Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3084: The 3086 preliminary study of the clear valley 2

They chased two people outside the school, and they stood at the school gate, looking silly at somewhere in front.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiaomu glanced around, except for the white mist, nothing.

"Just... someone has gone."

Wang Guohui said dumbly.


Liao Zheng pointed to a small house opposite. Under the white fog, the visibility is only a dozen meters, and only a door frame can be seen faintly, with black holes inside.

"What is this ghost place!" Liao Zheng cried, it was really crying. I was already scared by the strange voice in the classroom. I rushed here with a strong breath. I still couldn’t relax and see again. Mysterious people, people almost collapsed.

"Oh, don't cry." Ye Xiaomu pulled him. "Now don't say anything, let's go out and say it."

Surrounded by white mist, only the shadow of the building can be seen.

The three men resolved the direction and continued to walk towards the valley exit.

Quietly along the way.

However, the spirit of the three people was extremely tense, and their eyes were alert and searched in the white mist, beware that something would come out at any time.

On a cloudy day, with heavy fog, at noon, the sky is as dark as the evening.

The three men walked across the road with a shallow foot and turned several bends. They were still cement roads.

Wang Guohui looked at the time on the mobile phone and said: "Forty minutes, the clear valley is not so big, it is said that we have already gone out."

"Then why are we still here?" Ye Xiaomu asked.

Wang Guohui can't answer this question. The three people are very nervous inside.

Going on, the fog seemed to fade, and there was light in the surrounding buildings.

"Like our day," Wang Guohui said. "It seems that we have walked out of the clear valley and went to the town."

"There are no villages and towns nearby." Ye Xiaomu questioned.

Wang Guohui shrugged: "I am not familiar with this. Maybe we are going in the opposite direction. It is possible to connect with other towns in the clear valley."

This explains too many vulnerabilities, but it is already the only explanation he can think of.

When a person faces an unknown thing, he always needs a scientific explanation, even if it is used to comfort himself.

Ye Xiaomu walked down the road and walked towards a nearby light.

"What do you do with Xiaomu!" Liao Zheng scared him and pulled him.

"There is a light indicating someone, I am going to find out where this is."

"You are crazy! In case...there is no one in the room!" Liao Zheng’s voice was crying.

Ye Xiaomu stunned for a moment and said nothing, continue to go in the direction of the light.

It is a small building on the second floor. It does not look like a residential building, but a unit. There are lights in a row of houses.

Ye Xiaomu deliberately observed that although this small building is not brand new, the construction time is no more than ten years. So, they probably have walked out of the quiet town.

He came to the back window of a lighted room and looked inside. It looked like a workshop, parked with some machinery, the machinery was dirty, and there was something unknown on it. It looked like it was working, but it was empty. There is no one in the workshop.

He looked at several rooms again, the result was the same, the lights were on, but no one.

It’s weird!

Helpless, the three had to move on, not far away, there was a fork in the road ahead, one left and one right.

"This is it!"

Wang Guohui pointed to the road on the left and said: "The road we walked that day is not far from the hospital. If we go for a while, we will go out."

The three men embarked on this road, and after five minutes, there was a hospital on the roadside.

From the outside, the hospital is not very big. There is a garden in the yard, and then a building of about four stories. The style looks like the 70s and 80s, but it is quite new. The yard is also very Clean, at first glance, it is usually taken care of.

On the first floor opposite is the registered hall, the lights are dim, and the registered window can be seen faintly.

The three people stayed at the door for a while, Ye Xiaomu proposed: "Go in and see?"

"Insane, don't go!" Liao Zhengqi got up.

"We are coming to investigate what Bai Yizhen has experienced and become what it is now. Since all the origins are here, I have to go in and have a look."

Ye Xiaomu said to Wang Guohui.

Wang Guohui stayed for a long while and asked: "You are not afraid?"

"If you are afraid, I will go in."

After Ye Xiaomu finished, he approached the courtyard of no one.

Wang Guohui hesitated and kept up.

"I am waiting for you, please come out!"

Liao Zheng was killed and refused to go in, just standing at the door.

As soon as I entered the hall, there was a hospital-specific smell of disinfectant water coming on.

Ye Xiaomu looked at the hall and found that the hall was a bit rudimentary, but the floor was clean, including no dust on the seat, indicating that at least three days had been cleaned, otherwise the table and chair benches would be dusty.

"We still don't want to go up..." Wang Guohui said with eagerness to look at Ye Xiaomu.

This quiet and uninhabited hospital gave a very strange and oppressive feeling. Ye Xiaomu also felt it. He walked to the registration window and there was no one inside. So he pushed the door from the side and the door was unlocked.

Inside is the usual kind of office, with some bits and pieces on the table, a metal mug, a pair of glasses and a newspaper on the side.

What Ye Xiaomu thinks of, in the past picking up the newspaper, is a "Spring City Morning Post", looked at the time: November 29, 1985...

Feeling that there was something in my head that blew open and creaked.

The newspaper is normal, look at the day? No one will take a newspaper a few decades ago when they go to work.

Wang Guohui saw him in a daze, and he came over and asked him to marry.

When he saw the day, he shook his body and sat in his seat. He was dressed in a sigh of relief. He said, "What is going on? What is going on!"

Ye Xiaomu suddenly thought of something. In the past, he opened the compartment door of the office. It has just been seen from outside as a pharmacy.

The shelves are full of medicines.

He grabbed a few, and looked at the production date above, and found that the date of manufacture and the expiration date were all around 1985.

Ye Xiaomu was on the counter, breathing heavily, and his heart was full of confusion and fear.

If the newspaper is still contingent, then these drugs are real hammers: no hospital can sell medicines for decades to patients.

But how can all this be explained?

If it is like an old valley, it is an old building decades ago, so why look so new?

Even if someone cleans them every day, they can barely maintain their appearance, but why do the boxes of these drugs look brand new?

This is absolutely impossible!

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