Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3035: 3037 Creation 1

The Promise Ghost King gave the world ten days. After ten days, he would either be called to him or he would invade the world and use force to complete the reunification...

Within a day, Ye Shaoyang’s phone was blown up, and all the major factions found him and asked for a group meeting to discuss ways to deal with the Promise Ghost King. Ye Shaoyang then asked them to meet in Maoshan, and they immediately rushed over. When the next night, the heads of the Damen School were basically arrived, and Ye Shaoyang greeted them.

Nature cannot compromise.

Before Xuanyuanshan spent hundreds of years trying to control the world of magic, and finally was beaten back, it is said that Xuanyuanshan is still homologous to the world, not to mention the pure invaders of the Promise Ghost.

However, the spell world has been robbed many times recently, and the strength of each faction has been bruised. The only thing that can be expected now is Ye Shaoyang and his ghost-caught alliance.

"bad news,"

Ye Shaoyang looked around and said, "We have never faced such a powerful opponent in the magical world. Even the shackles have been captured. Compared with the overall strength, the magical world is even less than one-tenth of the people. The good news is... they are currently occupying The capital city, but has not yet inherited the Datong - the birth and death book is still in Cui Tianzi, and now the life and death of human beings is still dominated by Cui Tianzi, the deceased will fly to the South China Sea, and the revolving king will arrange the reincarnation.

Although the Yinshi did not have a capital city, most of the three provinces were still intact. The ghost king can only destroy the yin, but it cannot affect us. ”

Without a book of life and death, you can't control the life and death of human beings. The ghost king is still an intruder.

Now there are two roads in front of the Promise Ghost King. One is to break through the South China Sea and grab or destroy the life and death book. This will completely destroy the law enacted by Emperor Yaodu and split the relationship between the human and the Yin Shi. At that time, the human world The soul can't go to the South China Sea, and it can't be piled up in the world, and the **** person can't reincarnate. The life of the student can't come out, the world is in chaos. At that time, the algorithmic world is reluctant, and can only compromise, let the ghost king take over the reincarnation... ...

Another way is to blast the magical world, rule the world, learn from the previous sinisters, send ghosts, extradite the soul in the human world, and maintain the normal operation of the yin and yang.

When the South China Sea can't attack, they can only oppress the world.

"There is also good news. Although the ghost kings occupy the capital city, they can't let a large number of soldiers cross the void and come to the world. Everyone knows, don't say it, but they control the reincarnation. This is the key, they can pass The way of reincarnation, send the strong."

Listening to Ye Shaoyang said that many people expressed surprise.

"Reincarnation can be solved, whether it is humanity or animal life, it is ordinary life, what is the use?" A participating mage said doubts.

"So, this method can not be used on a large scale." Ye Shaoyang smiled. "Otherwise, the ghost king still wants to go through all the way, and directly bring the soldiers to kill it. Even if you just divide some troops, the world can't stop it."

The world is different from any space. There is only a mage, there is no corresponding Guard, military or the like. The number of mages is small. Even if the mages of the north and the south are brought together, tens of thousands of people are not there, and more than half of them are Just entered the door. Whether it is the Qing dynasty or the ghost domain, there is more than one person to pull out.

Fortunately, when the world was opened up, the world was divided into yin and yang, and there were rules of heaven and earth. No space could bring the army to the world. This has been a prosperous development for thousands of years.

The master of the world is more like a policeman than a soldier: usually maintaining order in the world, catching ghosts and demon, this is a good hand, but it is not enough to watch this battle on the battlefield.

"But I believe that the Ghost King has a way, or that he, or the Right King, will definitely come to the world, this is the only way they can invade humans."

Everyone looked at each other, and the brain made up for the Promise Ghost King to come to the world... Once upon a time, although the Master knew that he was the biggest boss in the world, but because he had never appeared, he had a little luck with his strength, but it was soon Before, the news that Taiyin Mountain captured the capital of the capital and forced the emperor of the capital to shock the world.

Even the Emperor of the Lieutenant has no way to take the Promise Ghost King. By relying on these Masters, it is estimated that the Promise Ghost King will be destroyed.

"Lord, then everyone... what are you doing now?"

"These are each guarded, and then it is best to send some people to the South China Sea to assist the sinister defense. After all, if it is compromised, it will be all over."

"I know that everyone is very upset. I don't know how to comfort you. I only say one thing. I haven't reached the worst. At least we still have a battle. I will fight with everyone to the last moment and take a step back. Even if it’s all dead, it’s not dead on the battlefield.”

Ye Shaoyang’s speech has increased some of the enthusiasm for everyone. Indeed, the situation has been so bad. It’s useless all day and it’s useless.

After the Battle of the Dragon and the Tiger Mountain, the major sects have been replaced. The young people are all high-ranking, and they are basically afraid of death. Some even yearn for this battle that is destined to be recorded in history.

After the meeting, Ye Shaoyang took the meal and then sent them back. After all, the enemy is going to go back to the mountain gate to prepare.

Ye Shaoyang came to Maoshan himself and threw everyone in Shicheng. After all, he only came for one night and would go back tomorrow.

Only Guagua insisted on following him.

In the evening, Zhang Xiaorui made a nightingale, everyone eats together - she now takes Maoshan as her own, and I have purchased a lot of stoves and so on. I try to do all kinds of things myself on Maoshan every day, but the dishes here are all The identity of the rumored disciple was ordered by the little brother of the two outer doors.

Zhang Xiaorui wrapped around Ye Shaoyang and asked him to take himself to participate in this last battle. Ye Shaoyang had to give up.

Just after returning to the room, the road came.

Ye Shaoyang quickly poured out the problems he had smashed, and the road wind selectively answered.

"Today I talked with you and I remembered that the Promise Ghost King seems to have no way to cross the cycle and then come to the world unscathed, so what is your previous judgment based on?"

"He has his way."

"The question is coming, how do you know, guess?"

"In short, I didn't lie to you." Daofeng didn't want to discuss this issue. This made Ye Shaoyang think that there must be some hidden feelings, but the character of the style of the road he understood, he did not want to say, how to ask you is useless.

"That's okay." Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "When do you act?"

"I am always staring to see when people are coming."

(Today’s birthday, just a chapter, I have to rest)

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