Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3285: 3287 accidental discovery 2 (repair)

Wang Xiaobao got a sword, and he didn't mention much coolness. After playing for a while, he suddenly remembered that there was a sword in the iron box, and asked curiously.

Ye Shaoyang picked up the dark yellow brilliance - close to brown, but no Xuanyuan sword was dark in color, and the scabbard was on the line with the words "Going into the sea".

"This is the pine-grained ancient sword, your cold jade aunt's original personal instrument." Ye Shaoyang stroked the blade, murmured.

Wang Xiaobao heard about his relationship with Yan Lengyu. As a junior, he didn't ask too much, and Lao Guo gave him a wink, so he went out.

Lao Guozhen was next to Ye Shaoyang, one hand on his shoulder and muttered: "Hey, it’s all awkward."

After the two continued to drink, Lao Guo asked Ye Shaoyang's plan, Ye Shaoyang said that he would return to Maoshan to retreat to retreat, to gain time to improve the realm, to face the ultimate battle with the Promise Ghost King.

"Maoshan is now a lot of disciples, and the place may not be quiet. You are easy to be discovered." Lao Guo reminded him.

"I know, I just want to go back and take a look. When I am over there, I often think about Maoshan. After all, I grew up there."

Lao Guo hesitated and said, "You better not tell Xiaosu that you are back."

"He is now the head of the Soviet Union in Maoshan. You are not here. He has been the head of 16 years."

"It doesn't matter, I won't grab him. I can rest assured that his character is good."

Lao Guo smiled slightly. "Even if he is reassuring, his son may not be reassuring."

"What happened to his son?" Ye Shaoyang frowned. He had heard from the four treasures that Su Qinzhang had married a child with Ye Xiaomeng, but had not heard anything about the child.

"There is nothing. It is a little worse than Xiaobao and Xiaomu. It is an embroidered pillow in the magical world."

Ye Shaoyang did not say anything.

"Don't say this, you should observe it yourself. You have a sense of proportion. I just want to ask... Do you really see the rain?"

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and sighed out. "I still don't want it. I am afraid to disturb her mind and reveal the stuff in Xiaomu. After all, she will see me sooner or later."

Lao Guo did not express his position.

In the evening, Ye Shaoyang talked with the old Guo Bing candlelight. He talked until dawn, and Ye Shaoyang planned to leave. He had not waited for the door, and the sound of the door opened outside.

Then came the voice of a slightly young boy: "Uncle Guo, you go to sleep, I dropped the textbook on the counter yesterday, I took it and left."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled fiercely.

This strange induction made him understand the identity of the other party in a flash, this is his son, Ye Xiaomu!

Lao Guo glanced at him, then rushed to the outside of Ye Xiaomu and promised.

In the outside, Ye Xiaomu, when he took the textbook and turned around, suddenly felt a dizziness, and there was a very strange feeling in his consciousness. He could not describe what it was until he went out, and the feeling slowly disappeared.

What he didn't know was that Ye Shaoyang stood in front of the window and looked at his back in silence.

"Do you look at this back, like you?" Lao Guo stood on one side and said with great emotion.

"I know what happened." Ye Shaoyang murmured.

"What do you mean?" Lao Guo did not understand.

"Let's explain it to you again. I am going to go to the yin."

After Ye Shaoyang finished, he broke open the void and drilled in.


Endless void.

There is no gravity, no ups and downs, the whole world is covered by clouds and water, the waves are simmering, the transpiration is rising, becoming clouds, the clouds are contaminated with water, sinking and sinking into the water.

When the sea and the sky meet, when you pass through the middle, you can't find a gap.

The Promise Ghost King - or it can be said to be a cold jade, floating in the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, do not know how long, lost the concept of time, just want to go out from here earlier.

He used to go to a virtual environment and went to a colorless day. At that time, he was not the Promise Ghost King. He escaped from the capital city and faced the various pursuits. He passed through the boundless world and came to the colorless day. , opened all the pursuits.

However, the purpose of his coming here was not only to avoid the capture of the Emperor of the capital (in fact, it was only his wishful thinking at the time), he wanted to go to the real land of this Buddhist monk, and he felt that he was there.

At that time, he had not yet penetrated the yin and yang. The strength and realm were not comparable today. He stayed in the colorless days for many days. Besides, he felt that it was so mysterious that he could not use any rules within the Three Realms to peek. No, after that he went too imaginary and the result was the same.

Nowadays, he has realized the road of ridiculous yin and yang, and combined with the spirit, is almost the first strong inside and outside the three realms, but the colorless days and the illusory territory are still unknown to him.

In particular, these two sources of origin are now combined. This chaotic state, the mysterious atmosphere that emanates, even he can't understand.

The Promise Ghost King has always had a fear in his heart.

Only quite know what he is, what is his weakness...

She flew around the wild world for several laps and still couldn't find the way out. She was suspicious. A few days ago, she fought alone, Ye Shaoyang and others. At the moment when the time and space crack was about to close, she finally broke Li Haoran and Yu Qian. The defensive shields that the two men put together were drilled into the space-time tunnel.

The abominable Li Haoran and Yu Qian, both of whom are top-ranking strongmen, joined hands and almost made her defeated. She could not wait to kill two people, but did not have time to do it, but fortunately both of them were left in the past. This is a small punishment for them.

Just... After crossing, I was sleepy for a few more days. She tried to find Ye Shaoyang and the road, and one could not find it.

She wraps around a big circle, and she doesn't know if she has returned to the previous place. After all, it is the same everywhere.

At this moment, he felt that there was some unspeakable change in the sea of ​​clouds. A mysterious force was generated and constantly rushing in a certain direction.

He was cold and jade, and did not know where to go. After capturing this change, she began to move with this energy. At first, this energy was very stable, and then began to fluctuate, like a wave, a wave followed.

芮冷玉 is also following the drifting flow. Suddenly, a wave splits. In the middle, it is not known whether the cloud or the part of the water gradually condenses into a human shape. It is a monk, wearing a golden lotus crown, wearing a scorpion, in his hand. Carrying a Zen stick, a Buddha's voice was announced in the mouth, saying: "You can't look back."

(Revising the outline, I can only get rid of a chapter. If I want to make up the number, I can write 8000 a day, but that is not the original intention of my writing, give me some time, I want to write a better story.)

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