Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3146: 3148 Wedding Banquet 2

Su Yan turned his head and looked at the guy for a while. "No, this guy looks very ordinary. It looks very dirty. I looked at the girl. I am very good. How can I look at him?" !"

"It's him, and you see, is his expression a bit strange, he used to be this expression."

"You look so careful, pervert!"

"What, I think there is a problem!" Ye Xiaomu argued, this time a voice outside the courtyard called: "Mr. Zhang is here! Please have please!"

The three turned their heads and looked at it, just before seeing the old man wearing a long gown.

Wherever he went, the guests stood up and greeted him. Mr. Zhang was ignorant and walked straight toward the main house. When I passed by the man named "Goldman Sachs", I suddenly stood still and looked up and down with a dignified look.

Goldman Sachs slowly walked toward the house, and Mr. Zhang followed.

"Let's go see it too!"

Ye Xiaomu greeted the two to keep up, followed by Mr. Zhang into the house.

Inside the house, the decoration can not be said to be magnificent, but also definitely exceeds the level of the average big family, and the decoration style and various decoration and decoration are ten elegant and chic, very forced, Ye Xiaomu three people discuss, unanimously believe that this is not The taste of an ordinary mountain landowner, even if he is rich, but the taste of this thing is not rich, especially in this era, information is occluded, there is an insurmountable gap between different classes.

Many servants were busy in the house. After Mr. Zhang entered, many people stopped to greet him. Mr. Zhang ignored him. His eyes locked the head of Goldman Sachs. He suddenly went up and took a picture of his head. : "Goldman, you stand."

Goldman Sachs stood still and turned very straight. He looked at Mr. Zhang with a gaze, and he focused for a long time. "Oh," he screamed, "Mr. Zhang."

"Goldman, where have you been?"


Goldman Sachs recalled, half awkward, slowly shaking his head. "I can't remember."

Mr. Zhang sighed softly and said, "Let's go."

"Oh." Goldman turned and walked toward the back hall.

He beat me from the beginning, he behaved like a sleepwalker.

"How can this person be like a lost soul?" Ye Xiaomu wondered.

"It seems that something is wrong, but unfortunately we are now like a wandering soul, and there is no way to do it, otherwise it can be checked what his situation is." Su Yan muttered.

"The soul of the soul has the benefit of the soul." Cao Weibo's attention is obviously not at a point with them, looking around and saying: "Let's go see the bride, see how the ancient brides make up their clothes and change clothes..."

Both of them said that they were not interested, but Cao Weibo did not listen to the advice and said that he was concerned about folk customs. They agreed that they would meet at the gate, and they went upstairs to find his bride.

Ye Xiaomu and Su Yan continued to follow Mr. Zhang. On the first floor, they turned a corridor and entered a courtyard. This yard is smaller and quieter than the front. There are no flowers and extra furnishings. It is a flat and neat grassland. On the left side of the wall is a set of wooden rafts tied with straw to simulate the appearance of an adult.

There is a weapon rack on the side, a long knife bow and arrow, and a drum.

It turned out that this is a performance field.

The average person does not have this hobby, but it is not surprising that the main family is a general.

There is also a house opposite the yard. There is a bead curtain outside the door. Mr. Zhang walked to the door and coughed.

"It’s Lao Zhang, come in quickly."

There was an old and handsome voice inside.

Mr. Zhang went in.

Ye Xiaomu and Su Yan also followed.

Turned over the bead curtain, inside is a living room, antique mahogany furniture, decorated with some hanging baskets, ivy and the like, there are several bookshelves in the room, it should look like a study.

An old man wearing a splendid robes, sitting on the coffee table in front of the bookshelf, was writing something on the desk, heard the footsteps, straightened up and glanced at it, and immediately opened his eyes and smiled: "You are coming."

Mr. Zhang said: "I have seen the general."

The general smiled bitterly: "Only you still remember that I was a general. I have been politely treated for years."

"The name of the master and servant can not be chaotic."

"Mr. Zhang is sitting."

After Mr. Zhang sat down, the generals watched the tea, and the servant came up with tea, reminding him that the time was coming, and he should change clothes as soon as possible to go to the banquet.

"Mr. Zhang, I still remember that I was ordered to go out, but I was killed by the garrison. I told you to rebel. The court wanted to kill the nine people. Thanks to your help, I escaped and took my family to this deserted village. Nowadays, After a few decades, I wanted to take a break from the limelight. I thought that if I lived for twenty years, now even my son has to marry, the time is really fast..."

Mr. Zhang nodded and sighed for a long while and said: "General, today is not a time to chat, I came over in advance, is to discuss with you the evil spirits, the village has already died seven people ..."

The general’s face was also dignified and nodded. “What clues can you have?”

"Speaking out, it's a bit hard to talk about. I set up a fascinating array the day before and made it seriously injured. She couldn't go far, and she got into a family's home to recover."

"There is such a thing! Whoever is going, take people to catch!"

Mr. Zhang looked at him and said: "It fled to the general."

The general took a breath and sighed for a long time and said, "What should I do?"

"This evil thing is very varied. The most fearful thing is that if it changes into a maid's appearance, it will be troublesome. Please also order the army to let the people in the house come together to gather a drink of water." True or false, the person who is excluded can make me draw in the body, and in the short term, I can't be protected by evil things, and I also save my worries."

"If it is not possessed?"

"That would be better. I have already planted a **** bloodline around the military. This evil thing is hurting. I can't escape. If I don't have it, I must hide it somewhere in the house. Just take a look. Search, you can find where it is hiding."

The general was indulged for a long while and said: "It is very troublesome to get things done. Now the servants are preparing for the wedding ceremony. The time is coming, and now they are coming over. I am afraid that it will be influential. Why is it that the wedding is over?"

Mr. Zhang said: "There are a lot of people coming to the wedding. If the evil thing creates chaos, it is not difficult to escape. When Kyrgyzstan arrives, you can choose again, but if something happens at the wedding, then it is a good color."

The general thought about it too, so he got up and went out, called the housekeeper, and let him tell him to go down. Everyone was temporarily suspended, all of them came to the Intermediate People's Court, and one was not allowed to delay.

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