Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3222: No. 3224 first off 2

"How?" Xie Yuqing sat in the chair opposite him and saw him awake, immediately asked.

"Too real..."

I talked about the game, including the most difficult part: why do you have a feeling of crossing after entering the game, completely forgetting the real world, Xie Yuqing told him that after he entered the game, people immediately Falling on the ground, she was frightened at the time. Later, she checked his breathing and heartbeat. Everything was normal. Then he moved him to the sofa and sat patiently.

Just in the last time before he woke up, he suddenly twitched and Xie Yuqing was a little scared. He was considering whether to take off the game helmet and wake up.

I recalled the process of the game and said: "Although I don't know what the game is directly related to the murder, I think there must be a connection. This game is too strange."

Xie Yuqing said: "Otherwise you will play and see what will happen after customs clearance."

He was really addicted, so he drank some water and took a break before continuing into the game.

People are still on the observation deck.

He ran down and entered the village again... This time he failed again and was killed.

Do not accept, continue to try.

After trying it for the fifth time, I finally walked out of the village. After passing the village, there was a house like a pump house not far away. I felt that there must be a story in this room. After entering, there is a rest room and table. There is a piece of paper on it, which reads: Prologue clearance, please sign.

I hesitated and signed my name below.

The above handwriting changed immediately, becoming a picture, still a forest of grass, with a line of **** writing on it: the first level: **** city, there are two options below: continue the game, save and exit.

The selection was continued.

The writing disappeared.

Probably save it.

I found it in the room and found that there was electricity here. There were some simple electronic devices. There was a refrigerator in the corner. I opened it in the past. There were some breads and the like. It was estimated that I could replenish my strength, so I brought it.

There was a canvas bag on the bed, and I also put it on my back. It felt like it was an inventory. In the freezer, he found two vaccines, and a box filled with ice, which should be used to preserve the vaccine, and brought them all.

In the kitchen, he found a knife and a steel tube, both on his body.

I want to come to a small house like this, there are so many things, but after the customs clearance, it seems to be a reward after customs clearance, a material supply.

In the hut, I also accidentally found a map of the area, marked with some peaks and nearby villages, as well as some facilities.

One of the directions discovered is the road to the city, and the red pen below draws a horizontal line.

Eighty percent of the psychiatric hospitals are in the urban area, and there are horizontal lines below.

祁宸 Studying the map carefully, I found that there are several places on the road that are painted red. In the mountain pass to the city, I painted the biggest ×, which is very eye-catching.

What does this mean, BOSS?

祁宸 I understand the map study, put it in my trouser pocket, and put the bone-cutting knife found in the kitchen on the road.

Near the first red cross, he heard a strange snoring from the distance, as if a woman was crying and muttering.

Although I know that this is a game, this highly realistic feeling still makes you feel a bit of fear.

He approached cautiously. Through the moonlight, he saw a girl standing in the moonlight, his hands covering his face, his shoulders shrugging, as if crying.

Her body is translucent.

It’s a ghost!

I hid behind a tree and looked at it. I saw the female ghost squatting in the middle of the fingers, and there was constant blood flow, and I could see the panic in my heart.

Still don't be too hard with this female ghost. When the female ghost did not find it, he tried to circumnavigate from the side. As a result, he stepped on a dry branch and made a "beep" sound. The female ghost suddenly looked up, his face was full of blood, and he rushed over to him. .

He turned and ran, but the female ghost was very fast. He quickly caught up with him and got into his body. He still had consciousness, but his body was completely out of control. He watched as he was controlled to walk to the cliff. On the side, then jump down...

Business was uploaded again and I was back to the world.

This game is simply too exciting!

He can understand the dead and understand why he is obsessed with this game.

He refused to accept the loss, and then tried. This time, he bypassed the female ghost directly and continued to move forward. In the middle, he encountered zombies and monsters. He did not know how many times he died. He finally went to the mountain pass and went to the national highway of the city. In the middle of the two mountains in the front, that is, the place where the map was painted in the big ×, it really has a thing like a bat, and the body is big like an eagle, and the speed is extremely fast.

I don’t know how many times I’ve died here. I’ve tried all the dead methods, and I can’t walk.

The way out is just opposite, and I can occasionally see the vehicle passing by on the road occasionally, but it is impossible to pass, which makes the cockroaches collapse.

There are many stones under the feet, which are shiny and shiny.

I suspect that the system is a key item to deal with this horrible bat, but it is useless to use these stones to pick up the monster.

In the end, I died a lot. Even Xie Yuqing was in a hurry. Let him bring the helmet to himself. After trying it a few times, he could not escape the monster.

"Forget it, it seems that this game can't be beaten at all." Xie Yuqing finally threw the helmet on the sofa in frustration.

I am too lazy to try again, sit on the sofa and think about it.

"It must be past. Otherwise I don't believe that the dead will spend a few days repeating this boring one."

Xie Yuqing thought for a moment: "That means that neither of them is a game material. But why are those children able to fight?"

Ruan said: "You are a survivor deviation, this game is definitely more than a few of them. There are definitely many people who can't pass the customs. Only they passed...so they eventually went to death, and those who didn't pass the customs, like us. This way, I finally gave up the game, so it’s okay?”

Xie Yuqing looked at him with a big eye, and this idea was to make her wake up like a dream. Maybe, is this really the case?

"There is no way to verify this point of view," he spread his hand. "They are too dishy, ​​and even the first level can't pass, and the plot is not known at the end."

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