Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3243: 3245, the end of the king 3

Yang Yongxin lifted the electric iron and caught his head. A powerful current screamed and entered the pony's head.

Then... Yang Yongxin was surprised to find that his best attack method did not seem to be useful to the guy in front of him? After a long time of electricity, the pony felt bored, looked up, and said calmly to him: "If it was fifteen years ago, this thing would make me feel a little bit, a little bit, but then Laozi and the Taiping leader practiced for a while. The head is a lot harder. You, really, don’t feel it. Give you a try for me?”

The pony picked up the bricks and looked at Yang Yongxin’s head.

With a bang, Yang Yongxin fell to the ground, and the seven scorpions came out with green ghost blood, and they twitched.

The little pony was in front of him and said: "I know you, I also have a classmate. I was forced to quit the Internet addiction by your treatment center. After that, people are not ghosts. Do you know what I hate most? Especially if you are old and undead, you will not go online. If you see young people surfing the Internet, you will envy and hate. Then you always say what is for us. We don’t need us to go online. Mom, are we not allowed to play mahjong stocks to smoke and drink? ”

He grabbed Yang Yongxin’s collar and said, “Today, you are in my hands, and I deserve it. Marco, I like to deal with you like this evil person!”

After talking about his head, it was a bit.


Yang Yongxin screamed.

"I have a brick and a brick to kill you, a bastard!!"

The pony kept lifting the bricks and slammed it on his head. Yang Yongxin’s screams sounded like an accompaniment, and the sound was getting smaller and smaller. The pony jumped up and finally gave him a note, breaking his head directly.

Yang Yongxin's soul decomposition has become a pile of fine, flying out along the door.

The door was pushed away by Xue Qi and angered the pony: "Don't kill in my house!"

"You said it early, I can't help seeing such a person, just too much." The pony shook his head, feeling unfinished.

Xue Qi called Xie Yuqing and told her that Yang Yongxin was dead. This case is naturally over. Xie Yuqing is also relieved.

"He is too dishy." The pony walked to Ye Xiaomu, overlooking the sleeping man, a little worried.

"He is still small." Xue Qi defended him. "He has a good talent. It took only a few months to practice. It is an alchemist."

"The son of Shaoyang, naturally will not be bad." Pony sighed.

Woke up the next morning, Ye Xiaomu had a headache. He thought about the experience of last night. He suddenly thought that Yang Yongxin appeared to be out. He also held Xue Qi and jumped up and rushed out of the door to open the door of Xue Qi.

Xue Qi only wore underwear, and applied a lotion to the bed, and screamed.

Ye Xiaomu quickly closed the door and asked, "Aunt, are you okay?"

"What, what can be done, you won't knock on the door first!"

"Amount, sorry, I am not saying this, I mean last night, that Yang Yongxin..."

"What, I don't remember at all."

Don't remember, just like yourself?

Ye Xiaomu returned to the room depressedly. After playing with the mobile phone, he found that Lao Guo was looking for him on WeChat and asked him to call back. So he quickly called Lao Guo. Lao Guo told him on the phone that he left after last night. Not at ease, so I found a friend to go back to be a ghost, hiding in his balcony, and I saw Yang Yongxin appear, so I packed up him.

As for Ye Xiaomu, he was possessed by Yang Yongxin and lost consciousness...

The truth of the matter is like this.

After Ye Xiaomu finished listening, suddenly realized that Yang Yongxin had died, and the whole thing was settled. Ye Xiaomu was relieved. He just thought that he had not even beaten Yang Yongxin. It was a bit shy, but this thing also Stimulating him, let him know how bad his strength is, and make up his mind to make a good life.

After a while, Ye Xiaomu’s life has returned to calm. Every day, except for class, he is practicing. Wang Xiaobao lives in Lao Guo and does not leave. Ye Xiaomu often goes to find him, plus Su Yan, and the three often prove the practice together. The strength of Wang Xiaobao and Suyan is much stronger than that of Ye Xiaomu. With their help, Ye Xiaomu’s strength is also leaps and bounds.

During this time, the magical world was not calm at all. Some places in the north and the west were inaccessible, and some powerful evils appeared. The spell guild constantly sent people to suppress the fall. Because of the Yuanchen retreat, these actions were all There were three people from the Three Constituencies and the Eight Essences. On this day, everyone came back from the Western Regions and rushed back to Sanqingshan. After the last Tiantai Mountain Conference, the twenty-four Thunders met privately and decided to establish The long-term workplace of the spell guild.

As for which mountain to build on, everyone has their own plans and noisy. After all, the magic guild is built, and which party will enjoy a lot of intangible glory and benefits. For this reason, the parties are reluctant to give up, and finally the game As a result, Sanqingshan, the second echelon, was chosen as the permanent residence of the Spells Guild.

Sanqingshan is chosen. First, because Sanqingshan has a good location, it is relatively accessible in Jiangxi, east, west, and north. It is relatively convenient from where it used to be. Secondly, Sanqing Mountain is a famous school. The spirit is full, the mountains and clear waters are quiet, suitable for spiritual practice, and the status of Sanqing Mountain. In the spell world, it is not the top, but it is the first of the second echelon, but it is not the first echelon. It is not a core interest group. Even if it is given to a spell guild, it will not immediately become a leader in the magic world.

Secondly, Sanqingshan has always been a loner, and has a relationship with other sects. This is very important for the balance of the faction, and there is no negative news. This is selected.

This is the result of the game of the parties. Although the last group did not get the most benefit for themselves, at least the other party did not win it. Everyone supported it.

Afterwards, all the major sects paid for it. After Sanqingshan went out of the place and reported it to the local authorities, it began to build the palace in the deep mountains. After half a year, it was built into a huge palace. Although many places have not yet been perfected, the main body has been built. I can use it, and the disciples sent by the various factions also came in.

Several disciples hurried to the steps of the main hall, all the way through the newly built palace, to a single-family antique building.

A man is planting flowers in the yard. The house is newly built. There is nothing wrong with the hardware, but the yard is still bare. There are many flower branches on the ground. The man is using a shovel to dig a hole and bury these branches one by one.

"Ming Xuan brother!"


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