Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3022: The truth of the 3024 Excalibur 2

"Daddy understands." The ascetic master smiled and interrupted him. "This sword is in your hands, or you can save the people. You can take it with peace of mind."

Ye Shaoyang bowed his hand and thanked him. He took over Tai Ajian from the master of asceticism and suddenly remembered a question. He tried to ask: "Master, I am blunt, the Tiantai sect has no sense of existence in the magical circles these years. Why did the master never think about Taiya? Swords come out for their own use, or give disciples to the door, so there may be a chance to reinvigorate the gate."

"Don't think about it, even the old master, and the previous masters, have thought about this, but once I came to the side of the mountain, there was no ambition, and secondly... Yes, it can indeed attract the attention of the factions, but it is likely that it is misfortune, and even the disaster is endless. Although the Tiantai Zong is now a small number of people, but the mentoring and the daily worship of Buddha, but also self-satisfied Music, let's put it in peace, but why bother to find trouble?"

The husband is guilty of sin.

Ye Shaoyang thought of this sentence. The master of asceticism said that it is not unreasonable, but even if this is the case, the greed of the people is difficult to contain. It is impossible to use the Tai Ajian in the mountain gate. Not everyone can stand it. .

With this in mind, this ascetic master is worthy of praise.

"That, Master, before I took the sword for the sword, I broke a part of the pharmacist. You see..." It was a tens of millions of artifacts, and Ye Shaoyang said it was careful.

The ascetic master called a monk and asked him to ask who came over. No one took the pharmacist to fix the Buddha at night, and immediately followed Ye Shaoyang: "Don't worry, this dry paint is smashed", the inheritance of the craft is in our temple, half It was enough to fix it at night.

Ye Shaoyang is simply grateful to zero.

After drinking a pot of tea, the wind couldn't sit still, and got up and said goodbye. The ascetic master followed and stood up and asked: "Since you got five swords, the old man wants to ask, do you know how to use it?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at the wind, a bit dumbfounded, this problem... I really didn’t think about it. What do you say about the five swords, or the wind, told him again and again, I thought he knew, but look at him now. The expression, only to know that he does not seem to know.

“Master knows?” asked the wind.

The ascetic master asked them to wait a little, and they got up and went out. After a while, they brought a line of books and opened them in front of the two. Ye Shaoyang roughly swept the contents. It was the Buddha’s Diamond Sutra, and he was puzzled. The master of asceticism turned the scriptures to the last page, only to see a paragraph written in the middle of the script. The opening chapter is: Five swords and even the scorpion, when this method is used to gather the five elements of the world, you can blame the evil spirits...

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and read along with the Taoist wind.

"This is the manuscript left by the ancestor of the year, the Diamond Sutra. Originally, this sheet of paper was clipped in the pages of the book. It was the remains of the ancestors, kept by the abbots of the past, and then re-installed for the sake of preservation. Long was discovered, and it has been kept in this book for a long time. Today, I finally handed over everything."

The ascetic master's relaxed tone reveals a trace of desolateness.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the wind and found that the wind was watching himself.

Both of them are speechless.

Masters of Ascetic know what is written on this piece of paper, and they can understand their dispositions. They put their hands together and sighed a Buddha. They sighed: "The five swords are not even the opponents of the ghost king of the Taiyin Mountain. The way is here, how? Choose and see yourself."

The road wind took the paper off, stuffed it into Ye Shaoyang's backpack, looked at the master of asceticism, and said very seriously: "What do you want?"

"What do you want?"

"I can't take your things in white, what you want, as long as I can do it, I can give it to you."

The ascetic master looked at him with amazement. This legendary figure, what he can afford, is naturally extraordinary.

Jiu Duanguang's implement? The best practice on earth?

The ascetic master asked him to wait, went to the next door, and returned very much. He held a notebook in his hand and handed it to the wind.

"If it's convenient, sign a name, the old disciples, but many of them are your fans."

The road is bleak.

Such a good opportunity... He actually wants to sign.

"The master can think clearly, if I leave, you can't find me."

The master of ascetic smiled. "The old man buried half of the people, but what is missing, what is not lacking, you come once, so you can leave a signature, let the disciples rejoice, but also my face as a master."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was shocked. He understood that this master of asceticism could not keep his mind on the sword. He was really light and gentle. Such a person is a true master regardless of his strength.

"A signature is a bit less..."

The master of ascetic touched his head. "If you are not afraid of being tired, sign me ten twenty. I will go down, haha, there is labor and work." The ascetic master seems to be confused.

The wind took the pen and signed twenty names on the notebook... Then he returned the notebook to the master of asceticism and said, "I don't have anything else to do. If there is danger in Tiantai Mountain, just look for me."

After saying what I thought, I added: "If I am dead, I will find my younger brother. We must all die. The same is true for finding his son."

"Where am I coming from!" Ye Shaoyang opposed.

The masters of asceticism clasped their hands together and solemnly gave a gift.

The road turned and left, Ye Shaoyang went out. When he just went out, he saw a dozen monks standing outside. He was discussing something. When they saw them, they stood up straight and did not say a word. Many of them showed excitement. Looks like a fan like an idol, has been chasing them outside the mountain gate.

The two went down the mountain in the night.

"What do you think? Hey, have you decided?"

Ye Shaoyang caught up with the wind and blocked him in front of him, forcing him to answer.

"What about you?" asked the wind.

"Decisive is not ok! Self-destruction of the gods, that even the ghosts have not done, this is what means, it is simply suicide!"

The road was silent for a while, and he said three words: "I am for you."

Ye Shaoyang stunned. "Get it, I am not afraid, but they are four, let people dedication?"

"This is their mission."

"Then you asked them if they didn't?" Ye Shaoyang argued that "even if you sacrifice to save the world, then you have to agree?"

The road is a faint smile. "Don't care about others, ask yourself first, are you willing?"


Ye Shaoyang hesitated, this is not a death in the general sense, self-destruction of the gods, even the ghosts can not do ... "I think, there must be other ways, there is no need to do so."

Unexpectedly, the road wind nodded and said: "This piece does not tell anyone beforehand, I will go back and think about it."

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