Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3266: The chaos of the 3268

The Emperor of the capital, the innate gossip and the Luoshujiao, his mana is not from the powerful spiritual power, but the congenital number, he can refer to all the rules within the three realms, from which to draw infinite power, although some people can jump out of the three realms Rules, but as long as you are still in the Three Realms, he can use the power of rules to deal with you, and he himself can be invincible.

The Tibetan Bodhisattva has realized the Mahayana Buddhism and the light of the other shore. This is the eternal belief of the true, the false, the good and the evil. It is the most basic force in the Three Realms. Because it is pure, it is powerful.

At the beginning of the Xingyue, she used the willingness to approach it, but his willingness came from her illusion, so she was invincible in her world. Once she entered this world, she could not eat it. .

Dongyue the Great, the power comes from the mountains and rivers, is the power of nature that is invincible.

Xuanyuan Shengdi is contrary to him. His power comes from people's resistance to nature. A Xuanyuan sword smashes the gods and destroys them. This is the most powerful human power. ”

Ye Shaoyang said this in a single breath, and opened a can of beer. "These are all after I arrived in the realm of Promise, and God knows to open it further and gradually understand it. That is to say, the real strong, the spirit drawn from nature. Forces are different sources and then cultivated into their own killers.

These big brothers have realized one aspect of the ultimate power of the universe, and this power itself is eternal, so their strength is basically no improvement. It is possible that future generations want to catch up, but it is only theoretically possible. After all, thousands of years have passed, and it is such a human being that can understand the ultimate greatness of these universes. ”

Everyone listened with great enthusiasm and thought about it.

"What is the way of the wind?"

"He is a corpse, and his strength comes from the understanding of life and death. Life and death are also avenues, but he has only realized the truth. He has not yet mastered the ultimate strength. He also needs to cultivate. Among us. Xiaojiu is also the way of life and death, melon is the path of impermanence, pony is the way of nature, Xiaoqing white and orange are all demon, but also the way of life and death. As long as the life and death are closed, repaired The limit will enable you to understand."

"How do you call Enlightenment?" The three men almost in unison.

Ye Shaoyang spread his hand. "When you find Xiaojiu, ask her, she has already confirmed."

"The one I am pursuing is the kendo." Wu Jiawei is serious.

Four treasures pushed him down: "You have a lot of children's martial arts novels, and also kendo. Decades of ghosts, enough for you."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's really accurate, but it's not called kendo. This is the power of artifacts. The world's artifacts have their own spiritual power. The ultimate control will bring different understandings from everyone, and you are a ghost now. You are using the repair instead of the spell to control the sword. You are both on both sides. If you practice to the extreme, you can probably become a super freak."

Wu Jiawei was greatly encouraged by this, and he liked to be different.

Sibaodao: "After I was promoted, I also felt some vague things in the vagueness. It seems to be my way. Don't tell me, let me slowly comprehend."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and the four treasures were big and unworkable. If he was too wise, he seemed to be not the top talent, but his character and the direction of his practice corresponded exactly, and Fuyuan was deep and wide, and the achievements were really limitless.

"The mouth is dry, Jingru puts me a glass of water, and the wine is more thirsty."

Zhou Jingru was very happy to go.

Everyone continues to think about what Ye Shaoyang just said, and the amount of information is large enough for them to digest for a while.

"Boss, is it possible, you also understand the yin and yang of the road, so that there is no fight with the ghost king?" Guagua suddenly asked.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "There is very little possibility. These are not things that you can learn if you want to learn. Besides, I also have my way."

Everyone remembered that he had lightly analyzed others before, but he did not say anything to himself, and he stared at him one by one.

"I am repairing the power of the world, so I have to be proficient in all kinds of spells, and I also use swords, but the power of the world is not wanted for the time being. I will first raise my mind and say."

Although it is already invincible, but the kind of human power of Xuanyuan Shengdi, Ye Shaoyang still can't think.

The party lasted until late at night, and Ye Shaoyang let them all go back, lest they be found that although Guagua had been violently beaten and chased away, Ye Shaoyang believed that the person looking for him would definitely send someone, and the coming would be stronger.

According to Lin Sansheng's speculation, their purpose is to supervise the four treasures. After all, they have had a series of brilliant achievements. They used to be the king of the world's magical circles. Even if they retired, no one would be assured of them.

However, Ye Shaoyang still thinks it is funny. They are so unnecessary. In fact, it is not necessary. If you really want to re-enter the mountains, even if they know in advance, they will still be unable to stop.

Before leaving, Guagua put all the cards that had killed the ghost members, and Ye Shaoyang took the lead and kneel down on them. Meihua, Qiuying, buns, and Wu Jiadao, who had not been together for a long time but have always believed that they are members of the Ghost Alliance.

In the battle of the Three Realms, the entire magical world has paid a lot of life, and the contribution of the Ghost Federation is the biggest.

Sixteen years have passed, I have never forgotten you, I will avenge you, and I will be the most powerful person in the world.

Ye Shaoyang’s cell phone and documents, Guagua has been kept for him, but the phone is too outdated, and put it for too long, Ye Shaoyang tried it, basically can not be used, Zhou Jingru sent another one to him, Ye Shaoyang saved it inside The photos and numbers are exported to the new mobile phone. I can see that the photos I took in the past, especially the photos with Lengyu, are unfortunately unfortunate for a while.

In the evening, Zhou Jingru bought red wine, sat on the balcony with him to drink and chat, and the melons on the side of the dead skin did not leave, stay with them until dawn.

Zhou Jingru also had an important meeting. In order to delay Ye Shaoyang for two days, she had to go back quickly. Ye Shaoyang sent her to the station.

After that, Ye Shaoyang let Guagua go to Qingqiu Mountain once, only to say that he was a guest, but he could not find Xiaojiu.

Ye Shaoyang could not help but cast a shadow on it. He also guessed that Xiaoji might be going to Spring City. Perhaps he learned the existence of Ye Xiaomu and wanted to see him. It is also possible.

So he sent me to go to Chuncheng, and secretly searched for Xiaojiu, and he began to retreat.

Time is running out, he reminded himself again and again, and Qingyunzi told him that the ancestors of the Styx are also eager to move, not knowing when they will enter the world.

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