Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3238: 3240 customs clearance 1

He seriously recalled that there seems to be no weapons in this upstairs. If you rush in, it is easy to be discovered. If you are discovered by one person, you will completely fail.

Suddenly, he thought of one thing, maybe that is the most crucial game props...

Ye Xiaomu used the time difference to go out as before, carefully touched the second floor, avoiding everyone, and finally entered the treatment room.

Yang Yongxin is still playing with his therapeutic apparatus.

Ye Xiaomu rushed over. Unlike before, this time he gave up his own stick, but grabbed a syringe from the top of the treatment device with a yellow liquid inside. Ye Xiaomu guessed it was a tranquilizer. A sort of thing. He remembered watching a video about Yang Yongxin online that he himself said:

He will put a few tranquilizers nearby during the electrotherapy. One is to visually deter patients, so that they don’t dare to move. Second, if the patients really don’t cooperate, yell and yell, then Use a tranquilizer to prevent his emotions from being too excited and affecting the treatment.

Yang Yongxin suddenly raised his head. At the same time, Ye Xiaomu went up all the time. He inserted the syringe into his neck and forced all the liquid inside into it...

He is the one who is here.

A few seconds later, Yang Yongxin dilated the pupil, opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, and finally fell softly on the ground.


Ye Xiaomu knows that he is not dead, and what he is doing now is to kill him when he is in a coma. But how do you get it?

Ye Xiaomu quickly searched the room for a circle. He didn't find anything that could be used. He was squatting and suddenly saw the electric shock therapy device.

When he was shocked by himself, he had a vague impression. This thing is not a high-tech. It is very simple to operate. Just attach a patch representing two electrodes to a person, then connect it to the power, and turn on the switch to activate the person. The instrument panel has a **** that adjusts the current.

Finally, it’s my turn to call you!

Ye Xiaomu got excited, dragged Yang Yongxin onto the treatment device, tied him up, and attached the patch to his temples on both sides. In order to prevent him from waking up and yelling in the middle, he took off his socks and stuffed them into his mouth ( I couldn't find any other cloth.) Then I started the power supply and tried to charge it. Yang Yongxin woke up and looked at Ye Xiaomu, struggling in horror, but because the mouth was blocked by broken socks, there was no sound.

"Classmate, do you have internet addiction?" Ye Xiaomu rushed to reveal his honey and smiled. Yang Yongxin stunned and shook his head.

"There is no internet addiction, there will be electricity." Ye Xiaomu turned the current a little more, and it took a while. Yang Yongxin’s hair was erected and almost smoked.

“Is there an internet addiction?”

Yang Yongxin first shook his head. Later, he probably felt that it was not a way to make a hard top. He had no choice but to nostalgic and tears flowed out.

"There is internet addiction! You actually have internet addiction, so you should treat it better!"

Ye Xiaomu smiled and constantly increased the current. He watched Yang Yongxin twist and twitch in the current. He was not a sadist. He couldn’t find pleasure in this kind of thing, but when he thought of the children who had been abused by Yang Yongxin, the pleasure immediately Come, so simply turn the current to the maximum and continue to shock Yang Yongxin...

The current of this therapeutic device is limited. It is probably a protective measure to prevent someone from being electrocuted, but it is still life-saving if it is driven to the maximum and sustained long-term electric shock.

Ye Xiaomu looked at Yang Yongxin, who was getting worse and worse. The feeling at this moment was not a game, but a reality. He bit his teeth and asked Yang Yongxin: "How do you feel, the children who were charged by you that year, there are not one thousand and eight Hundreds, do you know how many people have left their psychological shadows? Even on the path of crime? When you are working on them, have you not thought about it today?"

"Go to **** you!"

Ye Xiaomu put the patch on his heart, the current is turned to the maximum, and the electric shock is crazy.

Yang Yongxin struggled and his mouth continued to groan. Under the long-term electric shock, he couldn’t hold it for twenty minutes. After that, his pupils enlarged and his mouth vomited, and his body quickly softened.

He hung up.

Ye Xiaomu stared at his body dumbly, until everything became blurred, the light was dark, and people seemed to float in the air, suddenly remembering a long sound in the ear:

Thank you, help me complete this game... What you are hearing now is a paragraph I recorded when I designed this game. I am a teenager who has been treated by Yang Yongxin for internet addiction from his treatment center. After I came out, I changed the whole person. Every night, I had a nightmare. I was always chased by Yang Yongxin and then tied to the treatment device. I felt that I felt that you have already experienced it once in the game.

Forgive me for adding the damage I have suffered to you. The electric shock you received is the slightest and the duration is short. In reality, what we suffer is at least five times the shock of the game and the time is long. Forty minutes... that is a torture!

We fled and sneaked away from the treatment center, but because the local official colluded with the treatment center, the police did not control the police. The local residents also got the benefits of the treatment center. The eyeliner was everywhere. We were wearing school clothes and were quickly caught. Go back, can you understand that feeling? I thought that I had escaped from the tiger's mouth, and the result was only the beginning of a new round of nightmare.

After being arrested, waiting for us is more brutal treatment, not only in the flesh, Yang Yongxin will support traitors among us, whistle-blowers will be good, so everyone is jealous, and the dormitory is also afraid to pay attention, so After leaving the treatment center, many people no longer trust people around them, and only hate the whole society... All of this is caused by Yang Yongxin.

A few years after coming out of the treatment center, I learned the program and worked as a game developer. I spent a few years earning and made such a game. At that time, Yang Yongxin’s treatment center was still open. I hope to pass This game is to let more people see the truth, stand up and expose his crimes, and the fire is coming. His treatment center has finally closed, but he has changed his face and returned to his old business...

I can't let go of my anger. My whole life was ruined by this beast. So I went to kidnap him and forced him to play this game. I modified the game content and let him suffer electric shocks in the game again and again. One day, he couldn't stand the pain and chose to commit suicide.

(Today is a busy day, it is a break.) Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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