Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3112: 3114 Lowering Division 1

"So late..." Ye Xiaomu was a little hesitant.

"You thought I was looking for you to drink coffee. Come on!" The tone is beyond doubt.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Xiaomu saw Xue Qi's unwilling eyes. "girlfriend?"

"How can it be, like me, who can look at me."

"This is not true. My family is picking up the wood, and it’s still a human dog."

Xue Qi stood up and finished the whole clothes for him. She said in a parent's voice: "You have finished the test, let you relax, pay attention to safety, and come back soon."

Ye Xiaomu took a taxi to the Oriental Park. After getting off the bus, he walked past the position of Su Yanfa. There was still a distance from it. He suddenly heard the sound of fighting. A man was screaming and rushed to the past to see a girl. Grabbing the hair of a man with a fat man, kicking his stomach hard.

The man screamed for mercy.

The girl did not fight, squatting in front of him, licking her hair, Ye Xiaomu saw that it was Suyan, and he was on the spot.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiaomu suddenly thought, she told herself to come, not for fighting?

"This drunkard, take me as a street, mad at me!"

Ye Xiaomu smiled and looked at her. She wore a t-shirt with a navel and a tight pair of jeans. The curve was not too tempting. She also made up her makeup. This dress appeared in the park again. Such a place will inevitably not make people think about it.

"Don't dare to dare, the beauty let me go..." The man squatted on the ground and cried for mercy.

Su smoke sat on the lawn and put a foot in the sandals on his head. He said with anger: "Do you know what is wrong?"

"I shouldn't treat you as...do that."


Su Yan stepped on him again and said: "Your biggest mistake is to think of my sister as a street. My sister, I really want to go... Do that, you see me, it’s not a good one. Five hundred blocks of street women, five hundred, really mad at me!"

He kicked his feet again.

Ye Xiaomu laughed and cried.

"Look at me, how much is it worth!"

Under the deterrent of Suyan, the man had to raise his head and looked up and down her.

"Look at it, let's talk!"

"Five, 50,000, at least 50,000!"

"This is almost the same." Su Yan used his toe to pick his chin and asked: "Do you have 50,000?"

"I... I don't."

"That's not rolling!"

Su smoke slammed his shoulders and the man ran away.

Su Yan turned to look at Ye Xiaomu and found that he was already a chicken.

There are still such people who are being teased and ask others how much they are worth...

"What's wrong, do you feel that I am violent? You didn't see what he did to me, but I wanted to pull me into the woods directly!"

Ye Xiaomu smiled and asked, "What are you looking for?"

Su Yan licked his hair and said: "Open the house, go and go."

Ye Xiaomu swept her up and swallowed and said: "I don't have 50,000."

"Go to death!" Su smoke came to his stomach with his elbow.

"Let's go, aren't you finished the exam, take you out to celebrate, and go to see a friend."

Ye Xiaomu didn't know what he was trying to do and had to follow.

Su Yan took him to a bar. It was the kind of singing and dancing. The music was very noisy. There were several girls wearing bunny clothes dancing on the stage. Ye Xiaomu was the first time to enter this place, although he didn’t like it, but he didn’t like it. Also a bit curious.

Su Yan took him to a position to sit, asked for a box of beer, Ye Xiaomu, a high school student, did not drink too much, but could not stand Su Yan persuaded, had to accompany her to drink.

"Do you often come here to play?"

"What do you think." Su smoke took off the t-shirt, wearing a simple tube of the chest, Xiaomu did not know whether it was called this, anyway, it was exposed, the spring blew.

Ye Xiaomu swept his eyes and found that many of the girls wore them. After all, the nightclubs, when Su smoke moved to the sofa to sit, told him to go, and tied him tightly, Ye Xiaomu was stiff. Sitting in danger, it made Su smoke laugh.

It’s hard to be... She looks at herself, deliberately brings herself here, and undresses and drinks. Is it... If I really want to be like myself, do I have to resist her? After all, I am the first time.

"When you go out, you go to a nearby hotel..." Su smoke said in her ear.

Ye Xiaomu shuddered and took a deep breath and said, "That, I am not ready yet..."

"What to prepare," Su smoke does not understand. "You didn't bring your ID card? That will use me."

God, so active!

Ye Xiaomu is flushed. "I don't mean this. I mean, although... you are really sexy, but in this case, if you want to develop, we can come slowly, um, what do you mean?"

I sneaked a look at Su Yan and found that Su Yan was sluggish, then laughed wildly, and then hit him with his elbow. "You go to die, Ye Xiaomu, I treat you as a buddy, you actually want to sleep me!"

"No!" Ye Xiaomu said, "Not you..."

Su Yan grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his side. He said, "Look there, the opposite man sees no."

Ye Xiaomu glanced and looked over her eyes.

On the second floor of the nightclub, there is a back-shaped corridor, separated into open compartments in the middle, and they are currently in one of the compartments.

From here you can see the opposite compartment, because most people dance on the first floor, there are not many people on the second floor, only two or three tables, Ye Xiaomu quickly found the target, two men, each smashed A sister is drinking.

Ye Xiaomu looked carefully. One of them was wearing a white shirt and jeans. It looked calmer. The opposite side was a bald head. The upper body was bare. Even though the lights were flickering, you could clearly see what pattern on his arm, with a big gold. The chain, at first glance, is a social brother who can't be tempted. Ye Xiaomu usually sees such people hiding.

"What happened to them?"

"The one who wears a shirt, named Zhang Ling, is the boss of a company. In fact, he is a generalist. He specializes in giving people a declining job. It is a bad thing. I am coming today to clean up him."

Ye Xiaomu will be awkward, and this jump is too big.

"The kind of head down in the movie?"

"Yes, but it is much more magical than the movie. This Zhang Ling is a Thai-born Chinese, a senior descendant. He has been in Yunnan for two or three years. He has done a lot of bad things. Simply put, if you have a The enemy, who wants to kill and ruin him, does not dare to do it. Even if he hires a murderer, he is afraid to find himself. At this time, you can find him. He will find ways to approach each other, find opportunities to fall, reach you. The purpose of the game, whether it is to kill or ruin, can not find the cause in medicine, then you understand."

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