Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3105: 3107 new forces 1

Ye Xiaomu smiled, thinking that this good feeling is not all made from instant noodles, touch the pocket, this week is estimated to only eat mustard.

"Right, is he male or female?"

"Men, strictly speaking, he is a phoenix, the so-called phoenix, in fact, male and female are different, male is called phoenix, female is called phoenix."

Su Yan drove him to the school gate, because Ye Xiaomu did not have a mobile phone, she left a business card for him.

"You are ready to take the exam. I will wait for you to finish the college entrance examination and give me an assistant." Su Yan reached out to the window, rubbed one eye, compared him to a gesture of shooting, and then drove away.

Ye Xiaomu tiredly returned to the dormitory, and the roommates went to class. He went to bed and took a good sleep. The dreams were all about the terrible scenes of the clear valley. After waking up, the sky was already dark. He was lying alone. On the bed, I thought about the whole thing from beginning to end. In the past few days, it really seemed like a dream. A few days ago, I still didn’t believe in ghosts and gods, and listened to what Liu’s old man said as a story. The experience of these days has completely opened up a new world for him.

He is full of curiosity about this new world.

He opened the notes of Liu Laotou and looked at it in bed...

I passed by in a week. Although I was busy with the college entrance examination, Ye Xiaomu used an hour to read the notes and practice exercises left by Liu Laotou and tried to start refining.

He didn't want to be a Taoist, he just did it purely out of curiosity, but no one explained it. He relied on the notes on his notes to practice himself. He felt that there was no progress in the week, so he went home from school on Friday and he got his mobile phone. Calling Su Yan, she came out to eat buns, and Su Yan came with the chicken.

The chicken still remembers him and rushes to him when he meets: "See you, benevolent, why don't you say hello!"

"You are my benefactor?"

"I don't want to kill the grace. I originally wanted to kill you. Later I let you go. Isn't this your benefactor?" Chicken has a plausible message. "You haven't seen your benefactor in a week, shouldn't you give him?" Do you want to buy some instant noodles?"

Ye Xiaomu was completely speechless, saying that he really had no money. The money for the buns was saved by the use of food. The chicken looked at him and decided that he really had no money. He generously agreed to let him owe money. I will count the next time I meet.

Ye Xiaomu asked Su Yan what he was busy this week. Su Yan told him that while investigating the truth of the clear valley, although the **** ghosts were dead, she determined that the clear valley was not so simple. After a week of investigation, she determined that it was pervasive. The fog on the lake is a chaotic gas, controlled by a mysterious evil under the lake.

Once there is chaos, once the town covers the town, when someone enters, it will enter the illusion under the drive of evil spirits. This illusion is transformed into a favorite of the evil thing according to the reality of the town. Every evil thing has its own building, called the memory field.

Ye Xiaomu, the hospital they entered before, is the memory field of the little girl named Red, transforming the hospital into a scene born in her memory...

"Just, I don't know why. Recently, the town seems to be completely dead. I went three times. I didn't have any evil. I checked the lake and there are evil things, but I also hide underwater. I must show up. I don’t mean anything."

Ye Xiaomu thought for a moment: "Maybe, they are afraid of you, so take a break from the limelight and dare not make trouble again?"

"That won't, although this girl is very powerful, but I can perceive it. The evil thing in the lake must be much more powerful than me. To avoid the limelight, they are not avoiding me, but they saved you that day." My girl, I don't know what she is, but I have never seen such a powerful evil."

Ye Xiaomu is also very curious about who the person who saved himself and did not want to show up.

After eating the buns, Ye Xiaomu shyly told her about her experience of practicing the heart of the week, and then asked her about the incomprehensible places.

After listening to Su Yan, he did not laugh at him. Instead, he was very proud of answering questions about him. After that, he talked about some knowledge and precautions about spell cultivation.

Although Ye Xiaomu did not understand very well, he also remembered it in his heart. He thought that his buns were still not white.

After Su Yan finished, he drank a large glass of water and knocked on his head with chopsticks. He said, "You get started earlier. After three months, there is a magic guild in the Kunlun Mountains. I will send people to participate, I will go, so you have to cultivate as soon as possible, at least get started, so I also have face."

"What do you want to do with me?"

"You are my assistant, I will take you with you when you arrive. You have a strong strength. Of course, I have a face as a boss!" Su Yan gave him a request. "Three months, you must at least get started, practice to Dao's realm. Oh, of course, if you are not interested in the Daofang spell, I can also teach you the means of this door, the same way."

Ye Xiaomu thought for a moment, decided to practice Liu Laotou to leave for himself. If there is no talent, then I will find Su Yan to learn her. Until now, he did not want to be a mage in the past, just compare Interested only.

"The spell guild, is it a martial art?" Ye Xiaomu asked if he didn't understand.

Su Yan explained to him a bit, and then said: "A decade ago, the spell guild was under the control of Xuanyuan Mountain, and the sects of the sects of the sects did not dare to follow, or the gods and brothers of the gods, directly to the Xuanyuan Mountain It was extinguished, and the magical world returned to normal. Nowadays, there are more than a dozen sectarian leaders in charge, which is a very authoritative organization.

I heard that at this Longhua meeting, a group of second-generation disciples will be selected, and some honorary titles will be given. All the sects will be recognized, and the magical circles will be restored for more than ten years. This is the first time to openly fight the law. It is perfect. Opportunity, I also want to show my hand. ”

Su Yan licked the straw, his eyes staring out the window, and he couldn’t conceal his embarrassment.

"After all, I am also a disciple of the Master of the Valley. It is a teacher of Lengyu. Those who are famous, always give face."

"Who is cold jade?"

"She is the first woman in the magical world more than a decade ago. I have a lot of status... I don't know if you say it."

"Oh, then you cheer, I believe in you!"

Su Yan sighed and said: "In fact, I also know that I have no hope. I will never have seven or three alliances. These ones are not the geniuses of the second generation of disciples. The most powerful ones have arrived at the immortals. The cards are even higher. I am their opponent, and I am going to have a look at it."

(Tomorrow, I will start writing more and fill it up)

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