Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3108: The 3110 juvenile came out 1

When I saw Lao Guo, the teenager smiled and walked out. "Guo Dabo, your ears are so good, I will hear that I am coming back. Who dares to say that you are old!"

He is the son of Sibao and Wang Xuwen. Because Sibao has no name, his son simply surnamed Wang Xuwen, named Wang Qitian, and his name is Xiaobao. According to the age, he called Lao Guo a grandfather, but the four treasures are commensurate with Lao Guo, so he can only call the uncle.

Wang Xiaobao is as sloppy as his aunt. In addition to reading, he is curious about everything. From an early age, he likes to drill into the workshop of Lao Guo, watching him drum up those strange instruments and equipment, plus those who are not humans. The uncles and aunts often contacted him, and he inevitably embarked on the path of practice.

Wang Xuwen was very resistant to this at first, and he was not allowed to practice spells. Wang Xiaobao threatened not to go to school. At this point, the child showed a stubborn reluctance. Later, under the persuasion of everyone, Wang Xuwen allowed his son to practice spells. , but must be done after finishing the homework every day, and each test score must pass.

Since then, Wang Xiaobao has started a life of reading and practicing. Every test is also very competitive, only sixty cents, and never take a point, so that Wang Xuwen has no choice but to say nothing.

In terms of practice, because he is the only second-generation disciple of the Ghost Federation, he has no reservations about him. The four treasures will pass him to him, and he will teach him to practice Buddhism. Wu Jiawei also taught the imperial swordsmanship that he had learned. It was a minor in Wang Xiaobao.

However, his father and Wu Jiawei are too strict. Wang Xiaobao's favorite is Lao Guo. He loved to go to his room when he was a child. He listened to the story of the magical world. Those anecdotes always made him fascinated. Alchemy, Qimen array method... It can be said that Wang Xiaobao learned too much knowledge and skills from his elders.

At the age of seventeen, he has already cultivated the realm of Luohan, and the divorce is only one step away.

These strengths, even in the double eight and three alliances, are also the best, but in addition to these elders at home, he has never dealt with other mages, so there is no reputation in the magic world.

"You kid, hiding behind and eavesdropping for a long time, when you don't know?" Lao Guo rolled his eyes and went to take the broom and cleaned the teacup on the floor.

"I am coming to me!" Wang Xiaobao stepped forward and snatched the broom in his hand. Lao Guo gave it to him and sat back on the stone bench and said, "Xiaobao, are you not going to see your grandfather? How come back?" ?"

"I really came back to get something, came in from the front door, saw you in the yard, wanted to come over and talk to you, just happened to meet the guy coming in, I don't know what to do, I just overheard, uncle, this The kid is awful. I think he is also a real player. A small **** is also coming to do things. If you don’t let me cause trouble, I will come out and slap him!"

Lao Guo glanced at him and said slowly: "The little **** is doing things, there is a coach who stands up, and he stands behind him, not the eight sons or the three leagues."

"What about that! The uncle is not me saying you, what is your identity, you are afraid of them!"


Lao Guo snorted and sighed and said: "The ghost-caught alliance has experienced real winds and waves. It’s just that Shaoyang and the Taoist winds are missing. Everyone is dead, and they have become a family. They have no idea about the magic world. Think of this dispute, and don't bother to fight with them."

Wang Xiaobao swept the ground, caught a few cockroaches in the grass, called out the flat head, fed it to eat, the flat head was familiar with him, put his head directly on his leg to eat, and used his tentacles to lick his neck. Wang Xiaobao pushed it hard and made a sigh of relief. Let it not mind, one hand touched the head of the flat head and asked Lao Guo:

"Da Bo, I have seen these uncles and aunts. I have never seen Uncle Shaoyang and Daofeng. I have never seen it before. The uncle of the wind does not say it. He is no longer a human being. He said that today's magical circles are the most haunted. Master, is it possible to reach or even surpass Uncle Shaoyang?"

Lao Guo had been squatting and closing his eyes. He heard this and immediately sat up straight and gave him a look. "What do you want? I thought that in the past, Shaoyang was overwhelmed in the world, and one hand could cover it. Living in the entire magical world, the world's martial art, who dare to say no word? Three circles and six roads, who does not know his prestige?

I only said a little bit. What are the eight sons and the three worlds, and the top ones are all in their early twenties. They are still thinking about the position of the world. When Shaoyang is so big, they are killing with the Promise Ghost King. They, oh, no heroes, they are famous. ”

Wang Xiaobao said for a moment, saying: "But I also heard you say that the spiritual power of the world is several times stronger than that of the year, so there are so many talents emerging?"

Lao Guo nodded: "This is true. When the Promise Ghost King went to destroy Xuanyuan Mountain, the Lingquan Mountain of Xuanyuan Mountain fell into the chaotic world, and the chaotic world opened a huge gap, and the aura overflowed into the ghost. The domain, the ghost domain and the human world, are originally both yin and yang. Once the aura of the ghost domain is surplus, it can be traced back to the human world to maintain the balance between human beings. Since then, the aura of the human world and the ghost domain has been several times stronger than that of the past, and the mage has cultivated naturally. Do more with less."

Wang Xiaobao nodded slowly and said: "So, is this generation of masters catching a good time?"

Lao Guodao: "This is not entirely true. The Master must rely on Reiki to practice, and the evil things are the same. The Master is strong, and the evils are also strong. They are essentially the same."

Looking down at Wang Xiaobao, he said: "Do you have anything to say?"

"That, uncle, I am a junior, I have to start an internship, I don't have to stay in school anymore... You know that I always want to travel around the world, Kunlunshan Longhua Club after three months, I want to see Look."

Lao Guo thought for a moment and said: "You can only go and see, it is best not to do it with people. You don't care about it. You may not be afraid of it, but you are alone. People have a team. If you are yin, it’s really hard to prevent, you remember."

"Da, I am assured of this IQ."

"I just don't trust your IQ, so I said it." Lao Guo glanced at him disdainfully.

Wang Xiaobao has a black line. "What, I heard that the Southern Dignity is a great witch. There are many Masters. I am going to go there and go around. I have to travel. What is the care of the uncle?"

Lao Guo Shen Yan said for a long while, said: "Speaking of it, your strength is also very good in the world. When Shaoyang went down the mountain, it was so big and the strength was similar, but you were a little worse than him. It is experience. Shaoyang grew up with the Master to catch ghosts and demon. He used to deal with evil things. Those evil things are very bad and bad. Shaoyang is worse than them. It is often bad for you. You are too embarrassed. It’s easy to be counted, remember, beware of everything, the ghost-caught alliance is a unique seed, you can’t make any mistakes.”

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