Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3155: 3157 strange evil 3

"It's too easy!" Gu Shuai said, "As long as people who can point spells can do it."

"But we didn't think of it."

The teacher of the heart of the tree muttered that he is a master, and he is deeper than everyone thinks. When fighting with evil things, these senior masters are always thinking about how to use tricks and tricks. Suppressing each other, so in the face of the powerful suction of evil spirits, only relying on resistance, but neglecting a simpler way to solve the opponent...

After all, it is the inertia of thinking.

The Zen Master came to Ye Xiaomu and smiled and asked: "Which disciple are you from?"


"He is a disciple of Maoshan." Su Yan rushed to help him answer.

"Oh, it is the disciple of Su Zhangmen." The Master of the Tree is not taken seriously. The name of Maoshan is large, but Ye Xiaomu is just a realm of Tao Tong. At most, he is a famous disciple. It cannot be a rumor.

In the magical world, any martial art can only represent martial art disciples, otherwise they will not look up.

"How did you think of that approach?"

"This is the natural thought." Ye Xiaomu scratched the back of his head and said, "Grandpa has taught me to deal with any evil things. Spells are just a means to learn to analyze the situation and how to use the spells more effectively." Instead of superstitious spells..."

Su Yan hit him with his arm, let him stop talking, thinking that the child is still sincere, asking what to say, but not knowing the rules, the tree master is the Buddha of the Luohan brand, and preaching with others, if If you have a small heart, you will feel that you are showing off.

Fortunately, the Zen Master of the Tree Heart is good, not only not angry, but instead, he smashed the leaf and arched the hand: "Teached."

Gu Shuai and others were dissatisfied, but the Shuxin Master said so, and they could not say anything.

After getting the evil thing, they came to Shimen, facing the strange password lock, and the Zen Master couldn’t do anything, but they were also prepared to take out a steel bar with a finger thickness and insert it on the lock ring. Then he beat it with a small hammer and tossed it for a long time. He only heard a bang and locked it.

Gu Shuai took the lock off and said it in his hand: "It’s okay for something a hundred years ago. It’s not working in the spring, or it’s really bad to open.”

Pulling the stone door with a crowbar, a cold air came out from the inside.

A flat-headed man in a casual suit came forward and took out a compass and measured it outside the door.

Su Yan remembered his watch, turned it directly to the maximum file, and the value immediately jumped to more than 300.

"This time it's all evil, it's useless."

Pingtou also put away the compass and said: "There are powerful evils inside, everyone should be careful, we must keep up, don't go away."

The teacher of the heart of the heart folded a lotus lamp and handed it to the ancient handsome and walked in.

Seven or eight flashlights were taken together.

Behind the door is a room close to a rectangle, about one or two hundred flat, the walls are all made of masonry, tightly stitched, and the craft is very fine.

At the end of the room, it seems that there are some sculptures and the like. It is too far away to see the flashlight.

The first thing that attracts everyone is that the murals on the wall should be embossed.

A few flashlights took photos together. After studying for a long time, everyone finally recognized the contents of the relief. A volcano erupted. Many people were escaping. Look at the next one. They are a group of soldiers wearing armor, killing everywhere, one of them. A lot of heads were put in his hand, and many people dressed in civilians squatted on the ground and pleaded (according to the pictures).

The third one is that the flood rushed to the river bank, and many people were rolled up in the water. There were still many people running on the shore.

This is the three pictures on the left, and the three walls on the right side. The first picture shows a woman (with a chest), the lower body is a snake-like tail. She is a wave of her body. She stands on a huge one. On the lotus.

On the shore, countless people worshipped her.

The second picture, the scene of the war, looks at the details, those ordinary people wearing cloth are chasing the soldiers, many soldiers are dead, the armor is scattered on one side, revealing the long scorpion on the top of the head. Some civilians are holding weapons and are chasing the soldiers who have escaped. Behind them, the half-human and half-snake guy, holding the lotus in his hand, released a thousand lights.

The next one, occupying a lot of space, has a lot of content, painting a field, many people are working, there is a river on the side of the field, some people are boating on the river, some people are playing the flute on the shore, and several people are dancing and dancing. In the distance, below the sun, you can see a mountain with a palace on the hill.

“I understand everything in front, what does this painting mean?”

Cao Weibo said the curiosity in his heart.

“The wind is beautiful, and live and work in peace.” One head is summed up in eight words.

After reading these murals, they also reached the end of the room, another door.

It is much larger than the previous door. It is engraved with the same pattern of auspicious clouds. The top of the door is engraved with a few lines of Chinese characters: the white lotus master, the chaotic world, the expulsion, and the restoration of my mountains and rivers.

Sure enough, it is white lotus!

Recalling the previous murals, it is clear that a simple story is told: natural disasters, as well as scorpion bullying (the soldiers who are long scorpions naturally express scorpions), the people are not happy, and then the so-called white lotus master appears. Leading everyone to resist repression, defeat the army, and control the natural disasters such as flooding volcanoes, and the people will live and work in peace.

It seems that all the rebel factions are the way to make some simple and obvious principles, and then the whole point is deceitful. For example, the so-called white lotus master is painted into a humanoid snake body. Ye Xiaomu guesses that this may be suggestive. Nvwa, after all, the son-in-law is also the image, and is the creator of Chinese mythology.

There is no open lock on the door. Only an abstract lotus flower is engraved in the center. The petals rotate in one direction, a bit like a gossip. In the middle of the lotus pattern, a raised bead is inlaid like a lotus seed. Focusing on the flashlight and finding a gap around the beads seems to be able to move.

Is this another institution?

When Ye Xiaomu was still thinking hard, he only saw the tree-centered Zen master nodded to the flat-headed man. The flat-headed man stepped forward and looked at Ye Xiaomu three people: "It may be dangerous inside. Are you sure you want to go in?" ”

Ye Xiaomu and Su Yan glanced at each other and nodded.

The flat-headed man looked toward the tree-centered Zen master, and the tree-mind master hesitated for a moment, saying: "Let them together."

"Then I can open the door."

The Tree Master nodded and said to the Su flue: "After you will go in, you must be with us. If you have doubts, I will explain it to you."

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