Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3073: The 3075th dream is not awakened for a lifetime 1

Lin Sansheng thought that this is a good calculation for the Emperor. The original empty world is not a sinister. He nominally rewards himself. In fact, this is equivalent to turning the empty world into a country under his rule, but there is the name of this Zhongshan king. The head is also good. Afterwards, if you talk to the Buddhism and Buddhism, you will have a sinister support as the backstage, and the rest of the brothers and sisters will receive the gods. Just like the ancient royal aristocrats, they have the privilege of identity, no specific duties, and happy music. Free, so thank you, quit.

One week after Ye Shaoyang’s disappearance, everyone gathered in Ye Shaoyang’s home. Lao Guo used a good sandalwood to make a tablet for Meihua and Baozi, and put it together with Wu Jiadao and Qiuying’s cards. Later, when Xue Qi came back to worship, He added Ye Xiaoshuo's tablet and counted him as a member of the Ghost Federation and accepted the worship together.

There is no such thing as the cold jade, because everyone does not want to believe that she is dead, maybe, maybe one day, Ye Shaoyang returned from the endless void, she brought her back together.

Everyone waited for a month at Ye Shaoyang's home, and Ye Shaoyang still didn't come back, so they had to separate and do what they should do.

Lin Sansheng returned to the empty world and made great efforts to develop his own Marshal House into the first major force in the airspace. He and Li Linlin formed a Taoist priest and cherish each other. Only occasionally they would think of nephews, but they cherish the present more.

The oranges returned to the yin and held a wedding with Xiao Langjun. The two men moved out of the Temple of Heaven and lived in the house of the former Yin and Yang Division. They taught seven treasures and charcoal heads to study and practice every day.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai went to Qingqiu Mountain. Because Xiaojiu is not there, Qingqiu Mountain is also the leader of the group, but Qingqiu Fox also believes that Xiaojiu will come back, and is unwilling to establish a new owner. Because Xiaojiu had a life before, then Xiaoqing Xiaobai Assisting several elders in co-management of the mountain gate, and diplomatically, because of the relationship with the Marshal House, everything went smoothly.

The four treasures resigned from the position of Wutai Mountain, and they were sent to the vulgar. It may be because the bald head was too long. He deliberately left long hair and changed a haircut in a few days. All of them were washed and cut, and they were enough for a few months. Later, I still shaved my head and didn't drum up.

Wu Jiawei lost his body and became a ghost corpse, but retained the cultivation. After the war, he and the four treasures bought a suite near the old Guo family and lived in seclusion. Originally, this is the sinister and the magical world. Allowed, but because it is his reason, everyone did not see it, and after the war, Wu Jiawei and the four treasures retired, and then did not ask the things of the magical world, and lived the life of ordinary people.

The pony stayed in the world, lived with them, often borrowed the body of the four treasures to eat the sea plugs, causing the four treasures to complain. Later, Wang Xuwen moved to live with the four treasures, strongly demanding that no more flesh to the pony So that you don’t know who is lying next to you when you sleep at night...

Yan Xiaohui returned to Yunnan and continued to be her witch spirit. Teng Yongqing returned to Lushan. After a few years, he became a terminally ill. Later he died in a terminal illness. The soul went to the yin to serve, not for anything else, just to one day to wait for Ye Shaoyang to come back.

The Valley of the Wind was under the control of Jianwen Emperor, and the development and growth of the genius was not completed. The final negotiation gave the Jianwen Emperor a title and treated the Valley of the Wind as a vassal state under the genre.

Qin Feng's husband and wife and Chen Lu had a conflict with Jianwendi, and they simply left the Valley of the Winds and lived a life like a wild crane in the ghost field. Since then, there has been no news.

On Maoshan, Ye Xiaomeng and Su Qinzhang became a Taoist monk, and they took care of Shanmen together, but Su Qinzhang refused to take up the post and insisted on keeping a position for Ye Shaoyang.

Guagua refused to live with anyone. One person stayed at Ye Shaoyang's house, and lived a lonely and quiet life day after day. Every day, the room was cleaned, waiting for Ye Shaoyang to come back and blame him.

He waited, he believed that one day, Ye Shaoyang would return.

In the third year of Ye Shaoyang’s disappearance, in September, the children of Sibao and Wang Xuwen were born, a boy, born to be a bald head... On the full moon, the brothers and sisters of the Ghost Federation were invited, and everyone was very busy.

After the excitement, I talked about these three years. Some major events in the Three Realms have nothing to do. After the Three Kingdoms War, all the forces have been hurt, and they are all recovering. Everyone is harmonious and well-off. thing.

Taiyin Mountain did not have the Promise Ghost King, and the Right Jun became a family, but in the past three years, the turtle could not shrink, and there was no movement anymore. Although the Yin Division has a heart to crusade, but he is also a big injury, it is really powerless, so it will be safe.

"Although Taiyin Mountain has no movements, it is ultimately a sinister affair. It is still a matter of crusade in the morning and evening. The meaning of the yin is first to be with you. If there is action in the future, I hope that we can act together..."

Half of the orange was interrupted by the four treasures and said seriously: "But don't, I wash my hands in the golden basin. This life is no longer a matter of the magical world. You see that I have children now, I don't want to be in the future. The child is fine. Besides, look at my stomach."

The four treasures stood up and patted their own belly. "In the past few years, I have become a blessing in this way. I have to walk more and wrestle. Don't talk about fighting with others, don't do it."

Everyone said that they would not do it.

"The ghost-caught alliance has been disbanded." Lao Guo said with a glass of wine, "We are, that is, old friends gather together, not to talk about killing and killing."

The orange shrugged: "It seems like I want to be like this. I also told them that the Ghost Federation has retired and it is impossible to participate in these."

“Unless,” Wu Jiawei said, “Shaoyang and the road come back.”

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a sad feeling.

But no one spoke anything. In the past three years, although they have all been good, they all have their own lives, but deep down, they have been waiting for Ye Shaoyang to return, and waited very hard, but never gave up this belief.

Later, the orange opened the subject, saying that there are several wizards in the world who have gone to the sinister sect. They are all young adult boys, a disciple of a hidden sect. The youngest is only fourteen years old, and they have already received the day. There are two disciples of Yuntaishan at the division, and they are promoted to Zen masters at the age of 16. They are all promising.

"I have heard of these little boys." Lao Guo said faintly, "I have been very excited recently, saying that I want to reinvigorate the magical world. Even I heard people say that they complained that they did not catch the battle of the Three Realms, otherwise they would not let ghosts. The league is so popular. Haha."

"Which is more stupid than that, I will kill him with a brick!" The pony still didn't change his temper. He turned to look for bricks. He didn't find it for a long time. When asked, Wang Xuwen took the pickles. The iron bricks are heavy and cool, and they are constantly coming out of the air. The pickles are just right and not bad.

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