Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3188: The 3190 Xiaomu see Xiaobao 2

Although the warlock Xu Fu did not do anything big during his lifetime, he was also recognized as a teacher of the Daqin State in the magical world, and had a great influence on the later world.

Guiguzi is a representative of the Yin and Yang family, enough for mystery and legend.

Zhuge Liang... This does not explain.

Liu Bowen does not need to say, it is simply synonymous with the magic of the machine.

Wang Yangming, Da Shengxian, a thinker who was able to rank in the top five in the history of feudalism thousands of years ago.

What these people have in common is that they are very famous and have unique spells, but they are not Taoists or monks.

Pulling them into the door and offering them as ancestors can greatly enhance the cohesiveness and influence of the Yin and Yang divisions. Bumen and Daomen can be different from each other because they share the Sanqing Taoist or Buddha.

Under the Three Saints and the Seven sages, a group of Yin and Yang masters with sufficient influence in modern times were selected as the first division, and the number of thirteen, called the thirteen sages, Ye Xiaomu wrote these names in the notebook. On the top, but these people do not know each other, there is only one "master of a valley", because it is the teacher of the Soviet Union, know the name.

Last night, Wu Hai integrated the major yin and yang sects and brought people to compile many theoretical books, similar to the classic commandments of Daomen and Buddhism. This series of sexual reforms completely activated the yin and yang sects of the original scattered sand. A whole, the status has also improved a lot, even if the depth of the martial art is not as good as the door and the Buddha, but also has a certain right to speak, no longer a vassal.

Wu Hai himself was also the first priest of the Yin and Yang priests. He lived in the Spelling Guild. The Dragon and Tiger Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, Wutai Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain in Buddhism, and the Tao Buddha each occupy two.

Ye Xiaomu has studied the knowledge and turned over a page. It records the Taoist Five Mountain Gates and the Buddhism Four Avenues. The Taoisms are: Maoshan, Longhushan, Zhongnanshan, Kunlunshan and Lushan; Bumen Four Avenues: Nine Huashan, Wutai Mountain, Emei Mountain, Putuo Mountain.

However, listening to Lao Guo said that these are the knowledge of the past. In the minds of today's mages, they only represent the status of the past, especially after the Battle of the Three Realms, many of the sects of the sects have died or abdicated, many sects have fallen, and many new sects have emerged.

Nowadays, even the four permanent members of the Spelling Guild are not only imaginary, but their influence is getting smaller and smaller. Nowadays, the strongest representative of the magical world is the double eight and three alliances.

Ye Xiaomu turned to the back of the notebook, which recorded the information of the people he collected, so he read it again:

Yuan Chen, male, twenty-two years old, Daomen, Lingxian middle class. Kunlun Mountain disciple.

Yuan Xi, female, 18 years old, Daomen, the upper level of the immortal (only one line away from Lingxian), and she is a younger sister of Yuanchen, also a disciple of Kunlun Mountain.

Shu Xin, male, twenty-three years old, Buddhism, master of the master, Yuntaishan disciple.

Shude, male, twenty-seven years old, Buddhism, master of the master, and disciple of Lushan.

Qiu Menghan, female, 20 years old, Daomen, Dixian Zhongjie, Qingchengshan disciple.

Yang Kuan, male, 19 years old, Yin Yang division, three priests (a total of five products, one for the top five), safflower will be disciples.

Zhang Yu, male, 21 years old, Yin Yang division, four priests, Xuan disciples.

Ren Luoan, female, 22 years old, Daomen, Wuyishan, Dixian first stage, Wuyishan disciple.

This is the eight masters of the world, the eight masters from Taoism, Buddhism and Yinyangmen. They formed this organization together. Yuanchen and Yuanxi are brothers and sisters, and the heads of the eight sons are the two. Rumor has it that Yuanchen is so proud of the character, the city is extremely deep, and Yuan Xi is very overbearing. He has never looked at people, but whoever has her a good brother, her strength is so strong, no one dares to provoke outside.

The eight people, the weakest are the first stage of the immortal, the Yuan Chen is a breakthrough in the realm of the spirits, has become the first juvenile genius in the past decade, but it is juxtaposed.

He also has an opponent, Li Muxuan, the ally of the Alliance.

There are three great gods in the world, namely Li Muxuan, Jianming and Jianyang.

Li Muxuan is a rumored disciple of Wu Hai. He is twenty-four years old this year. He is the first priest of Yinyangmen. His master Wu Hai was known as the first Yin Yang master, but he knows that he is higher than Wu Hai talent. Moreover, it is also a Yin and Yang division, so in the Yin and Yangmen factions, there is a super appeal.

Under him, Jianming and Jianyang are two masters, both of whom are masters of the masters. Both are Yuntaishan disciples. They are the uncles of the Zen Master, but the three are in different alliances. It is rumored that the three relationship is not very good.

The difference between the three borders and the double eight is that eight sons are eight people. Although they are mainly relying on their own brothers and sisters, they are really at the core. They are very proud and not allowed. Others are in a class with them.

In addition to the strength of these three leaders, the three leaders can only be compared to the eight, and the rest can be played alone. But they are many people. The second echelon has at least thirty or fifty people. It has penetrated into various sects. It is also low-key, and basically does nothing, but no one dares to underestimate their strength.

I heard that this time the Spell Alliance Conference, the Three Constituencies and the Double Eight have reached an agreement, and they want to do things together, but there are still many places of competition in the local.

Ye Xiaomu holds the notebook and looks at their information. He feels like a small transparency looking at the gossip of the entertainment circle. For him, whether it is the Eight Sons or the Three Leagues, they are some distant people.

When will they become like a guy in the wind like them?

Ye Xiaomu smiled and laughed at himself, even if he was determined to be admitted to Tsinghua University as a child, it was just an unrealistic fantasy.

The three people chatted all the way and came to Xiuwu County where Yuntai Mountain is located.

It is an ordinary county town, and there is no special place.

Cao Weibo made a phone call and talked for a while, then smugly told Ye Shaoyang that he had contacted a buddy in Yuntaishan. He had a place and could live in the "Xiangyun Hotel".

Ye Xiaomu was curious and immediately asked him where this was. Cao Weibo did not say that he had driven the car. He drove forward and went on a few dozen miles of mountain roads. He came to the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area and parked the car in the parking lot.

This is not a fake, there are not many tourists in the scenic spot. Under the leadership of Cao Weibo, they did not go up the mountain, but walked through the trail from the mountainside to the so-called Xiangyun Hotel.

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