Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3076: 3078 little boy

Maoshan Ghosts 2 Revelation

The first volume of juveniles

Jingle Bell……

After school.

"Little wood, come over!"

Ye Xiaomu turned back and saw Liu Mengting, his face immediately red.

Liu Mengting is a squad leader. She is very beautiful, cheerful and very aggressive. She is very good at chess. She has won the provincial high school student competition. It is great to sing and dance the piano. It is a lot of boys’ secret love in the class. Object.

Ye Xiaomu is one of them.

However, he is rather shy in this regard, dare not confess, last week was her birthday, Ye Xiaomu at the same table Liao Zheng, bought a set of dragon comics, secretly placed in Liu Mengting's desk, this ten years ago The comic series, which has been adapted from the novel, has been serialized for many years and is very popular. Liu Mengting is a fan of this cartoon, and is the deputy head of the dragon fan group in this area. Everyone knows this.

Then, Ye Xiaomu left a note in the comics. He wanted to leave his name. At that time, his mind was hot. He changed the lyrics of Xu Wei on the top: Sending this comic, there is no purpose, it only represents I want to give you happiness; to unfreeze the glaciers for you, to make a moth for you, nothing is not worth it...

When he did this, his heart was jumping, excited and excited, and even fantasized about how much Liu Mengting was moved when he saw it...

I don't have any sense of existence in the class. Usually, Liu Mengting will not look at him in the eyes. She is called by her name. Ye Xiaomu immediately knows that it must be related to comics, and she feels hot on her face.

In particular, many students curiously stopped to see him, and made Ye Xiaomu worry.

Sure enough, Liu Mengting walked up to him, his hands behind his back, and looked at him with a hoe. "Ye Xiaomu, do you know what I am looking for?"

Ye Xiaomu nodded like a glutinous rice. "That, I did something wrong, I asked for it."

Ye Xiaomu is most afraid of her taking out the comics. So many students look at them and can't afford to lose them.

"What went wrong." Liu Mengting took it out from behind and held the dragon comic in his hand. "This, are you giving it to me?"

Several male students around began to squat.

Ye Xiaomu ostrich-like buried his head, screaming to die, screaming ears heard Liu Mengting's cruel voice: "Ye Xiaomu, I ask you, this comic is you placed in my desk?"


"You look up at me."

"I..." Ye Xiaomu raised his face into the face of purple eggplant. He struggled for a long time in his heart. He was about to speak. A boy stood up and said, "Ye Xiaomu, you still forget, you can eat swan meat." Don't say it, you should at least understand that the gap between you and the little dream is not." After shaking the head, he shook his head.

This person's goods are called Wu Hai, a high-ranking child, a man of the class, he is also the pursuer of Liu Mengting, naturally will not let go of the opportunity of fallen leaves.

"Wow, wow, there are poems, let me read aloud..." Wu Hai seems to have discovered the New World, grabbed the letter from Liu Mengting's hand, and deliberately cleared the throat.

"Give it back to me!" Ye Xiaomu went to grab it and was escaping from Wu Hai. He greeted two male students who had been mixed with him and caught Ye Xiaomu. However, he did not start, just hold him.

Wu Hai read a few words and found that it was the lyrics and simply sang it.

Ye Xiaomu did not know where to come from, and broke away from two classmates. He grabbed the comics from Liu Mengting and whispered: "This is what I gave to Liao Zheng, I misplaced."

The wolverine fled.

Behind him, Wu Hai and others laughed and sang the lyrics: "It only represents, I want to give you happiness..."

Ye Xiaomu wants to kill himself.

Today is the weekend, Ye Xiaomu said that he should go home, but he did not go home immediately, but went to the artificial lake of the school alone, because the weekend, the school is also busy to go home, there is no one nearby.

Ye Xiaomu sat alone in the gazebo, looking down at his own face in the lake, remembering what happened before, although it has been half an hour, as long as I think of it, I still feel that the dispute is difficult.

He is angry with Wu Hai, and more Liu Mengting, yes, I am not qualified to like you, you can refuse me, but don't hurt like this?

Besides, even if you want to hurt me, don't be in front of so many people.

So, you are deliberately embarrassing me!

Ye Xiaomu wants to be more sad, but his heart is cold, because he completely wants to understand, Liu Mengting, Wu Hai, and those who have fallen into jokes, is nothing more than feeling that they are not worthy of Liu Mengting, is a delusion Eat swan meat.

Ye Xiaomu smiled and smiled at himself, looking at his own face in the water. He said, "Liu Mengting, you remember, even if you are a swan, I am not worthy of you, I will send you to the door one day, if I have more Look at you, I will not surname Ye!"


The comic was thrown into the water and broke his shadow.

He did not go back.

He didn't worry about going home. A person came to the back of the school. There was a mountain behind the school. There were several villages under the mountain. There was an old man living in the middle of the mountain far away from the village. A year ago, Ye Xiaomu climbed the mountain with his classmates and found this on the terraces. The old man fell to the side of the field, twitching his hands and feet, Ye Xiaomu called the ambulance, and helped the old man to the hospital.

After the inspection, the old man had high blood pressure. He worked in the field at that time. It was too hot. He squatted for too long. When he got up and climbed the slope, he didn’t stand and fell, and he passed out.

Ye Xiaomu and other old men woke up and bought him porridge to drink. The two chatted together and learned that the old man surnamed Liu, no children, no one, live alone in the mountains, very hard, the old man lost fluid, Ye Xiaomu sent him back Family.

Ye Xiaomu is kind, remembering that Liu Laotou’s life is not convenient, so he will go once a week to help Liu Laotou to do some work. The two of them chat for a while. In fact, the most important thing is that Liu Laotou’s family books are very many, all ancient books. There are a lot of them that are still installed in the line. These books can't be found outside.

Ye Xiaomu is very interested in these ancient books. Every time he comes over, he has to look at himself for a long time. Liu Laotou has no children. He is also very good at Ye Xiaomu, and often keeps him eating.

Liu Laotou told him that he was originally a Taoist. When he was young, he was a disciple of Qingcheng Mountain. After he was a teacher, he relied on a feng shui to live. Later, he was bitten by a zombie. After pulling out the corpse, his legs and feet would not work. When he was old, he would return to his hometown. Come, rely on the savings of youth to live, and by the way, open a field of vegetables to eat.

Although he vowed to ensure that he did not lie, Ye Xiaomu was quite skeptical. He was born in the new society and he was not in the world. He did not believe that there were ghosts and zombies in the world.

However, Ye Xiaomu still likes to hear the old man telling the story of the gods and ghosts. It feels very interesting, but he has always been a story to listen to. After listening to it, he will judge a good story. Liu Laotou smiles and tells him to say Maybe one day he will believe it.

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