Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3014: The 30th is expected to return 2

At the end of the funeral, the group returned to the mountain, and Qu Bo called the group. In the square in front of the main hall, several elders were instructed. This involves the internal affairs of the martial art. Ye Shaoyang wanted to avoid it, but he was left behind by Qu Bo.

"The brothers and the younger generations, just in the place where we are standing now, there was a fierce battle last night. Here, we have several brothers who have sacrificed, stepping on the footsteps of Daoyuan and the students." They are the heroes of Longhushan. We should all be proud. Longhushan has a long-lasting glory, heroic and unyielding, and is worthy of the status of the Taoist lord!"

Qu Bo’s speech aroused the emotions of the disciples. As disciples of Longhushan, they are very proud. Even though the gates are dying, they are still very proud. Because they are disciples of Longhushan, they are not afraid of sacrifice, no matter what their opponents are. Strong, it is impossible for them to yield.

This is the spirit of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain that has been passed down for thousands of years and can never be changed.

Qu Bo then said something encouraging, then told some specific things, and then... he asked everyone to be quiet and listen to him saying the most important thing today.

"Yesterday, I still have several elders who didn't sleep for one night. We discussed the beginning and end of this disaster. The external cause was Xuanyuan Mountain's sudden attack. It was not prepared beforehand, but the internal cause was also the former teacher, Mu Hangang, who used it for himself, and did not trust the magical industry colleagues. ...... After everyone knows that I don’t want to talk about it, I have to lose money to teach that I don’t care about the suspicion. When I come to rescue, I will be free from the destruction of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Millennium Foundation...

Shanmen can't be without a day. I discussed with the elders last night. Everyone agreed that Ye Tianshi should be the master of my dragon and tiger mountain. I don't know what you think. Anyone can speak today. ”

Ye Shaoyang heard this and jumped up from the chair, and waved his hand and said, "How can this be done!

Qu Bo went up and said in a sincere manner: "Ye Tianshi, before, we have misunderstood you and Longhushan, and always wanted to compete with Maoshan, but what is the result of this? Muhan went to extremes, causing spells The division of the world is almost destroyed by the Xuanyuan Mountain... You can come to help without regard to the former suspicion, this kind of kindness is like rebuilding...

This is one of them. Second, you kill the Xingyue slave and the shadow charm, and revenge for the Daoyuan ancestor and the Wushengjiajiao. With this merit, I have nothing to say when I sit on the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Third, Mu Han left, Longyang brothers also smashed, and now there is no suitable person in Longhushan to take the position of teaching... Please ask Ye Tianshi not to resign. ”

Ye Shaoyang blushes and explains: "How can this be? From ancient times to today, there is no such thing..."

"That is the view of the portal!" an elder screamed, and the voice was filled with strong anger. "It is this kind of portal view that has ruined our Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Muhan is a biography of Zhangjiatun, but what about it? He is doing it all." What, what is the son of the day, Dragon and Tiger Mountain no longer believe this, Ye Tianshi, you are now the mainstay of the world of magic, you are in charge of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, we are convinced."

Several elders nodded together.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Abandoning the view of the portal, this I support, the magical world is not united enough, so that Xuanyuan Mountain has a hole in it. If we are a piece of iron, we are not afraid of it! But... a few elders are on, you are Longhushan The old man, the prestige is enough, you are more suitable than me."

The elder smiled and said: "Ye Tianshi, I know that you have to use this reason to evade, telling you the truth, before the end of the cold, you really can't get you, and some of our old guys don't have this mind. However, Dragon and Tiger Mountain has always had a rule. The position of the head can only be transferred among the peers and the younger generation. It must not be passed on to the elders. The generations of the cold are under us. He is a master, then no matter what, we are a few The elders have no chance..."

Ye Shaoyang opened his mouth and tongue, and pulled the Qu Bo again. He said: "Then it is Qu Bo, the head is printed on his hand, and Mu Han said that he passed him to him?"

Another elder smiled and said: "Mu Han has escaped and has been expelled from the Presbyterian Church. Even the disciples of Longhushan are not. If he says it, it will not work. Qubo is a good seed, but he is the master of the game. A little powerless... Qu Bo, I said so, don't be angry."

Qu Bo Gong Dadao: "Today's business is what I initiated. I dare to be angry. Ye Tianshi, I am clear about my own level. I am not really a leader. Ye Tianshi, don't shirk it. You are none other than."

Ye Shaoyang is still deducting.

"I can't see the killer, you can't do it!" Qu Bo smiled, suddenly took out a piece of yellow paper, spread it into a4 paper, and gave it to a disciple, let him pass it on to all the disciples.

"You can be optimistic! This is a personal letter from the unborn teacher. It was written by him before he gave up. He expected that Mu Han might not be a big man, so he left me this suicide note. The seal of the head can't be faked!"

The paper was finally passed back to Qu Bo’s hand, and he gave it to Ye Shaoyang.

There is only one sentence above: If the cold is not used properly, please take Ye Shaoyang to take a seat.

Below is his signature and seal. It was written with a brush.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned and thought carefully, and he understood the painstaking efforts of Zhang Wusheng. Before, he also spit in the heart of Zhang Wusheng, how to choose Mu Han so personally to be a successor.

Among them, fear is also helpless.

Mu Han is the son of the heavenly election. He is born with a very high talent. Zhang Wusheng certainly knows this, so he cultivated him from an early age. When his character was formed, Zhang Wusheng was afraid of discovering his personality defects. However, he had no choice but to work for many years, and that he was a relative and was born as a successor.

So when he decided to give up, he passed the position of the head to him.

At that time, Zhang Wusheng was afraid that the heart was entangled in contradictions. On the one hand, he worried that Mu Han would do something big, and on the other hand, he did not want to waste his hard work of training for many years... Besides, in addition to Mu Han, there is no suitable candidate.

He thought of himself, thought of breaking the door and establishing himself as the head, but even if he was the head, this order was afraid that he would not be able to pass the Presbyterian level. He was about to die, and he couldn’t explain it to them. It was passed to Mu Han, and at the same time, writing this secret letter to Qu Bo, if it was ruthless, caused the elders to completely disappoint him. When the secret letter was announced, the Presbyterian Church had nothing to say.

It’s really hard work.

Ye Shaoyang thought of this place, and he felt a lot of emotions in his heart. He silently said to Zhang Wusheng: Zhang Shishu, you can really see me. Then I will try not to let you down.

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