Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3051: The 3053 killing the tragedy 3

"Go?" The three people were a little surprised. They had already prepared themselves to sacrifice themselves. They didn't run because they couldn't afford to lose. For their strongmen at this level, it was not a terrible thing to die. It is.

The Promise Ghost King said: "The people are not afraid of death, why do they fear death? The three of you are not under the Xuanyuan Gate, so you don't kill. Try to read the curse for them."

After he had waved his sleeves, the man flew up, and after the shadows went, he turned into two breaths: a golden, a white, constantly spinning in the air.

The three people could feel the air around them being sucked by these two breaths. Then they were the trees and corpses on the ground, and then even the rocks were moving, and they flew into the air...

鸠摩罗什 is unmoved, hands clasped together, read the curse of the past, overcoming these fines...

At the same time, the world is destroying...

"Since then, there is no Xuanyuan Mountain in the world..."

The voice of the Promise Ghost King is floating in the sky.

Ghost domain, South China Sea.

The fierce fight continues.

Except for Cui Fujun and Meng Po who could not stop working for a moment, the rest of everyone went to the battlefield, and with the help of the FDC, they resisted the offensive of the Taiyin Mountain ghost soldiers.

After the fall of the capital city, they became the last surviving power of the sinisters. Fortunately, the important houses are all there, but the place is a little small. Every day, the souls that are attracted are taken up on the island. Four-fifths of the places are crowded.

But at least the basic function of the six reincarnations can be maintained. This is the bottom line that the Yins finally possesses. Even if there is no Emperor and the Bodhisattva, the last foundation cannot be lost.

Not long ago, they got the information. The main force of Taiyin Mountain under the leadership of Youjun has already moved away from the South China Sea. A large-scale war has been launched on both sides of the Yinshui River, and it is difficult to distinguish the winners in a short time.

Even so, the number of ghosts left behind to attack the South China Sea is far greater than that of the sergeant. These big men can only lead their men to defend day and night.

"We can't hold it until then." Xu Wenchang standing on the shore, separated by a layer of transparent enchantment, looked at the Taiyinshan ghost soldiers who did not fear death and went on and attacked, and said to the runner king with anxiety.

The runner king sat on one of the positions of the squadron. The head of the wheel floated with a wheel full of purple gas. It kept spinning like a windmill, and the mana was continuously sent into the circle, adding enchantment. Defense.

The other big brothers, like him, guarded the eight positions of the circle.

The runner Wang opened his eyes and glanced forward, closing again, saying: "When?"

"It’s time for a few marshals to annihilate the ghosts and come to the rescue. This is still the best result."

Xu Wenchang sighed and looked around again. He said: "This enchantment can only last for three days. Once it is broken, it will have to be short-handed. With these few people, we can't resist it. If they let them occupy the sea eye, they will be able to send ghost soldiers to the world. At that time, even if they are driven out of the capital city, they can use the human world as the base, and the sinister... will be completely defeated."

The runner sighed softly and said: "To this, this is not something we can control..."

"The chance of a turnaround is not without it." Xu Wenchang looked at him.

"You mean... Tsing Yi they?"

"In order to be safe, the ghost king must go to the world. This is the great emperor has long been set up. If they can kill the ghost king, the Taiyin Mountain has no heads and morale, and we have the opportunity to turn over the power of the human world and the big bodhisattva. ”

"So, are they all dependent on them now?"

The runners looked up and looked at the ghosts of the Taiyin Mountain outside the enchantment. They looked at the distant sky and muttered: "I never looked at them. I don't believe in Tsing Yi, nor believe in the boy named Ye. But now... I am willing to look at myself."

Ye Shaoyang did not know that he was carrying the last hope of the sinister invisibly. He was only fighting with instinct.

He and the brothers of the Ghost Federation have been hiding in the map of Shanhe Society before, and Lin Sansheng greeted them, and then they rushed out together from the picture, and then they said that they would start playing. The rest of the empty worlds deal with the son-in-law and the gossip.

Today's Houqing, absorbing and refining a part of the corpse blood, is powerful to a terrible point, but with the tacit understanding of the Ghost Federation, it is not an opponent, and soon it has fallen, relying on continuous gathering. The corpse blood barrier is barely supported.

But he has always maintained a calm and unrelenting expression, and seems to be not worried about the situation at hand.

Ye Shaoyang is very confused in his heart. He has reached this step. What is he cuddling in the end?

"Long time no see, cold jade, you don't want me?" After Qing is still on the defensive, still looking at the cold jade, his eyes are full of affection, but in Ye Shaoyang's view, this is simply a provocation, and it is harder to get started. Hou Qing retreated.

"Ye Shaoyang, I have a secret with her, don't know if she told you?"

"You stay in the mouth!"

Yan Lengyu shouted loudly and attacked him with Ye Shaoyang.

"Ye Shaoyang, if you are a man, just go it alone with me, let me see the true strength of your heavenly master!"

"I will give you the opportunity, first hold you and say!"

Ye Shaoyang had the thought of being singled out with him, but his reason told him that now is a war, and he must not be arrogant, so he greeted everyone and hugged him.

After Qing and retreat, he suddenly said: "Ye Shaoyang, you see what this is."

The hand drew a circle in the air, and a blood gas rose from the ground and turned into a human shape. Then Qing Qing grabbed the blood of the blood man and slammed it down.

A layer of blood film was torn open, and the middle turned out to be a woman.

Everyone was going to attack, but when they saw this scene, they all stayed.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the woman wrapped in the blood film, and looked at the cold jade, really... exactly the same!

Wrapped in the blood film is actually another cold jade!

How could this be!

Everyone is stunned.

The cold jade wrapped in blood film, closed his eyes, his body covered with blood, only one face is smooth.

"I knew you were with Lin Sansheng. You are his last chip. I don't have a lot of chips. Only one of her... Yes, this one is also her. She has nearly half of her soul. I was forced to stay. She reunited her body with blood, and she has been practicing with me in the blood of the minister... Do not believe, you can ask her."

Everyone turned to look at the cold jade, and the cold jade biting his lips, his face was angry and sad, looking at Houqing, hate and said: "What are you going to do!"

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