Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3280: Resurrection 3282

The white elders stunned and hesitated whether to report with Yang Gongyao and lived in Xiaomara. He said: "There is no life. This little thing is also reported. People have not seen each other for more than ten years. You don't make people feel shameful. Shame!"

The white elder glanced at him and touched the wet eyes, and he stopped talking about anything.

Xiaoma just turned his head and suddenly remembered one thing, rubbing, the human master and the spirit of chaos, the two children are in the middle, Wang Xiaobao's strength does not have to worry, Ye Xiaomu is the most dish, fear There is danger, so I yelled at the wind: "The wind is windy, you can do things quickly, your life is not guaranteed!"

The "flowers" opened, and the two flew hand in hand, and there was another burst of excitement in the crowd.

Yang Gongyi went to say hello to the direct people. The road came to the pony with a sullen face. The pony smiled and said: "Is bothering you to do things, or is your time so long?"

The windy hand took the whip and swept it over, and was ridden by the pony.

"The last person who said this has been reborn for two lifetimes."

"Wow, you will be joking!"

"What did you say just now?"

"I said you will be joking."


"Oh, say you... is the time so short?"

The road winded a black line and shouted: "Before! What a big scorpion!"

"Oh, I mean, Xiaomu, he is still testing the ruins of Xuanyuan."

The road hesitated, said: "Who is that?"

"The son of Shaoyang, you don't know?"

The wind is suddenly paralyzed.

I don't know what happened outside, the enchantment was opened, and the spirits of chaos were rushed in. They have always been humiliating and burdening them. At the moment, they seem to be violent, and they will fight when they see people, claiming to catch them all. Take it to see their Lord.

"Chaos is not dead?"

Yuan Xi felt that this incident was very embarrassing. I wanted to find out what was going on, but the spirit of Chaos is now playing with people and may not tell them anything.

Yuan Xi is still somewhat sensible. If the order is passed, he can fight, but he must pay attention to it. He must not kill people, so as to avoid a situation that cannot be alleviated.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people on the side of the Master. They broke out together and finally rushed out of the door of Xuanyuan. Outside, there are more Xuanyuan spirits. The two sides fought again.

The human masters are outnumbered, and they can only shrink at the door and use the implements to barely defend the island.

"You, why is this, isn't it afraid of the guilty guilty of the spell guild, sending people to crusade?" Zhang Yu shouted, a bit strong outside.

"Hey, I used to be bullied by you in the past. In the future, it will not!"

When the conflict escalated further, suddenly an elder in the chaos world came to war, screaming that many chaos spirits stopped fighting, obeyed the command, surrounded all human beings by the advantage of quantity, and swept away, saying: "The management of the matter comes out!" ”

Yuan Xi went out from the crowd.

The white elder looked at her and sneered: "The previous grievances will be counted. In the future, if the human master comes to my chaos, kill it!"

Zhang Yu shouted dissatisfiedly: "Why!"

The white elder of others, when he led the team a few days ago, there was a conflict of words between the two sides.

At that time, Zhang Yu was in a strong position. He couldn't accept it for a few days, and the other party became so imposing.

"It's you!" The white elder recognized him and snorted. "With this place is our place, let you not let us come. Isn't that what we have to say? Mr. Zhang has different opinions?"

So arrogant!

Instead, Zhang Yu said that he was so vocal because he couldn’t guess how quickly the opponent’s attitude changed so quickly.

"Do you have the final say?" Zhang Yu seems to be looking for a dignity and returning a sentence.

"I have the final say!"

The answerer was not a white elder, but the voice of a woman from behind him.

A white figure flew in, hovering in the air, and there were several chaos in the air. This domineering appearance is obviously a powerful figure.

It’s just that her shadow looks like a very low-resolution picture, so that people can't see the face she hides in the fog. I can only see a silhouette of Qian Li, a dreamlike feeling.

"In the past, I did not pursue it. Please go back and tell the commander of the spell guild. I will not come to my chaos in the future, or I will be spared. The white elders, let them go!"

The spirit of Chaos, which is surrounded by a circle, is left and right, leaving a path for the Masters.

"You are not afraid to fight with the spell guild?" Yuan Xi bite his teeth and led everyone to walk from this road.

"If you like, feel free to come." White elders did not care, urging them to go.

Ye Xiaomu was in the middle of the crowd, followed by looking forward, looking at the chaos of the two sides almost eating people's eyes, he looked so arrogant, did not know what happened.

They left the chaotic world, returned to the ghost domain, and then returned to the world. From the quiet cave of Sanqing Mountain, there is a clear-walled stone in the cave, which is a space crack leading to the ghost domain, which can accommodate many people to enter and leave.

Everyone used to gather here, go to the ghost domain, and now of course come out from here.

"Everyone goes back."

Yuan Xi, who had a lot of trouble, didn't have time to talk too much with everyone. She arranged several people to distribute the spoils. The rest of the people dealt with the aftermath of the deceased. This is quite troublesome, but someone has to do it. Then people took everyone to the canteen to eat, while waiting to distribute the spoils, they went to the conference hall, summoned the few owners who had not closed, told what they encountered in the chaos, and listened to everyone's views.

Ye Xiaomu and his party finished their meal in the cafeteria and received their spoils. Together, Chen Youbin proposed to move to Spring City, live with them, and explore the practice every day...

Ye Xiaomu felt that the scalp was numb, but he couldn't refuse it. Fortunately, Chen Youbin didn't go right away. He had to go back to the door to clean up some things. After making an appointment with Ye Xiaomu, everyone broke up at the airport.

Su Yan bought a row of three seats, and the three sat together and whispered to discuss the bizarre experience in the chaotic world. They agreed that the chaotic world was originally bullied for more than ten years, suddenly hardened, and so horizontally, obviously Someone was behind the back, so that they did not fear the revenge of the spell guild.

"I guess, it is probably a powerful force that the chaos community has relied on. Some people give support, so that they are not afraid of the spell guild to find trouble." Su Yan gave his own speculation.

Wang Xiaobao agrees.

(Today's day off, a chapter)

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