Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3273: 3275 Revenge 2

After Su Yan finished speaking, he no longer took care of him, and turned to the direction of the camp, leaving a face of arrogant Ye Xiaomu.

what's the situation? Ye Xiaomu looked at her back and couldn't understand why she had such a big temper.

From this day on, Ye Xiaomu was really scared. He has been hiding in Yuan Xi, and he has been pulling a person no matter where he is going, but he obviously wants more, because after this day, Yuan Xi has not spoken to him alone. .

They all approached the depths of the Xuanyuan ruins, and the evils they encountered were getting more and more powerful. Even the small groups of Ye Xiaomu had to join the battle.

Ye Xiaomu is hungry for the battle. In the direct fight with the evil spirits, he constantly polishes his own fighters. He also constantly observes how the strong gangs of the Yuan dynasty are against the enemy and learn their ability to read the battlefield.

Like him, Chen Youbin is constantly learning, and the two often exchange, will tell each other their own findings, because people's observation points are different, and then the two sides comprehensive views, and then discuss, the whole process of combat is suddenly three-dimensional Then, you will find many details that you can't find alone, and the harvest is doubled.

The only shortcoming is that Chen Youbin is too embarrassed. To discuss the battle with him, he has to endure his chattering words, like Tang Yan. Later, Ye Xiaomu is annoyed with annoyance, and he can train himself through him. The strength of the force, so every time he picked up something useless, he vomited and tempered, and at first he couldn’t enter the state, and then he really got out of training...

Chen Youbin generally only cares about crazy output, basically does not look at people, and often talks to himself for half an hour, only to find that Ye Xiaomu has already entered. I was very angry and felt that I was being humiliated. Then I woke up Ye Xiaomu and compared with him. This has become another windfall... but the process is a bit uncomfortable.

A week later, they came to the vicinity of Ghost Lake and climbed up to a nearby mountain. They looked down and found that Ghost Lake was not too big. It was only two or three classrooms, but the lake was black and reddish. It seems to be full of evil, together with some plants like reeds by the lake are also blood red, slowly swaying in the absence of the wind, like a ghost hand only life.

This kind of place makes people shudder at first glance.

And Ye Xiaomu noticed that within a ten-kilometer radius of the way they came to the ghost lake, no evil thing was encountered, and the whole world seemed to be too flat.

This is not a good sign... This can only show that the influence of Ghost Lake is too great, and there is no evil thing to dare to approach.

In the face of such a strange lake, Ye Xiaomu first thought that if the floating magic is in the lake, how can they attack it, and they can't go to the lake to fight it.

However, it turns out that Ye Xiaomu is still too tender. Under the leadership of Yuan Xi, they first camped near the Ghost Lake and then arranged the enchantment. This time it was not only the wooden piles that were engraved with the runes, they brought a lot of The five emperors' money, all buried under the wooden piles in accordance with the requirements of the law, formed a strong enough array, after which everyone rested, rehabilitated and injured, and all the wounds were dealt with in time, and everyone was restored to the best. status.

Then, Yuan Xi arranged for everyone, exercised the tactics, and then let them take down the materials on their backs, all of them are all quicklime, the most common kind of human being.

Yuan Xi ordered a few people, and then sprinkled some medicinal herbs like cinnabar, and then divided it into four parts, let everyone carry it, went to the lake, and threw it into the lake.

Ghost Lake is not big, a few hundred pounds of lime into the water, immediately boiled, spread out in the water, adding a touch of white on the black and red lake water. Ye Xiaomu was also curious about why he had to arrange at the lakeside. Why did the floating sorcerer give up his own base camp and come up to play with them?

Nowadays, I finally realized that Yuan Xi had never thought of fighting him in the lake. She had already planned.

"Everyone is in place, remember your position and mission!"

Under the order of Yuan Xi, everyone did not dare to neglect, and all returned to the circle of law, waiting nervously.

Time passed by in silence. After a long time, I didn’t know how long it was. I only heard a bang, and a huge wave of water was coming from the center of the lake. A huge thing broke out of the water, and then my feet stepped on the water, looking around and making a sound. The sound is deafening.

This thing looks like a cow, but it is not an ordinary cow. It is like the alienated monster cow that is often seen in online games. It is as tall as three people, with double horns, and the skin is bronze. With green light, grinning, and red eyes in the eyes, Ye Xiaomu didn't know how others were. He was the first to see such a monster that he had only seen on TV and computer screens, an instinctual fear. Climbed my heart.

He took a deep breath and tried to suppress this fear. He thought that this is the legendary floating magic.

Chaos world.

Many chaotic spirits gathered together, gathered in a place not far from the gates of Xuanyuan, and looked at the ruins of Xuanyuan from here and now.

Although it is said that most people will not find trouble with them and can be safe, they are still very uncomfortable and very uncomfortable. The reason is very simple. A group of people have long regarded your home as an aisle to another place. When people come and go, you can't catch up. Can this be tolerated?

Not to mention that there have been conflicts between the two sides before, and several chaotic spirits have died in the hands of human masters, and the spell guilds have covered themselves and have not made any substantial triggers on them.

Therefore, after the group of veterans of the mixed-age community gathered together, some people were angry, some people sighed, and more were sad.

"If you can't fight with them, we can't be bullied so much in the chaos!" One of the young, chaotic spirits of the adult shape clenched his fists and said angrily.

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