Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3017: The 30th Revolution 2

The next one, let Ye Shaoyang be a little surprised: Yanshan abbot Qiuzhen Zen master abdicated, his three disciples together in charge of the door affairs, the paper wrote the names of these three disciples: Feng Yang, the moon, the last one is actually Teng Yongqing!

"Autumn Zen Master is also last night?" Ye Shaoyang asked Qu Bo.

"He didn't come this time. I was a bit puzzled. I called Yongqing. He said that it was Qiuzhen Zen master who saw that all the major schools had abdicated and gave them to the young people. He was already reluctant and he was also squatting. This wave has given up the position. The three disciples, respectively, manage the internal affairs and cultivation, and the future head will choose one of the three."

The friendship between Qu Bo and Teng Yongqing was not long ago, and it was formed in the illusion of Xingyue slave. During that time, the two men were armed on the wall, and they added a WeChat and kept in touch.

"I heard Yongqing said that he had no chance to be selected because of his qualifications and strength. However, Qiuzhen Zen Master considered that he is a member of the Ghost Alliance. On the one hand, he is looking at your face, on the other hand, he hopes that he can take it. Mountain, I will work with you to fight for more credit and shine the mountain gate..."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and his heart was dark. Four treasures, Wu Jiawei and Teng Yongqing can now control a martial art. The weight of their own speech in the magical world will become heavier and heavier.

He went down and saw that many sects had changed their hands:

The Ziyun Master of Jizushan abdicated, and his disciple Chen Yitao was in place;

Sanqingshan: Tianming real people abdicated, disciple Ma Shujun;


Looking at the row, there were actually dozens of sects who had changed their heads. The young disciple was in the throne, and Ye Shaoyang was a little shocked. "There are so many!"

"These were all the people who were there last night. Even the compassionate teachers were abdicated. They couldn’t get on the face, and they all abdicated." Qu Bodao, "These new heads have all returned our information." , said that you support the master of the throne, you are the master of the spell, and obey the command."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and said: "Qu Shidi, you can find a way to get me a complete list. All the sects that can be contacted must write the name and contact information of the current teacher. I have a good heart."

Qu Bo promised to ask Ye Shaoyang's next plan. Ye Shaoyang said that he had to go in the morning and go to Yuntai Mountain to meet with the wind. Qu Bo did not ask anything. He only asked him if he would contact the abbot of Yuntai Mountain. Ye Shaoyang thought about it or not. Regarding the Tai Ajian, he did not want to be vocal, lest he should be extravagant.

"This is the account book of Longhushan. It records the number of revenues and expenditures of the mountain gates over the years. Please ask the masters to look at them." Qu Bo handed over a book.

Ye Shaoyang took it and turned it to the middle. A bank card was revealed. Asking Qu Bo is what it means.

"This is the salary card of the head. Every month, I will hit this card fixedly. I will give you the usual flowers and passwords. The password is 123456. If you spend the time, you will tell me. Within ten thousand, I can give you directly, more than 30,000, I have to sign the seal of the Presbyterian."

30,000 yuan a month! Rub, this dragon and tiger mountain gate is really rich. It is much stronger than Maoshan.

However, on the face of the resignation, Qu Bo directly put the bank card into his pocket. "The dragon and tiger mountain family is big, the income of the scenic area is light, and it can be distributed every month. Everyone is proportional. Dividends, you are the head, the proportion is higher, I have nearly 10,000 a month, you take it, you take it, otherwise everyone is embarrassed to take it."

Ye Shaoyang was happy to accept it. He still has some savings, but in the past six months, he has basically not done any business to make money. When he sits on the mountain, he has already been in a hurry. (Maoshan is not expected, because it is closed, the number of people in the scenic area is much less than that of Longhu Mountain, and everything is In the construction, using money everywhere, I have never really taken money from Maoshan. Now, there is a fixed income of 30,000 yuan this month, but there is no worries.

No wonder Zhang Wusheng was so moist in the past, it turned out that this head is not white.

"I will say a little bit first. I treat Dragon and Tiger Mountain as the same as Maoshan. I am not biased, but I only look at myself as the agent. I will still give it to my family in the future." Ye Shaoyang told him very seriously. The subtext is: After all, I am still a Maoshan disciple.

The concept of birth in this bone cannot be changed.

Qu Bo expressed understanding.

Ye Shaoyang turned over the book and gave it to Qu Bo. The two talked about the construction of the sect. Qu Bo booked the ticket for him to Taizhou the next day, chose a plane at noon, and then he left. It is.

Ye Shaoyang opened WeChat, invited Wu Jiawei and Sibao to video together, and asked them about the situation of the throne. Both of them had some helplessness.

Wu Jiawei was okay, and discussed with a few teachers and uncles. The affairs in the door were still handed over to them, and they immediately rushed back to Shicheng. The four treasures are really aggrieved. After all, when you are on the top, everything should be set by example. Meat can't be eaten, and wine can't be drunk. These can be tolerated. It is to be more secretive with Wang Xuwen in the future. Try not to be discovered. Otherwise it will affect the reputation of Mount Wutai.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You really don't change your death. They are all on the top. They don't forget to date their sisters. I ask you, you plan to do it in the future. You can't always contact the underground."

"For now, the identity of this abbot is still useful. At least some things can help you. When the end of World War I is over, I will abdicate. Whoever loves to be the abbot will be married. I am still going to marry Wen Wen. ""

Wu Jiawei said: "I think so too."

"What is the ultimate battle?"

"Shovel the Taiyin Mountain." Four treasures smiled. "Shaoyang, we are going to retire. Now, although this life is exciting, after all, it is a life-saving life. It can't be played for a lifetime. The Taiyin Mountain is the final battle. A good choice, when everyone retire together, like Guo Lao, marry and have children, and live a normal life."

Wu Jiawei nodded and asked him when he would start his action.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a sense of desolateness and asked them: "Are you ready? Are you afraid of death?"

Sibaodao: "Three-nine-nine-week worship has come, this is not a fight, this life is itchy. Don't say anything for the world to be born, we are doing this, this ticket must be done."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "I am afraid I will go back if I don't come back..."

"So I have to act quickly!" The four treasures urged, "If you die in this battle, you will be dead. I am still in the primary stage with Wen Wen. I am still able to find someone else after I die. Going down, I can't bear her, she can't bear me."

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