days; Xuanyuanjian takes Taishan Shenshi as the body, and the force sinks into the millennium, and the pine-grain sword takes the eternal cedar fire to extract the essence. Uninterested...

These five attributes together are the essence of human power, so they can suppress all evil forces, but these five swords are put together, the power is too great, and if used improperly, it can cause huge disasters, so it is dried up and Ouyezi Deliberately hide the name and scatter it everywhere. But the two were still worried, so they created a few more swords, for example, the ones you said, just to confuse the world. ”

After listening to the story, Ye Shaoyang said: "Is this Ouyezi and the cadre, is it full of support? Since I am afraid that these swords will be used by the bad guys, why do you want to cast a sword? If you don't cast it, it will be fine!"

"They also saw Xuanyuanjian, seeing this sword to win the world, and it was natural, so it was inspired to imitate Xuanyuanjian, cast the dragon element of the water element, and then the joy of this creation, let them make a hair Out of control, I continued to cast three other swords. They were swordsmiths. They had swords in their hearts and they were not cast out. They could not contain this impulse."

Ye Shaoyang slowly nodded. This feeling, I can understand, as if I realized what kind of exercises I could, I couldn’t stand it and practice.

Moreover, in the words of Daofeng, it is also mentioned that the two swordsmen were the inspirations of Xuanyuanjian, which is in line with what they know, because Xuanyuanjian was used by Xuanyuan God, as to how he came later. The two swordsmen are not aware of it.

"That... so secretive thing, how did Master Xingjun know, so detailed."

"They cast these four swords, together with the Xuanyuan sword, the five swords have captured the world and the world, they are afraid, so the sword is separated, but do not want this thing completely buried, the truth will be passed on to future generations , yell at them, if there is a demon infringement in the world, when there is no victory, you can find these five human weapons, or hopefully can kill them..."

Having said that, he suddenly did not say it.

Ye Shaoyang asked excitedly: "Is the Secretary of the Stars Jun, who are their descendants?"

The road nodded.

It’s no wonder...

At the beginning, Ye Shaoyang felt that this was too clever, but later he felt that these things were originally interlocking, and they had their own causes and effects.

"But why did he tell you so much?"

"He bet lost."

The wind continued: "This is one aspect. On the other hand, since you have defeated the moon and the slaves, he saw you, and he felt that the moon and the moon were wrong. There is hope in the world of magic, so I want to help you."

Ye Shaoyang heard this, his face was a little red, and he reached out and rubbed his forehead's hair. He said modestly: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be. That oh, I killed the Xingyue slave and Qing, will they find me to avenge?" ”

"Everyone makes mistakes, they have to bear it themselves. They are called brothers and brothers, but the relationship is the same. After practicing their steps, even good and evil are light, let alone enmity."

Ye Shaoyang was relieved and smiled. "But it is a shame to say that what is practiced to a certain extent. I don't believe it. Just say you, you are not very good, but you still care about me, I am being bullied. Can you look at it?"

As he said, he reached out and licked his chin. As a result, the wind backhand grabbed his arm and pulled forward. Ye Shaoyang stood unsteadily and fell directly. The wind lifted the other arm and grabbed him from the side. Waist, bowed slightly, smiled at him evilly, and reached for his chin.

"Who are you, why should I care about you?"

"There is a kind of you to let go!" Ye Shaoyang looked at the ground with a slight head. Although there were only two floors, it was also ten meters high, and it was enough to fall.

"Really?" The wind pinched his chin with one hand. "Don't you ask for mercy?"

"Don't ask for death!"

The voice just fell, the road wind suddenly let go, Ye Shaoyang subconsciously hugged the neck of the road, did not fall.

The two men, this position is a bit awkward, Ye Shaoyang blushes and screams: "Don't wind your mother, pull me up, don't make trouble!"

The road wind took a step back and pulled him up. Ye Shaoyang gasped and took a shot at him, and the road was reversed.

Ye Shaoyang re-attacks, the road defense.

Both of them have a tacit understanding of the use of no mana, only the Maoshan body surgery, the foot is also used in the Maoshan volley step, a attack, a guard, flashing on the empty terrace.

"Say the right thing." Ye Shaoyang's offensive kept talking, and asked: "Where is the A-Sword, did you tell the story?"

"On the Tiantai Mountain."

"Tiantai Mountain?"

The two changed their identity and the road began to counterattack.

"Tiantai Mountain is not a Buddhist temple, how is Tai Ajian there?"

"Why can't I be there?"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it too, and asked: "So let's find it?"

"Can't find it."

"Why?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Tai Ajian is his family biography. He was hidden by his ancestors to Tiantai Mountain, but he did not leave a specific position for future generations... Beware!"

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